The symbol of the New Year 2022 is a very graceful and beautiful animal. Pictures with tigers attract attention, even if they were drawn with a simple pencil, and it is almost impossible to take your eyes off the colorful photographs or high-quality color illustrations.
It will not work to draw a tiger from a living nature on your own. You can see the animal only in the zoo, and for those who do not have the opportunity to visit it, we have collected a variety of pictures, photographs and drawings with images of this graceful animal.
Character character of the year 2022
The coming year will be held under the symbol of the Blue Water Tiger, only it will not come on January 1, but on February 1, 2022 and will last until January 23, 2023. Many are interested in the question: what is he preparing for us? The character of the year is, as a rule, identical to the character of the patron animal.
So, the Tiger has courage, energy, power, sincerity, tenderness, humanity, generosity, strength, high learning ability and artistry. At the same time, it is characterized by: unpredictability, rebellion, recklessness, stubbornness, aggressiveness, anxiety, selfishness. All this makes it possible to conclude that the coming year will be difficult, rich in changes, but generally successful for everyone.
Pictures and photos with Tigers
Bright pictures and photos can not only be viewed, admiring the beauty and power of these animals, but also used, for example:
- as a screensaver on your computer desktop; so, a tiger running in the snow will symbolize the approaching 2022;
- to create handmade postcards in case you have sufficient skills to work in one of the photo editors;
- to create a picture embroidered with beads or a cross - if the search for a beautiful tiger embroidery pattern has not been successful, you can do it yourself using the online convector.

Do not forget that by copying images from beautiful pictures, you can develop your artist skills, just relax and put your thoughts in order after a hard day.

Drawings with Tigers for children
Pictures with tigers for children are so cute that you involuntarily forget that this is not a defenseless and affectionate domestic kitten, but a harsh predator. Looking at or sketching pictures with large tabby cats, it will be useful to familiarize children with these amazing animals by telling some entertaining facts about them.

For example, tigers are solitary hunters whose striped color helps camouflage themselves by tracking their prey. They don't live in pride families like lions. Of course, in the photographs taken in natural conditions, you can see a group of 3-4 animals, but this is a female with cubs that walk behind her for two whole years.

To teach a child to draw, you can print a picture, then break it down into simple geometric shapes, guided by which you can sketch. If it's still difficult for the baby to understand, you can put a sheet of white paper on the printed image and carefully trace the emerging contours of the tiger, and then paint it.