When is the New Year 2024 according to the Eastern calendar - come in Chinese

When the Chinese New Year comes in 2024, not only lovers of oriental culture are interested. This holiday is becoming more and more relevant in our country due to its unusual location in the calendar and the unique opportunity to once again celebrate the beginning of the year. But often it is the symbol, the patron animal, that is of interest. In 2024, it is the Dragon, its predecessor was the Rabbit.

When they start celebrating

In 2024, Chinese New Year starts on February 10 and ends on January 28, 2025. That is, not only the date of the holiday is different, but also the duration of the period itself.According to their calendar, the year 4722 will begin. The date is determined every year according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, it always comes at different times. Officially, China switched to the Gregorian calendar to count dates like the rest of the world, but the ancient way of calculating important dates remains relevant. It continues to calculate traditional holidays.

It is important not only when the New Year comes according to the Eastern calendar in 2024, but also how long it will last. The celebrations will continue for 15 days. During this period, local residents will celebrate the celebration in the circle of their closest ones, working life subsides for a short period.

Characteristic of the year according to the Eastern calendar

When 2024 comes, the Green Wooden Dragon will patronize it. This mythical animal is especially revered in China. It is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.The interaction of wood and earth directly affects the character of the year. If forecasts are to be believed, it promises to be favorable. The dragon will destroy everything old, and a new one will come to the vacant place. The nature of the mountain is contradictory and restless.

While waiting for the year 2024 according to the Chinese calendar, you can decorate the room beautifully. The Dragon will definitely like this and he will give a supply of good luck for the entire period he patronizes. During celebrations, the following rules should be followed:

  • there should be no boredom or sad talk, not even thoughts. It is worth as much as possible to tune in to the positive and look to the future with optimism;
  • you can only put on festive bright things, even if you do not plan to leave the house;
  • hang holiday garlands inside and outside the house. It can be Chinese lanterns or homemade paper products;
  • devote a lot of time to active entertainment, dancing, sporting events;
  • dishes on the festive table should be simple, but rich in greens and apples.

It's a leap year, but that's not always a bad sign. Rather, you should be prepared for various obstacles on the way to success.

Astrologer's advice

During the New Year holidays, there is time to study the compiled horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac, and get acquainted with the forecasts for the coming year. But there are general trends in the arrangement of the stars that will affect everyone without exception. When the year of the Dragon 2024 comes according to the eastern calendar, astrologers advise:

  • don't get married. But if the wedding cannot be rescheduled, then it is worth choosing a suitable date according to the favorable phases of the moon. For the marriage to be definitely successful;
  • don't plan long trips. This year is not considered the most favorable for such drastic changes;
  • trying new activities. The Year of the Dragon is ideal for financial growth, but for this you need to take risks and try your hand in a new direction or just change your profession;
  • easy to get rid of the old. This applies not only to material, but also spiritual, personal communication with toxic people. 2024 is a great time for a major update.

If a person has a difficult period in his life, astrologers advise to draw up a natal chart, taking into account the day and time of birth. With its help, a specialist can answer all questions.

Interesting facts

In China, the beginning of the new year is not customary to call the manner. The locals call it the Spring Festival. With his arrival, people celebrate the end of the cold period and the renewal of nature. The first warm rays of the sun bring with them hope for the best, and favorable changes.

Chinese New Year every year causes the largest migration flow in the world. From all over the world, people who once left flock to their elderly parents or relatives, and tourists go to see the traditional celebrations of this important event.

Initially, the Spring Festival was a day of certain rituals. The gods were asked for a good harvest or favorable weather, well-being for the family. But most importantly, they asked for protection from all kinds of evil demons.

On New Year's Eve, according to Eastern tradition, a record number of fireworks are launched into the sky. And it is customary to scare away bad luck and evil spirits with firecrackers.

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