Pesach (Jewish Passover) in 2024, what date, date

Jewish Passover, which is more correctly called Pesach (in some sources - Passover, Passover), in 2024, believers will celebrate from April 21 to April 29. This is a key day for people who practice Judaism. Its name later changed to Orthodox Easter. In order not to confuse these two holidays, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the history of the appearance of Pesach and the peculiarities of holding a special date by the Jewish people.

Features of the holiday

Jews celebrate Passover in honor of their release from Egyptian captivity. Moses is a legendary person, according to the history of Israel, he lived in the 13th century BC.The liberator of his people, who had been in slavery for 400 years. The Lord himself helped him, who sent 10 executions on the oppressors, but only after the murder of the first-born, the pharaoh surrendered and released the Jews.

But the suffering of the Jewish people did not end there, because the fact of liberation only became a starting point. After all, the path "home" to the promised lands was long and thorny for the Israelites. After 7 days, the ruler changed his mind, and went in the wake of the Jewish people. But the miracle created did not allow them to return the slaves back, the Lord parted the waters of the Red Sea and transferred people, and when the Egyptians stepped along the bottom, they closed up and swallowed them up. That is why there is a tradition of celebrating Passover for 7-8 days.

How is the date of Passover in 2024

Jews calculate what date Passover will be in 2024 thanks to a simple rule. They begin to celebrate it strictly on the 14th day of the month of Nisan, which falls just in March-April.It starts on Friday evening of the first day and lasts until Friday evening of the next day. Therefore, the world considers 8 days of the holiday, while the Jews celebrate the week.

Why is there such a disagreement? The Gregorian calendar, which is commonly used, takes into account only the number of revolutions of the planet Earth around the Sun. Whereas the Jewish calendar also takes into account the lunar cycles. If you look at it, then the holiday comes every year at the same time, in the same month. Whereas in a regular calendar each time falls on new dates.

Not all days are considered days off during the Jewish Passover, but only the first and last. The rest goes like "holiday weekend" .

How Passover is celebrated

Having specified the date of Pesach in 2024, it is important to understand how it is customary to celebrate it. The roots of the celebration itself go back to ancient times, and the traditions of veneration have survived to this day. The Jews zealously observe all the Easter canons. It is important to observe the arrangement of family members at the table, choose the right menu in order to taste only the festive dishes provided for, and follow the instructions.

Here are some of the features of Passover:

  1. Preparation. Jews carefully clean their homes, and throw away all products containing fermentation products, hops. They start doing everything in advance so that everything is prepared before the start of the period.
  2. Festive table. Jews gather on the first evening with the whole family. A truly solemn meal is arranged, for which a separate set of dishes is provided. The rest of the year is not used. The menu includes matzo - unleavened bread without yeast, bitter herbs, s alt water, kosher wine, zroa - a piece of fried meat on the bone. This is a kind of post, reminiscent of the hardships that the people had to endure. Now fruits, nuts, dates are often added.
  3. Holidays. During Pesach it is considered shameful to work, people either do not go to work at all or choose a reduced schedule. It is customary to pay much attention to relatives and friends. Some go to travel around the country during this period.
  4. Restrictions. Believers are forbidden to wash clothes on Pesach, cut their hair, work (especially in the field, garden, other contacts with the earth), make fire. It is unacceptable to make wishes or talk about personal problems. This holiday is dedicated to all the people.
  5. Talking. It is not customary to talk about yourself or events in the world. All thoughts and communication should be devoted to the events of ancient days. Many read Exodus, or retell it with interpretations.
  6. Trips and picnics. On the seventh day, it is customary to go to the nearest body of water and read the Song of the Sea. It was sung by the liberated Jews when the waters swallowed up their oppressors who pursued them to enslave them again. If there is no lake or river, even a fountain will do.

Interesting facts

  • The holiday has 4 names. In addition to Pesach, Jews often use the designation of the celebration, like Chag a-Mazot, Chag a-Aviv, Chag a-Herut.
  • Despite the fact that Easter and Pesach are similar in name and take place in the spring, almost at the same time, they have different meanings. Jews celebrate liberation, while Orthodox celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
  • Jews also have a hard-boiled egg on their festive table. Unlike the Orthodox, the product is not painted in different colors, but placed on the table also with a certain meaning.
  • It is not customary to drink more than 4 glasses on Pesach. The fifth is left for the prophet Elijah, who must one day come on this day and announce the day of judgment.

Passover in 2024 will begin on the evening of April 21st. All Jewish families will gather at the table, which is commonly called the Seder. If a person is lonely, relatives or acquaintances can call him to their place. So that this important day can be celebrated in the company.

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