Chinese New Year 2024 - According to the Chinese calendar, the date in China

The New Year according to the eastern calendar, unlike the western one, does not have an exact date. It is celebrated at the moment of the second new moon after the winter solstice - it can fall on any date between January 12 and February 19. What date is this holiday celebrated? The Chinese calendar says that in 2024 the New Year will begin to be celebrated on Saturday, February 10th. His patron will be the Green Wood Dragon.

Chinese New Year Features

Celebrations dedicated to the Eastern New Year last not one day, but as many as 15.In many provinces of the country, the Chinese New Year is a public holiday, and residents can safely celebrate its onset, not only gathering in a close family circle, but also actively participating in various festivals and folk festivals.

The Eastern Zodiac defines the patrons of 2024 as the Dragon. According to Chinese beliefs, this is a very difficult animal. In addition to power and strength, the mysterious creature is very emotional and charismatic, loves to shine and be the center of attention.

For the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, the Dragon, harmoniously combining the spirit of heaven and earth, is a divine animal, because in the distant past it symbolized the indestructible imperial power. As a rule, periods under his auspices are considered the most prosperous. Previously, the Green Wood Dragon "came" in 1964.

What to expect in 2024 for those born in the Year of the Dragon

The element of wood promotes physical and spiritual growth.Those who are self-confident, determined to achieve clear and noble goals, can count on luck and success. The powerful energy of the green color will turn into renewal and revival and will attract numerous interesting events.

To people born under his auspices, the Dragon treats with special sympathy, so they are quite successful. For those born under the sign of the Wood Dragon, 2024 will be the Year of Destiny, which will bring important changes with it. At the same time, in China they believe that whether the changes will be positive or negative depends largely on the person himself.

The full cycle of the eastern calendar is 60 years, while the year of the Dragon comes every 12 years, but the element of the mystical patron is replaced:

Treegreen1928 / 1988 / 2048
Metalwhite1940 / 2000 / 2060
Waterblack, blue1952 / 2012 / 2072
Firered1964 / 2024 / 2084
Earthyellow (golden)1976 / 2036 / 2096

Important! For people born in late January and early February, in order to accurately determine their patron, it is worth clarifying what date the Chinese New Year came during their birth period (for example, in 2023 the holiday fell on January 22, and in 2024 on February 10).

" Dragons" born in these years are born leaders and excellent speakers. They are endowed with excellent memory and the ability to make decisions quickly. At the same time, they carefully consider and weigh the upcoming business, taking into account the consequences of their own actions.

At the same time, the elements gave each representative of the sign their strengths:

Treemind, ideology, mindfulness, generosityexcessive generosity
Metalwillpower, personality, moral principlesvanity, harshness in communication
Waterwit, sociability, friendlinessinconstancy
Firehard work, honesty, willpoweruncompromising, withdrawn
Earthefficiency, diversificationtrustfulness

In their professional activities, they manage to show themselves from the best side - both as leaders and as subordinates. Thanks to their organizational skills and excellent hard work, they will achieve good financial results in 2024.

However, in 2024, the Dragons will also not always and not everything will go smoothly, because both the strengths and weaknesses of the character will be accentuated. Some disappointments can be brought by people who are not distinguished by a serious attitude to life and commitment. It is important to limit communication with toxic environment.

What to expect in 2024 born under other signs

For the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, the Chinese New Year is not just a tradition, but also an opportunity to program the upcoming 2024 for success. So, based on the compatibility of the sign, the coming year will be successful for such representatives of the zodiac circle as:

  • Dragon;
  • Rat;
  • Bull;
  • Tiger;
  • Rabbit;
  • Snake;
  • Monkey;
  • Boar.

Do not expect enchanting success from the year of the Dragon for representatives of the sign of the Horse, Goat and Dog. For the Rooster, the year is neutral and how successful it will be depends entirely on the person’s ability to adapt to new conditions and find a common language with other people.

Chinese traditions

Adherents of the Eastern calendar are very sensitive to the observance of centuries-old traditions. On the eve of the New Year, which has another name - the Spring Festival, general cleaning is carried out. The house territory is also brought into perfect order.

It is customary to hang out new posters of "door gods" , go to a family dinner after fireworks.As a rule, at least ten dishes are served on the New Year's table. A fish dish must be present on the menu - a symbol that the coming year will become abundant. Traditional dishes include Chinese dumplings, shaped like silver ingots: in ancient China, they were used instead of money.

Clothes are predominantly red shades, which, according to legend, protect well from evil spirits, bring good luck and happiness. In envelopes of the same color, gift money is given to spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, as well as single adult relatives.

Spring Festival is the most significant for the people of China. Therefore, they try to meet him with their family. Even if someone, by coincidence, is far from home, at this time he will certainly try to reunite with his family and friends.


To make the year successful in all respects, it is important to help yourself by acquiring (and using in the future) special talismans. In 2024, according to Chinese tradition, they can also be presented to people dear to the heart. Ideal for such purposes:

  • wooden, ceramic and glass figurines depicting dragons - metal ones are contraindicated;
  • decorative trees - they can be replaced with any indoor plants in beautiful ceramic flower pots;
  • bright shiny jewelry.

It is not necessary to acquire jewelry with precious stones, imitation will do. However, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to choose either a sapphire or an amethyst as a talisman. These stones enhance intuitive abilities, which ultimately contributes to making the right decisions.

The Year of the Green Wood Dragon according to the lunar calendar will last until January 28, 2025. He promises bright changes: the eastern horoscope is encouraging that there will be more good than negative events.

How to celebrate the Year of the Dragon

The mystical creature doesn't like the mundane routine.Therefore, it is important to meet 2024 brightly and cheerfully. Celebrations according to the Chinese calendar leave no room for boredom and sad thoughts. On the eve of New Year's Eve, it is customary to decorate the house with garlands and shiny decorations. No need to stay away from active entertainment - outdoor games and dances.

It is appropriate to do it in stunning outfits, complemented by sparkling accessories. The most sought-after holiday look in 2024 will, as always, be red, traditional for the Chinese New Year.

It will also look great and clothes in brown or green, corresponding to the taste of the mythical patron, but you should not wear black clothes.

The best jewelry items are from:

  • delicate emerald;
  • sultry amber;
  • emotional jade;
  • fabulous malachite;
  • aristocratic turquoise.

gifts should be as generous as possible, and the most exquisite treats are being prepared for the festive table. Don't forget the spices - any dish will taste much better with sweet peas, cardamom, garlic, chili, basil and cloves.

The most important thing is not to spare tender and kind words for each other, as well as declarations of love and friendly feelings.

Also read more about the intricacies of the meeting of 2024 in the materials of our website, what to celebrate the New Year 2024, and what to cook for the New Year of the Dragon, taking into account the preferences of the new patron.

Postcards and congratulations

Congratulate friends and acquaintances on the Chinese New Year 2024 by sending them classic pictures in the New Year theme with the image of the Dragon.

For smartphones or posting on the wall in social networks, small square pictures are more suitable, symbolizing the arrival of a new patron in 2024 and the arrival of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.

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