As soon as the first snow falls, we increasingly begin to think about what we will give our loved ones on New Year's Eve. First of all, it is the parents that come to mind - we spent the best years of our life with them. Therefore, they are the ones who want to give something sincere and unforgettable. Of course, the mother and father will be glad to any surprise from their children. Still, I would like to present something special. Want the coolest and cheapest parenting gif.webpt ideas?
New Year is just around the corner!
Time flies by very quickly. And before we had time to look back, in 2 weeks we will have to celebrate the New Year, but, as usual, we could not save up for a present. Mom and Dad are the people for whom we are ready to give the most precious thing. And it doesn't matter what age we are - teenagers or successful people. And we will always find money for what to spend. Therefore, you can start saving for purchases for mom and dad right from February.
By removing 40 rubles from your wallet every day in a piggy bank for almost a year, you can save about 14 thousand. Agree, for this amount, you can buy a fairly original present? Thus, we do not go to the detriment of ourselves and will buy a souvenir with ease.
Let's buy an unforgettable gif.webpt with ease!
If during the year (starting from January) there was an opportunity to save at least 150 rubles a day for a present, then by December we will see a lump sum in the piggy bank. With this money, you can buy two tickets for an inexpensive, but still unforgettable tour. And remember that no one is talking about a ten-day vacation! The loved ones will be insanely happy, even if they are allowed to rest for just a few days.
There are a lot of secrets to the inexpensive cost of tickets, but we will consider a few:
- Surely you have seen promotions in stores where they sell 2 items for the price of one? This is from the same category - buy tickets in one direction and in the other. It will obviously be cheaper;
- You should track emerging stocks yourself. Because cheap tickets are sold out extremely quickly, and therefore companies simply do not have time to send advertising mailings;
- With the help of certain low-cost ticket sites, it is quite possible to find the cheapest month in which to go on vacation. Here you can also find the most inexpensive city;
Advice: when choosing a specific month in which the trip will take place, do not forget about the plans of mom and dad. Therefore, it is worth asking in advance and carefully what they want to do in the next few months.
The top of the most frequently bought and inexpensive tickets are:
- Croatia;
- Poland;
- Romania;
- Altai;
- Karelia;
- Seliger;
Parents will appreciate it!
If your loved ones are young and full of energy, then on New Year's holiday they will definitely not give up a surprise that will cheer them up.
Such souvenirs usually do not require a lot of money. The category "cool and inexpensive" can be safely attributed to:
- Glasses with the funniest or most unusual photographs of father and mother, which were taken in the past year. You can put a photo on your mother's glass where she picks strawberries in a dacha in a funny hat. And dad will always be pleased with a photo where he is holding a large fish, which he personally caught;
- Twin bathrobes - the set will always be relevant. Relatives will definitely appreciate such a surprise, as the robes will warm them on long and calm evenings. This means that they can cheer them up even not only on New Year's Eve;
- A picture with a joint portrait of mom and dad. In 2022, such a present will still be relevant. Surely we have already seen such videos on the Internet, where dear people are presented with a clean canvas, which they need to paint on their own, and then remove the top film.In our case, the father and mother will eventually see their portraits - this will certainly surprise and delight them;
New Year's present for health
Taking care of the health of mother and father is our task. Better yet, take care of it for the year ahead. And no matter what age your loved ones are - healthier is always important.
In the modern world there is a huge mass of ideas for presentations for health, but we will consider the most interesting options:
- Buy a fancy massager. It can be a device for the legs or arms, for the back or neck. Such a New Year's present is suitable for both parents if the massager is multifunctional;
- Salt lamp - perfect as a New Year's gif.webpt. First, it's beautiful. You can pick up a lamp of any color and any size, so it will not be difficult to buy a present that will fit into the interior. And secondly, this present is useful. Relatives will definitely be delighted with such a New Year's souvenir if, at least in general terms, they are told about the useful properties of the device;
- Alternatively, you can give your parents Almag-01. Unfortunately, in our time, starting from the age of 20, every second person has joint pain. And even more so, such a surprise will be appreciated by people who are over 50 years old;
- Give your parents a humidifier for the New Year. By analogy with a salt lamp - beautiful, useful and inexpensive;
- Juicer - at first glance, this surprise is more suitable for mom. After all, it is she who deals with the issues of proper nutrition and food preparation. But in this case, the device will help relatives consume more vitamins, but for mom it will simply be easier to get these vitamins;
- Fitness bracelet - inexpensive and cheerful. Parents are unlikely to go in for active sports, but most likely they like to walk. The pedometer on the fitness bracelet will help you count the number of steps, as well as track your daily allowance. Such a Devaysot man and a mother will surely appreciate it. Moreover, you can buy 2 devices at once, and put them in one box - then the parent's gif.webpt will look cooler and more expensive;
Gif.webpts that make life easier
A New Year's gif.webpt in the form of household appliances will certainly make life easier for mom and dad. Try to find inexpensive and interesting presentations.
Alternatively, you can consider:
- Multicooker (unless, of course, it is still not in the parents' house);
- A bread maker (the mother will definitely not refuse such a gif.webpt, since none of the family members will mind eating fresh and homemade bread. In addition, you can bake many other goodies in it);
- Robot vacuum cleaner (it will be especially useful in a house where animals or small children also live);
- Robot window cleaner (indispensable for those who live on high floors or for those who have windows facing the road);
- Steam mop (for dad - cleanliness in the house, and for mom - a huge help in cleaning and all family members will be satisfied);
- A mop with a self-wringing nozzle (a more budget option than a steam mop);
- Grill (for sure, dad loves grilled meat. Such a present will surprise your family and you will be able to afford it);
- Blender vegetable cutter (also one of the budget options for a New Year's gif.webpt. Mother will definitely be delighted);
- Electronic kitchen scales (it is easy to cook with them, and the cost of a gif.webpt can start from 300 rubles, so this option is the most affordable);
- Toaster (it will not be easy to find such a good quality gif.webpt, but parents will be glad to see it in their kitchen);
Please note: when buying any gif.webpt for the New Year, you should always take into account the physiological state of your loved ones. Contraindications should not be ruled out.
Let's give our parents joy!
As a rule, our mothers and fathers work tirelessly until retirement, and they love to relax on Saturdays, sitting at home. Therefore, it is worth showing them that life is in full swing outside the window.
And that at least New Year's weekend should be spent outside the home:
- Movie or theater tickets. Surely during the time that you lived with your mother and father, you already know their preferences.Even if it suddenly turns out that they did not guess with a film or a play, there is nothing wrong with that. At least the parents went off and dispersed;
- Subscription for dance lessons. Very often, with age, the life of relatives turns into an everyday routine. Mom and Dad no longer understand what they lack for happiness - so do not be afraid to bring something new into their personal life. Perhaps it is in the dances that close people will remember their youth;
- Quest tickets in reality are the coolest tasks that parents will need to solve in a short period of time. Tasks can range from the funniest to the scariest. And, by the way, for a budget option, you can think of the theme and place of the game yourself);
When there is neither time nor a large amount of money for a New Year's gif.webpt
It often happens that in the bustle of days we do not notice how the New Year's holiday is approaching us. And now there are about 50 hours left before the chimes, and nothing is clear about the gif.webpt.
Such inexpensive gif.webpts as:
- electronic book,
- a cozy cover on their favorite sofa,
- ordering a table in a restaurant for two,
- visiting SPA - procedures, with
- family photo session,
- thermo mugs (or thermoses),
- molds and baking fixtures and so on.
Advice: do not run to the nearest store to your parent's house. After all, this is where they go almost every day. And for sure, what they needed, they already bought there.
What should not be given to parents who believe in signs
Nowadays, it is not so common anymore, but there are still moms and dads who piously believe in bad superstitions and omens. Therefore, when choosing a gif.webpt for the New Year, it is very important to take into account such factors.
Volume of the most common gif.webpts associated with omens:
- Clock (to a quarrel);
- Knife (brings misfortune to the family);
- Books (to discord between spouses);
- Scarves, mittens or gloves (an early quarrel in the family);
- Towels (they say that such a gif.webpt will bring illness to mom and dad);
Of course, the list can be continued for a very long time. We have considered only the main signs that most adults know about, but not every close relative.
Surely, everyone knows what the father and mother had to save on in the past year, and what to spend a pretty tidy sum on. Based on this, you can, at least, exclude many inappropriate options when choosing a present. But here parents most often value the attention to themselves from their children. And it doesn't matter how this attention was shown - an expensive trip to the Maldives or handmade mittens.