The Year of the Tiger is just around the corner, and babies are born every day. How many happy parents will appear in 2022 is unknown. But it is known what beautiful names for boys in the year of the Tiger will be a guiding star for newborns.
Master of the Year Tiger Tiger is great and powerful. He is the master of life, dictating his own rules. Furious, principled, going ahead, he firmly follows the path of his destiny. People born in the year of the Tiger overcome any obstacles. They are fluid, flexible, and easily adapt to any situation. Tigers successfully solve unsolvable problems. They do not care about the ways to achieve their own goals, they easily deploy military actions, they hardly go to the world. But such situations rarely arise, because the indisputable authority of the Tiger plays an important role.
What will be the boys born in the Year of the Tiger?
Boys born in the Year of the Tiger are a natural disaster. Nimble, eccentric, mischievous - they need an eye, and an eye. The tiger cub will always be in the center of events, moreover, it is he who will be the instigator of the next adventure. A bonfire in the middle of the room, games at a construction site, exploring basements and attics - these are all little Tiger Cubs. They love to gather armies of like-minded people, become leaders in companies, know how to protect their minions. And despite their hooligan tendencies, the Tiger Cubs are fully responsible for all their pranks. There is no meanness and deceit in them, they do not know how to substitute, they will not save their skin at the cost of others. These boys are tireless workers. To protect the boy from dubious adventures, he needs to find an interesting activity. Cubs love everything new and unknown. They are very curious. They are not interested in coming up with something fundamentally new, they are interested in understanding how the old works. Give the Tiger Cub the old radio, and the little boy will disappear for those around him for several days. As a result, he will figure out the device and, based on it, create a receiver for direct communication with aliens. Ingenuity is in their blood.
Name for a boy for 2022 by month of birth
The time of year in which the Tiger boy appears has a direct impact on the character of the child. It is necessary to understand that each month has its own energy, and by calling the summer boy a winter name, you can get an explosive mixture, which will be very difficult to control. You can decide what to name your baby by looking at the trendy names table below.
January - Alexander, Timofey, Daniel, Oleg.
February - Vladimir, Kuzma, Stanislav, Albert.
March - Egor, Roman, Stepan, Nikolay.
April - Darkhan, Evgeny, Nikita, Sergey.
May - Alexey, Dmitry, Savely, Victor.
June - Robert, Zhanat, Andrey, Mark.
July - Danil, Semyon, Eugene, Yaroslav, Eruslan.
August - Mikhail, Vasily, Cyril, Igor, Lev.
September - Fedor, Vladislav, Anton, Demyan.
October - Valery, Adam, Rodion, Vitaly.
November - Artyom, Matvey, Yan, Denis.
December - Arseny, December, Dan, Gleb.
Of course, there are names that do not depend on the season. These are universal names. But there is some uncertainty in them. In order not to get too scattered, you can turn to the signs of the zodiac, because the name also affects a person's horoscope.
Name for a boy according to his zodiac sign in the year of the Tiger
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) - Egor, Roman, Stepan, Nikolay, Ivan, Yaroslav, Alfred, Amir, Victor, Vlas, Gabriel, Gabriel, Dorian, Dominik, Innokenty, Lukyan, Christian, Maxim, Nathaniel, Pavel.
Taurus (21.04 - 21.05) - Darkhan, Eugene, Nikita, Sergey, Georgy, Nikolai, Patrick, Raul, Plato, Seraphim, Fadey, Trofim, Eric, Shamil, Yaromir, Yusuf.
Gemini (22.05 - 21.06) - Alexey, Dmitry, Savely, Victor, Daniyar, Adam, Bogdan, Vikentiy, Hector, David, Elisey, Zakhar, Ildar, Klimenty, Leonard, Miroslav, Noy, Ostap, Pakhom, Ruslan, Stefan.
Cancer (22.06 - 22.07) - Robert, Zhanat, Andrey, Mark, Arthur, Leonid, Rostislav, Sebastian, Theodor, Philip, Christopher, Emil, Vadim, Gordey, Dinar, Ermak, Ilya, Kondrat, Nursultan, Oscar.
Leo (23.07 - 23.08) - Mikhail, Vasily, Cyril, Igor, Lev, Julius, Leon, Lukyan, Larion, Miron, Mstislav, Nestor, Onisim, Radoslav, Spartak, Ratibor, Taras, Felix, Khariton, Julian.
Virgo (08.24 - 09.22) - Fedor, Vladislav, Anton, Demyan, Heinrich, Herman, Haggai, Azarius, Boyan, Walter, Volmir, Gavrila, Dementius, Elizar, Zoriy, Ibrahim, Karney, Luke, Methodius, Nazar, Paramon, Palladium
Libra (23.09 - 22.10) - Valery, Adam, Rodion, Vitaly, Konstantin, Leonid, Pimen, Radomir, Svetlan, Trifon, Ulyan, Tigran, Khariton, Vadim, Adam.
Scorpio (23.10 - 22.11) - Artyom, Matvey, Yan, Denis, Adam, Prokhor, Vyacheslav, Sava, Rurik, Potap, Peter, Neon, Nikita, Dominik, Seraphim, Noy, Ruslan, Leon, Leonard, Bogdan.
Sagittarius (11.22 - 12.21) - Arseny, Dekabriy, Dan, Gleb, Arnold, David, Milan, Marian, Christian, Eugene, Columby, Izot, Dobrynya, Danila.
Capricorn (12.22 - 01.20) - Alexander, Timofey, Daniel, Oleg, Benjamin, Donat, Georgy, Vsemil, Boeslav, Arkhip, Bazhen, Arefy, Cheslav, Wenceslav.
Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02) - Vladimir, Kuzma, Stanislav, Albert, Vadim, Genius, Eremey, Kir, Kirill, Lyubim, Rurik, Titus, Tikhon, Feofan, Eugene, Yaromir, Yaropolk.
Pisces (20.02 - 20.03) - Anton, Afanasy, Bogdan, Boris, Vadim, Sergey, Konstantin, Alexey, Gordey, Zakhar, Miron, Matvey, Zakhar, Evdokim, Ignat, Gorislav, Eduard, Evdokim, Sigurd.