The symbol of the coming year is the Tiger. He will be delighted with any meat, so salads for the New Year must definitely include these ingredients. Below are the most delicious options for such snacks, from hearty and nutritious to light and dietary.
New Year's salad "Overture"
The appetizer is based on the usual champignons and chicken fillet, to which prunes and walnuts give a special zest.
The proportions of the required ingredients:
- 200 g of boiled chicken fillet;
- 200 g of boiled carrots;
- 200 g of champignons;
- 100 g onions;
- 200 g of prunes;
- 100 g of walnuts;
- 200 g grated cheese;
- 200 g mayonnaise;
- 200 g sour cream;
- 20 g butter;
- 40 ml of vegetable oil;
- salt pepper.
Recipe with photo step by step:
- Fry the mushrooms with onions in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Cover the plate with a paper towel and put the ready-made mushrooms on it so that they cool down and the excess fat is absorbed.
- Cut carrots, meat and prunes into equal cubes. Chop the walnut kernels small with a knife.
- For dressing, prepare the sauce by mixing mayonnaise with sour cream and seasoning it with salt and pepper.
- Place the split ring on a large flat plate. In its center, lay out the ingredients in layers in the following sequence: mushrooms, meat, dried fruits, carrots and cheese. Coat each layer generously with sauce.
- Decorate the top with nuts. Then, without removing the rings, tighten with foil and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, remove the ring and film, decorate with herbs.
Snack "Mushrooms under a fur coat"
The beautiful green edge, under the layers of which the mushrooms are hidden, will not remain untouched on the plate, and for its preparation you need to prepare:
- 500 g fresh champignons;
- 200 g boiled potatoes;
- 4 hard-boiled eggs;
- 200 g of hard cheese;
- 200 g pickled cucumbers;
- 140 g onions;
- 80 g green onions (feather);
- mayonnaise and vegetable oil.
Priority of actions:
- Chop the onion vegetable into cubes, and the mushrooms into thin slices. Then fry everything in a pan until cooked and let cool completely.
- Separate two yolks, and grind the rest together with proteins, cucumbers, potatoes and cheese on a coarse grater. Do not chop the green feathers very finely with a knife.
- The appetizer should also be collected in layers: mushrooms, potatoes, green onions (leave a little for decoration), cucumbers, eggs, cheese. Be sure to make a mayonnaise mesh between the ingredients.
- As a decor, crumble the yolks in the center, and sprinkle with chopped green feathers around the edges.
In addition to salads, we have prepared a complete menu for the New Year 2022 with detailed recipes.
"Olivier" with red fish and caviar
Unusual combinations can change beyond recognition even the most famous New Year's salad "Olivier".
Its updated version will include:
- 300 g of slightly salted red fish;
- 300 g canned green peas;
- 300 g of boiled potatoes in their skins;
- 300 g pickled cucumbers;
- 5 hard-boiled eggs;
- 20 g of red caviar, as well as olives and herbs for decoration;
- mayonnaise.
Cooking method:
- Grind the potatoes with red fish and other ingredients into cubes. Mix the crushed ingredients together with the canned peas and season with mayonnaise.
- Using a culinary ring, lay out the salad with a round turret, decorate with red caviar and herbs on top, and olives on the sides.
"Russian traditions" in New Year's decoration
A simple set of ingredients can be turned not only into delicious, but also into a very beautiful New Year's treat, this will require:
- 400 g lightly salted red fish;
- 400 g of potatoes boiled in their uniforms;
- 300 g of tomatoes;
- 90 g green onions;
- sour cream, mustard and salt for decoration;
- sprigs of dill and cherry tomatoes for decoration.
- Cut the potatoes and fish into cubes, and do the same with the tomatoes, after selecting the seeds so that later the appetizer does not flow.
- Finely chop the onion and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add a little mustard to the sour cream (to taste) and season the salad with this sauce. Salt the appetizer if necessary.
- Put everything on a large flat dish in the form of a ring, decorate with dill sprigs and small tomatoes that will imitate spruce branches with toys on them.
High-protein New Year's delicacy with squid and nuts
The festive table is not yet a reason to forget about your figure, because there are snacks that will not harm her, such as, for example, prepared from:
- 500 g squid;
- 300 g champignons;
- 2 hard-boiled eggs;
- 80 g onions;
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- 70 g of walnuts;
- 6-12 g of garlic;
- natural yoghurt, vegetable oil, salt and herbs.
Algorithm of actions:
- Boil the water and boil the peeled squid in it for 3-4 minutes, then discard them in a colander and cool.
- Fry pre-chopped onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil until tender. Dry the kernels a little in a dry frying pan and chop finely.
- Grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Mix yogurt with garlic passed through a press. Chop the cooled squid into thin strips.
- Combine mushrooms, seafood and other ingredients with half nuts in one container, season everything with yogurt. Before serving, garnish the appetizer with the remaining nuts and herbs.
Pork heart, eggs and vegetables appetizer
This dish could not have been presented on the table in the past year, but since the pig is already losing ground, it will already be appropriate.
Product proportions:
- 1 pork heart;
- 4 eggs;
- 300 g carrots;
- 200 g onions;
- vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper and parsley.
Cooking sequence:
- Boil the pork heart in salted water in advance, also boil hard-boiled eggs. Allow these foods to cool completely and then cut into small cubes.
- Chop the peeled carrots into strips, and the onions in half rings. Saute vegetables until soft in butter until soft. Then cool and combine with other ingredients. Season everything with mayonnaise, salt and pepper and garnish with parsley sprigs.
"Snow Queen" with crab sticks
New salads are gradually replacing the usual treats, for some reason it is on the eve of New Year's holidays that many housewives decide on culinary experiments.
Perhaps it was their result that the following combination was:
- 200 g crab sticks;
- 200 g ham;
- 200 g of processed cheese;
- 4 boiled eggs;
- 140 g fresh apple;
- 120 g mayonnaise;
- 100 g of peanuts;
- salt pepper.
Step by step recipe:
- Separate whites and yolks and grate separately on a medium grater.
- Chop the ham and crab sticks into cubes, and grate the cheese and apple. Fry and grind peanuts in a blender bowl. Season separately chopped food with mayonnaise (except for apples, nuts and half of the proteins).
- Put the processed cheese in the first layer in the ring, set on the serving dish, then yolks, crab sticks, apple, ham, peanuts, proteins with mayonnaise.
- Sprinkle on top with proteins without mayonnaise and put in the refrigerator for several hours to soak. Be sure to remove the ring before serving.
Snack with chicken, feta cheese and hollandaise sauce
This recipe will appeal to adherents of proper nutrition, since it does not contain a dressing with a bunch of preservatives, but only healthy ingredients, chicken and homemade sauce:
- 500 g chicken thighs;
- 200 g carrots;
- 100 g green olives;
- 70 g leeks (can be replaced with onions);
- 150 g feta cheese;
- 1 pomegranate (grain);
- dill greens.
For Dutch sauce you will need:
- 2 eggs;
- 80 g melted butter;
- ? lemon (juice);
- 3 g of salt, sugar and red pepper.
- First you need to prepare the dressing.To do this, mix the yolks with lemon juice, sugar and salt, stand on a steam bath until thickened, then pour in the melted butter and stir in the whipped whites separately. Hold again over steam until thick. Add pepper at the end.
- Boil chicken and carrots until tender. Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, and disassemble the meat into fibers. Cut the carrots into slices. Chop the leek into half rings and fry.
- Mix the meat, olives, onions and carrots, season with sauce and place on a plate. Sprinkle on top with a generous layer of finely grated feta cheese, garnish with pomegranate seeds and herbs.
New Year's salad "Bright fantasy"
Undoubtedly, the New Year's table will be decorated with a bright and appetizing appetizer with the following ingredient composition:
- 240 g canned corn;
- 250 g of Korean carrots;
- 150 g of hard cheese;
- 70 g onions;
- 4 boiled eggs;
- 300 g baked chicken breast;
- 30 g of dill greens;
- 50 g red bell pepper;
- 50 g fresh cucumber;
- 100 g mayonnaise;
- 20 g sugar;
- 15 ml vinegar;
- 75 ml of water.
How to cook and decorate:
- Dissolve sugar in the prescription amount of water, add vinegar and in this solution marinate the diced onion for 20 minutes.
- Grind the cheese and eggs with a coarse grater and cut the breast into square slices.
- When all the ingredients are prepared, you can start assembling the dish. in a ring 17 cm in diameter, lay out in layers: meat, pickled tear vegetable, carrots, eggs, corn, cheese. Leave some of the carrots and corn for decoration.
- After the salad has settled and soaked, decorate it with rings of carrots, dill, corn, cucumber and pepper. You need to move from the edges to the center.
Diet Shrimp Salad
Seafood and a sea of fresh greens will not be able to nail with a heavy anchor to the sofa on New Year's Eve, but will give you satiety and energy to actively meet the year of the rat.
Product proportions:
- 160 g peeled shrimp;
- 100 g lettuce leaves;
- 100 g cherry tomatoes;
- 20 g of hard cheese;
- 20 ml olive oil;
- 10 ml lemon juice;
- 40 g fresh basil.
We cook as follows:
- Boil the shrimps and cool. Wash lettuce leaves, dry and tear with your hands. Cut the tomatoes in half. Pass the cheese through a fine grater.
- For dressing, grind olive oil with lemon juice and basil in a mortar.
- Put torn leaves on a plate, on them shrimps and tomatoes. Drizzle over the dressing and sprinkle with cheese.
New Year's treat with ham and pickled mushrooms
This is a simple and tasty dish that can be quickly prepared even for a festive table, even for an everyday menu:
- 100 g ham;
- 100 g of pickled mushrooms;
- 2 boiled eggs;
- 60 g onions;
- 70 g pickled cucumbers;
- sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions for dressing;
- salt pepper.
Cooking method:
- Remove the husk from the onion and chop it into thin half rings, pour boiling water for 5 minutes, and then put it in a colander and rinse with cold water.
- Cut all the other ingredients into thin strips, add onion half rings that are tender after boiling water, season with mayonnaise with sour cream and transfer to a deep plate. Decorate to taste before serving.
With grilled chicken and curd cheese
The rosy chicken breast on the grill will keep all its juices under a golden crust and will perfectly fit into many New Year's salads.
For one of the options you will need:
- 300 g chicken breast;
- 150 g of curd cheese;
- 100 g cherry tomatoes;
- 1 avocado
- 1 red lettuce onion;
- spinach and walnuts to taste
- 30 ml olive oil;
- 15 ml balsamic vinegar;
- 3-4 g sugar;
- salt pepper.
Cooking sequence:
- Season the chicken on all sides with salt and spices, let it marinate a little, and then fry until tender in a grill pan.
- Cut the avocado, onion and meat into strips. Tear the spinach with your hands and cut the cherry in half.
- For dressing, mix oil, vinegar and sugar.Mix all the ingredients, pour over the sauce, and add curd cheese and coarsely chopped nuts just before serving.
"Prisoner of the Caucasus" with veal and eggplants
Few ingredients are needed for this festive dish, but their combination is new and unusual for many.
In the photo, such an appetizer looks like a homemade cake, and its composition includes:
- 300 g of boiled beef;
- 1 eggplant;
- 70 g of onions;
- 12-14 g of garlic;
- 150 g prunes;
- 60 g walnuts;
- 140 g mayonnaise;
- greens for decoration.
The sequence of culinary processes:
- Peel the eggplant, chop it into cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse and fry with the onion until tender.
- Cut prunes and beef into small cubes. Turn the nuts into crumbs, and finely chop the greens.
- Lay veal, prunes, a third of nuts and eggplants in a ring or a transparent deep salad bowl. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.
- Let the dish stand in the refrigerator for several hours, and then sprinkle with nut crumbs on top.
With canned tuna and corn
List of required products:
- 200 g canned tuna;
- 200 g canned corn;
- 200 g fresh tomatoes;
- 4 boiled eggs;
- 80 g onions;
- 10 g dill;
- sour cream or yogurt for dressing.
- Drain the liquid from the canned food, and mash the fish a little with a fork. Chop eggs, tomatoes and onions into strips. Finely chop the greens.
- Combine all the ingredients together and season with sour cream or yogurt. For a more piquant taste, add a little mustard to the dressing.
Such a New Year's treat will not only delight the taste, but also give the body a powerful charge of vitamin E to shine with beauty in the new year.
New Year's salad with smoked chicken and pineapple
This appetizer can take its rightful place at a feast on the occasion of the New Year 2022, and it can be described in the following words: satisfying, tasty, juicy and exotic.
To prepare, you need to prepare:
- 300 g smoked chicken fillet;
- 500 g of canned pineapples;
- 200 g of hard cheese;
- 2 boiled eggs;
- 12 g garlic;
- mayonnaise, lettuce.
- Chop all ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise mixed with garlic passed through a press.
- Line the bottom of the dish with washed and dried lettuce leaves, place the snack on top with a slide.
How to decorate a salad for the New Year 2022?
There are more requirements for New Year's salads: they must be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Ideally, if their design will be in the theme of the coming year. Most of the recipes from the selection are already given with a festive decor option, but simpler options can be decorated using the following tips:
- the ingredients can be laid out in the form of a ring, which, using greenery and a few bright accents (corn or pomegranate grains), can be turned into a Christmas wreath;
- even an ordinary herring under a fur coat will look more festive if you put a Christmas tree on top of twigs of greenery;
- probably the second most popular New Year's design is a clock; the numbers and hands on the salad dial can be cut from black olives, beets or carrots;
- simple flowers from vegetables and eggs will also be appropriate; the simplest option is a chrysanthemum from a bulb, for which the husk is removed from it, cuts are made and dipped in warm water so that the flower opens.
- An interesting option would be to use salads as fillings for tartlets. This option is suitable for those who like to celebrate the New Year "on the go" and on the move.
If an idea for design does not come to a head full of festive chores, they can be gleaned from this photo selection.