Rites for the Old New Year 2022 - ancient customs for today

The Old New Year is not just a holiday dedicated to the New Year, but the day on which Saint Basil the Great was venerated. From Vasiliev's day, as from the New Year, the Slavs began their time calculations. On this day, it was customary to visit with refreshments, carol and receive guests at home. Everyone tried to set a rich table, treat them with pies, vegetables, dumplings.

Despite the fact that Vasily was the patron saint of pigs, a roasted pig was an obligatory treat on the table that day. The holiday was celebrated on the night of the 13th to the 14th, and what is associated with the night could not do without mysterious deeds. The rituals for the old New Year were especially adored by young people who could not ignore the question of their future. But first things first.

Why is Old New Year a magical time?

The magical property of the old New Year has its roots long before the acquisition of the Christian faith, when people celebrated their New Year according to the Julian calendar. The ancient people knew for sure, or rather believed that it was with the winter sun that the heavens move apart and give people their good, because in winter people needed even more protection than in summer. With the advent of Christianity, January 1 coincided with the birthday of Saint Melania, protector of the poor and the needy.

Then a new calendar came to replace and this day, or rather night, was smoothly transferred from 13th to 14th, which coincided with the day of Basil the Great, who, among other things, was also the patron saint of the new harvest. Christmas carols and various magical rituals were layered on the celebration, because so many patron saints, including heaven itself, cannot bypass such a time with their blessings.

That evening, it was customary to ask for a new good harvest, on which life depended. That is why in the old New Year, people generously organized sowing of millet on the ground, on top of each other, coming to visit, or walking along the streets. By the way, the holiday was also called Generous or Generous evening precisely because of the gif.webpts and because of the sowing that evening.

Sowing rite

The old traditions for the old New Year or Christmas were especially loved by children. In the early morning they sowed grain and millet on all the people in their area. The hostesses tried to catch grains in the hem so that they could feed the poultry with them. This was considered an active help for the brooding hens.

During sowing, various requests were made for more millet, barley, lentils and other grains in the future harvest. But this tradition was associated not only with the harvest. For example, in a rocky area, where planting was tight, they also sowed. This brought fertility of a different kind into the house: children, health, good trade, and so on. Sowing was also done during the wedding, and again the actions are associated with fertility, but for the newlyweds. The grain was supposed to bring a lot of offspring and happiness to their home. Today, such a tradition can also be found on Christmas holidays and weddings, in some regions they are sown for housewarming, so that happiness and good luck live in the house. Here you can find Old New Year's planters, carols and bounties.

Fortune telling - the most ancient rites

Fortune-telling can rightfully call itself the oldest tradition. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans sacredly believed in the prophecies that the oracles predicted for them. The oracles were specially selected people who knew how to predict the fate of the state, drought, wars and so on to the rulers. Someone believed and considers this a genetic abnormality in them, while someone argued that they are doing everything under drug fumigation and nothing more.

Today it is not entirely known whether true prophecies have come down to us or whether historians have described it in a way that was beneficial to the rulers.But, one way or another, the future was haunted, and predictors were popular, they became more and more. One generation treated them with respect and offered gif.webpts, another considered them sorcerers, witches and burned them at the stake.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, of course, had a couple of herbalists and fortune tellers in every village. But, either there were few fortune-tellers, or the thirst to control their future could not resist in the young body, in general, all the youth, and it was she, came to the point that they themselves began to predict for themselves. Traditions, rituals and ceremonies, spied on by grandmothers, went out to the masses. Basically, the predictions concerned several topics - the harvest, the intended one, children, because a person's life revolved around just this.

As for the rituals, they also go back deep into the centuries, when people worshiped pagan Gods, asked them for something, making sacrifices. To "butter up" their heavenly rulers, magical actions were performed in a solemn, beautiful, often very expensive form.

Today, this has acquired a certain "backstage", if not "kitchen". Everyone can organize whatever they want in their home, the main thing is compliance with the days and dates. And January, like no other month, is suitable for everything unknown, especially various kinds of magical manipulations for the old New Year.

Old New Year's rituals for marriage and love

There are many fortune-telling for a loved one and a betrothed, the simplest, but always strong and effective were those where the ring was present. But you will be surprised, ordinary dumplings, it turns out, were also suitable for fortune telling not only about fate, but also about love and marriage. To do this, you must make sure to mold the dumplings yourself, so that you can put the necessary filling. Of course, for our female ancestors, molding dumplings for the Old New Year was a tradition, the girls specially gathered and molded a dish in large quantities and with different fillings.

You can take advantage of this idea in 2022, and a massive approach will make it easier for you to stay in the kitchen. The filling should be completely different and they must be cooked so that the fortunetellers have a choice. Each filling has its own explanation, for example:

  • potatoes - a lean boring life;
  • cabbage - for offspring this year;
  • any greens - to happiness and strength;
  • lavrushka - to wealth and fame;
  • with beets - to shame;
  • with carrots - to matchmaking;
  • with berries - to love. Falling in love, confessions.

You can put more complex fillings in dumplings, but you must warn guests, otherwise the beauty of their teeth will suffer:

  • coins - to tears;
  • peas or beans - to a rich dowry;
  • a ring - for an imminent wedding;
  • lock - you need to talk less;
  • rope and knots on it - to obstacles;
  • pin - a warning about a possible sin with the opposite sex.

You can also find an empty dumpling or a dumpling filled with dough, in both cases, this means a boring, empty life this year. The girls believed that divination with dumplings was very effective and true. Remarkably, the interpretation of the fillings in each region was different.

Divination for marriage

You will need a mirror, a bowl of water, and a candle. At midnight, carefully look at yourself in the mirror with a lit candle, which must be held between yourself and the mirror, repeating the words to yourself:

"The betrothed come and take me away in marriage."

  • After that, put the mirror in a bowl of water; wax will need to be dripped into the water from above.
  • If the wax merges into a wreath (ring), then marriage is just around the corner.
  • There can be several rings, then there will be several contenders for your hand, respectively.
  • The torn ring symbolizes relationships that have not been brought to the altar.
  • A lot of scattered drops of wax will indicate that you are exchanging too much for empty deeds.
  • Big fuzzy pancakes tell you that there will be no wedding this year.

Divination for love

Fortune-telling with roosters was very popular.Each girl came to visit with a rooster in her hands, they were put in the so-called corral, and a path was made of grain across the whole room to her. The first lady whose cock reaches her and must get married. But there were also such representatives of this poultry who backtracked or pecked in the wrong path. Accordingly, they interpreted this something like this: either the groom will run away, or he will go to another.

Rites for the old New Year, attracting money and good luck

Young girls conducted various fortune-telling, for feelings and weddings, but married ladies could also do fortune-telling for money and luck, however, our ancestors considered this to be bad form, but women went on furtively.

Rite of passage with a rooster

This uncomplicated ceremony was performed by girls in an attempt to find out what kind of life they would lead - rich or poor. The rooster had to be left in the room overnight, the grain should be hidden under the bed, under the chair, in general, not in plain sight. If at night the Rooster finds and bites grain, then life will be poor, at least this year. If he does not find your hiding place, then you will have a rich life.

Fortune telling on crumbs

In the old New Year, you need to collect and treat as many friends as possible, after they leave, pour all the crumbs from the tablecloth into one bag. Then sprinkle them on the threshold of your house (if this is a house on the ground, if an apartment, then it is not necessary) and each window sill of the room, the more crumbs, the more chances that your life can be richer. After 7 days, the crumbs must be swept away and given to the birds.

Rite of passage with a candle

For this purpose, you should buy a green thick candle, a red ribbon, and a red wallet. Take several large bills, tie them with a ribbon and say over the candle:

“Money in a ring of fire to money on my porch. As the fire will be hot, so my sum will be full, like a gif.webpt! Money is drawn to money, they come to our house ”.

Put the money in a red wallet and keep it there for exactly seven days, every day from the 13th, pronouncing this conspiracy in front of the candle.

Rites for happiness when cleaning a Christmas tree

Surprisingly, when removing the tree, it turns out, you can also make wishes that can come true, which our ancestors did. For example, get acquainted with the rite of passage to get rid of the seven troubles.

Rite of seven troubles

Before removing the tree, of course, you need to dress it up and put it up. Dressing up a green beauty, you need real apples, in the amount of 7 pieces, which should be wrapped in paper, where you write what you want to get rid of, respectively, also no more than seven times. Wrap the apple in paper, tie it with a thread and hang it like balls on a Christmas tree.

On the night of January 13-14, it will be necessary to start cleaning the Christmas tree. All balls must be removed first, and your apples last. Saying with each apple you remove your desire, which is written on the wrong side of the paper, you throw it into a clean bucket. Then the apples must be buried in the ground under the tree, even if it is frozen, with the words:

"Bad to the ground, good to me."

Then remove the tree to the street.

Rite of passage with fir needles

The rituals for the old New Year associated with the Christmas tree are different. When unloading a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, you should say the following words:

“As the Christmas tree leaves the house, takes all its needles, so all my troubles would leave the house! Words are strong, deeds are true! Amen".

Be sure to sweep the needles and scatter them down the street. Cleaning the Christmas tree will be much more fun if you know that with it all the bad things leave the house.

It is everyone's business to believe or not to believe the traditions of our ancestors, but you can try, all of a sudden, it will work out!

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