Funny ditties for the New Year 2022 for adults with gags

For the corporate party to be held with a sparkle, merry New Year's ditties will be able to add a fuse to the gathered company. They will appeal to young or middle-aged people. Cool, easy to remember, poems for adults on a simple and unpretentious melody will help to reveal unexpected artistic talents. Especially if you entrust their performance to a little tipsy men or women in funny costumes. Alcohol and the ability to hide behind a suit, like behind a mask, will maximize the liberation of the performers and allow them to have fun from the heart.

Chastooshkas can be made both as a separate entertainment and as part of a corporate party scenario for adults.

Call the Tiger, symbol of the year,
In the New Year, such a fashion.
Not one came, but a platoon.
Well, the Chinese, yoshkin cat!On Chinese advice
In the New Year with authority:
Who is without the Goby in the New Year,
He drinks at a double rate!Meet the New Year with the Goby
Chinese duty is calling us!
The tiger himself considered it a debt
Bring a regiment with you!I wash down the beer with vodka
And I suspect a little:
Will call just about again
Beer vodka to chat!Andryukha pours me
The floor flies under your feet.
Finally, the floor has settled.
Damn, Andryukha flew away!I'm dancing on the table
The table is dancing on a broomstick.
Where's the broom here?
Oh, it's a crazy mix!I can't go on stage
I support the wall.
I'll drink it even to the bottom
And let it fall!I'm running as fast as I can to the booze
Ice to me - hop! - a pod.
Gypsum, woke up, came to life,
I didn't find diamonds!Katya on the left, Masha on the right,
And everything around is Sveta, Dashi.
Meet the climb out of my skin
At least some Seryozha!On New Year's Eve I want a present:
Meet the fairytale prince.
Wishes in response -
Only a drunken neighbor!It seems like they drank a little
And hit the road, the way!
Further the rug in the hallway
Not advanced, it seems!
Either Vitya, or Sasha,
Who will become our dad?
Maybe more, it seems
It turns out to be Seryozha!Vodka, whiskey, rum and beer
Open up perspectives
Through the bathhouse on New Year's
Fly to Peter!On New Year's Eve, go to the ball
The joyous moment has arrived.
The pumpkin did not hurry up,
It didn't turn into a limousine!I felt in the New Year
This time flight!
So it flew, so it flew
I'll drink in a snowdrift.I said to vodka: "Enough"
In order not to fall asleep in the salad.
It's still the following alignment:
Salad on my face.My conscience is under arrest
Restraint, and she is on the road!
Feels my nose, it will carry
Me this New Year!I owe a lot of rubles
There are no ideas on this matter.
And I don't know what to do
I forgive everyone to whom I owe!
Welcome to the Year of the Tiger!
After a competent binge
Lost in my head settings.
I'm looking forward to a hangover,
To say goodbye to the carousel.To say goodbye to hiccups,
You need to be very scared.
I did not give her a fight,
But she cleared the constipation.Party, sweet drink
We are at the festive table.
And under the drunken tyranny
They even got the table drunk!Happy New Year,
In stores in full swing
Our people are buying everything
As if they hadn't eaten for a year.Sergei has a bra in a bag,
I dare not remember the evening.
Here is such a find
Waiting for you after a liter of vodka!I forgot in the morning
What an evening I've done.
I picked up the phone
AAA! Damn, this was not a dream.Furnishings in stores:
People, as if from a hunger strike,
They fly over the counters so
That they sweep away everything.After the holiday home
I came with another man's wife!
That's a new twist
Provided the New Year.To reincarnate
You need to get festively drunk.
You try to overdo it
Drink to the fullest to forget!I wake up early in the morning
The coffee smells delicious, weird.
My husband is not mine, and the house is not mine.
And I don't want to go home!There's a rearrangement in my head
And in the stomach there is a strike.
Something will be one hundred percent
Oh, save yourself, good people!Lots of holiday potion
New Year's fun.
To take flight
Autopilot to help you!We hum merrily at night
We fly together in the New Year.
You need to get drunk correctly
To land softly!There's a huge zero in my head
I want to remember, oops, the password.
To decipher it,
We need urgent help!For a very long time we shouted
Santa Claus was called loudly.
As always, who came to us?
Of course, a horse in a coat!Santa Claus is behind me
Hit it that winter.
Since then he has been living with me,
Do not wait for him in the New Year.I can't think clearly
All attempts to get up are in vain.
There's only a helicopter in my head
What will bring in the New Year!If you were a little younger
Dear Santa Claus,
We would maybe seem to be
And they lit with you in earnest!I've been dancing for so long
I found Santa Claus.
I sat down on his legs,
Looked closely, oh, Seryozhka!

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