The tradition of letters to Santa Claus has existed in Russia for a long time. Every year, the Russian Post sends almost half a million paper letters - the same amount goes to the residence of Santa Claus in electronic form. 2022 will be no exception: from November 18, senders will flood post offices with holiday correspondence, and on December 4, the second stage of the boom is expected.
Why November 18 and December 4
It's simple. On November 18, Russia celebrates the birthday of Grandfather Frost. The tradition is young, it is 15 years old. Celebrate the name day in Veliky Ustyug - noisy, fun, on a grand scale and with guests. The date was not chosen by chance - it is believed that from November 18 the first frosts, the harbingers of winter, come to Veliky Ustyug. And after his birthday, Grandfather goes on a trip around the country. December 4th is another special day. It is called the Day of Ordering Gif.webpts and Writing Letters to Santa Claus. From this day in 2022, all Russian Post offices officially begin to send letters, telegrams, postcards. And unofficially, the first correspondence arrives at the residence of the main New Year's hero in November.
Residence in Veliky Ustyug
Grandfather Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug - his residence is located in this ancient city of the Vologda region. It has an office and a postal service.
The largest number of letters comes to Veliky Ustyug. You need to send them to the address:
Where: 162390, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug.
To: Mail of Santa Claus.
All appeals are accepted, read and answered by the helpers of a good wizard. The letters arriving at the residence contain various requests. Children want an iPhone, a motorcycle, a computer, a new promising job for their parents, and much more.
The requests of the addressees are growing every year - no wizard can fully fulfill them. Post office assistants try to write a response to all letters. To receive an answer from Santa Claus is already a miracle.
And in the fulfillment of material desires, parents can help children. On the site of the magic Office they can order a gif.webpt, set or certificate of honor from Santa Claus himself. On the envelope or parcel post there will be a real stamp from Veliky Ustyug and the signature of the owner of the residence.
Kuzminsky forest
Address for correspondence:
Where: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Volgogradsky prospect, ow. 168 d.
To: Grandfather Frost.
You can also send an email. To do this, you need to fill in the required fields of the form following the link on the estate website, attach the file and click on the "Send" button.
Everyone who sends a letter by Russian Post before the end of January 2022 will have a chance to receive a gif.webpt from Santa Claus. Every year the collective of the estate in Kuzminsky forest holds a competition for the best letter. Only those messages that the contestants brought personally or sent by the postal service participate in it.
- Original design.
- The novelty of the idea.
- Non-standard spelling.
- Consistency and consistency of presentation.
- Literacy.
- The presence of a return address.
Letters borrowed from the Internet or other sources are not considered.
Template letters are not accepted, but many parents are tricky: they put letters in the freezer, and Santa Claus's assistants take them from there. A great way to give your child a fairy tale. Therefore, it is for such cases that we suggest downloading letter templates for Santa Claus. We have collected options for boys and girls, with ready-made text and blank lines. And there are even coloring letters for young artists:

At the mail of Santa Claus, they told how to send him a letter correctly
The employees of the Santa Claus Post told about how to correctly send a letter to the winter wizard, how many letters have already come to the postal address of Santa Claus, and what were the most unusual letters that came to the mailbox of the main fairytale character of the New Year.
Santa Claus, to the North Pole
“In order for the letter to reach Father Frost, the following mailing address must be indicated on the envelope: 162390, Vologda Region, Veliky Ustyug, Oktyabrsky Lane, 1A, for Father Frost. However, children often get confused with the address, told FAN correspondents at the mail of Father Frost: they can write “Volgograd” instead of “Vologda” region, “Verkhniy Ustyug”, “Nizhny Ustyug” instead of “Veliky Ustyug”. But if the envelope says "Santa Claus", the letter is addressed to us. After all, every postal worker knows where the winter wizard lives, ”said Marina, an employee of Ded Moroz's post office.
Thus, in order for the letter to go straight to the fiefdom of the winter wizard, it is enough to write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, even without specifying the address.
Among the letters sent to Santa Claus, there are the following addresses: “to whom: Dear, Kind Grandfather Frost. where: the North Pole, where it is cold ”; "To Grandfather Frost, New Year's street, Fairy forest, Magic house."
The letter will still go to Santa Claus. However, in order to receive a response, you must carefully indicate your return address.
“Our Santa Claus sends answers to children in colorful envelopes. But often letters are returned with notes: "there is no such house, there is no such street." The guys are in a hurry to write their letters on New Year's Eve and make mistakes. It is imperative to check your address, ”Marina warned.
Tablets and helicopters
The guys write letters to Santa Claus every day. But on certain holidays, the guys write a lot of letters. First of all, this is New Year, Christmas and Father Frost's birthday. The post office of Ded Moroz has been operating since 2001, for 18 years already. As of November 1, Santa Claus received 3,600,103 letters. And the guys send from 150 to 200 thousand letters per year.
“Letters are brought to us by the Russian Post, they unload their cars here, then Santa Claus's assistants sort the letters onto a special stacked card. The largest number of letters comes from Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, ”a postal worker points to a tall cabinet with hundreds of letters on the shelves.
When all the letters are sorted out, Santa Claus begins to read them and divides them into several categories. These are kind, creative, collective, social letters, letters of request.
“Social letters are written by orphanages, orphanages, orphanages. Grandfather Frost tries to answer the guys not only with a kind word, but also, if possible, help, ”the FAN explained at the mail of Father Frost.
The most important group of letters is request letters. Little girls ask for dolls and strollers, boys dream of remote-controlled cars and helicopters or Lego constructors. Older children ask Santa Claus for modern gadgets: tablets, smartphones, wireless headphones, smart watches.
The biggest letter
Adults also write to Santa Claus.
“Girls ask for marriage, men ask for a career, family, cars and apartments. Our beloved grandparents also send letters to Santa Claus. They have only one dream: health for themselves, their children and grandchildren, ”Marina, an employee of the post office, shared with FAN.
They come to Santa Claus and envelopes with the words "military correspondence". The guys who serve in the army dream of an early return home, to their relatives and friends.
In their letters, the guys also leave wishes for themselves, for their family, for Santa Claus, they can boast of good deeds. They also write creative letters, these include crafts, drawings, fairy tales and stories. Some even send their own music to Santa Claus.
Large creative collective works are sent by schools and kindergartens.
“In this folder, each child drew a postcard, a drawing, came up with a rhyme and sent it to Santa Claus for his birthday,” Marina shows a large colorful album.
The longest letter came from the city of Blagoveshchensk: schoolchildren of grades 1-4 put together their letters. The result is a scroll with a length of 14.7 meters. Our Russian Father Frost receives letters not only from Russia, but also from the countries of near and far abroad. They write in international English, and Santa Claus also answers in English. However, almost half of all letters from abroad are in Russian. Our compatriots live in distant countries and send their greetings to Santa Claus.
Excursions to the towers
Those who come to the Kuzminsky forest in person will be interested to look into the chambers of the fabulous Grandfather, visit his office, look into the little room to see his granddaughter Snegurochka, get acquainted with your favorite characters from fairy tales. In the house of the Snow Maiden, master classes are regularly organized, during which children can themselves make a gif.webpt for their parents or friends. This gif.webpt is unusual - that wonderful talisman that makes wishes come true. After a tour of the property, you can dance around the Christmas tree, go ice skating and warm up with tea and pies.
The number of correspondence in the residence is growing every year, so postal services in some regions install special boxes for letters to Santa Claus. Such boxes are installed at the main post offices - they begin to work from December 4. On the thematic boxes there are instructions for filling in envelopes, the exact address to which they need to be sent.
The department staff check new correspondence daily and send it to its destination. Setting up separate mailboxes allows postal workers to check the spelling of the address more closely. After all, children often write letters and make mistakes. Due to a mistake, desire can get lost somewhere along the way, and this cannot be allowed. Here is the mail and helps everyone who believes in the New Year's miracle.