According to the eastern calendar, the White Metal Ox is a symbol of the year 2021. Taking into account the steel nerves of the owner, the element of the year will be metal, and according to the horoscope - the element of the Bull is the earth. The combination of the elements of earth and metal in the year is considered a very good sign. The year promises to be interesting and eventful. And, according to astrologers, you should not relax.
How the character of the symbol will affect 2021
Astrologers say that the events of the year are strongly influenced by the nature of the patron. The White Metal Ox is characterized by nerves of steel and an iron character. Great willpower and restraint. A year endowed with such an element happens once every 60 years.
The bull is a true worker. Accordingly, the symbol of the year will help people who work for themselves, relationships with others and their business. It will help build long lasting and strong relationships. This year promises married couples stability, loyalty and devotion, as well as the birth of a small family member. The bull loves children, so he will be very happy to replenish the family!
- For those who like to work, he prepared a reward in the form of career growth or starting his own business. All efforts and efforts will be well rewarded, because the patron is a conscientious and benevolent sign according to the eastern calendar.
- For creative people, the year promises success and fame. With the help of their mind and abilities, they can easily achieve their goals. Incredible thoughts and ideas will come to their minds, which they will carry out with passion.
- In the realm of money, the Ox is an economical and thrifty animal. He also loves simplicity and accessibility. The owner of the year will never perform anything for nothing. He always gets good remuneration and financial gain. Financial opportunities will grow in those people who know the account of money.
Strong emotions, rush, bustle and shock this year should not be expected. Since the symbol is a calm and self-confident animal. He will help those people who will plan and think over all their steps and actions in advance. It is recommended to have a diary.
The representative of the year is friendly and sociable. Likes to be closer to nature. Therefore, friendly gatherings on a weekend in nature will even come in handy. After all, before hard working days, you need to have a good rest and recharge with positive natural energy.
Lazy, cunning and frivolous individuals should not rely on the help of the sign of power. He will direct his "magic spell" to those people who are similar to him or strive for it.
Best color scheme according to astrologers for 2021
The eastern calendar of 2021 has endowed the Ox with metallic and white colors. They will be the most trendy and fashionable. Well-known fashion designers have been developing fashion collections for 2021 for a long time. They try to choose natural and practical fabrics, knowing the preferences of the symbol of the year.
Considering the elements of the patron saint in 2021, attention should be paid to its colors:
- white and close to it - blue;
- all metallic shades;
- colors of nature: green, sand, chocolate;
- all shades of gray, from light silver to graphite;
- milky and pale pink color.
For well-being and good luck, it is advisable to use these colors all year round in the interior, clothes. You can decorate your workplace to win over the cash flow. When decorating, you need to take into account the colors and complement the interior with natural attributes.
Red is strictly prohibited this year, although it has a large following. With its help, you can greatly anger the Bull.
How to meet a Bull and what to give to loved ones
Most people want the symbol of the Year of the Ox to be favorable to them in 2021. The imperious sign loves family ties, so it is advisable to celebrate the New Year at home with your family.
Before the coming year, you need to ask everyone for forgiveness, forgive the offenders, get rid of the old trash. To thank the Rat for everything that happened in the past year, both good and bad. One must enter the New Year with a pure heart and good thoughts.
On New Year's Eve, you cannot swear and quarrel. The atmosphere should be pleasant and inviting. It is necessary to have fun, smile, rejoice at every second of the outgoing and coming year. Make wishes, and wish happiness and health to all your family and friends. Only they must be absolutely sincere. After all, desires and words spoken on this night have great power.
Festive outfit and home decoration
It is necessary to clean the dwelling in advance, decorate the Christmas tree, choose gif.webpts, and decide on the outfit. This should be done taking into account the happy colors of 2021. It is better to replace the red star on the Christmas tree with another interesting top, so as not to anger the hero of the occasion. Pretentious and colorful outfits are also best set aside for another occasion.
Jewelry for women for the New Year should be made of silver or white gold, complemented by natural stones.
For home decor, you can add natural and metal objects, as well as put a figurine of an upcoming sign in a prominent place. This should be done slowly and deliberately, the coming year does not like fussy people.
The choice of gif.webpts should be taken responsibly. The main taboo in 2021 is expensive gif.webpts. The bull does not like waste and squandering. The gif.webpt should be meaningful, useful and inexpensive, taking into account the “requirements” and interests of the recipient.
Festive table
The imperious sign loves to eat very much. Therefore, the table should be well-fed and abundant. The main dishes of the festive table should be dishes from plant foods. Sprigs of greenery decorating the dishes will delight Vol.
- It is better to use meat in the New Year's menu: fish, poultry and pork. It is strictly forbidden to use beef and veal for all 12 months. It is advisable not to cook dishes made from expensive, "overseas" products that night.
From drinks it is better to give preference to more natural ones - dried fruit compotes and juices. When meeting 2021, it is best to avoid drinking hard liquor. Wine, liquor and champagne would be appropriate.
There should be a lot of fruits and sweets on the festive table. It turns out that the owner of 2021 is a big sweet tooth. The main decoration of the table should be a beautiful cake.
To attract wealth to the house, as a decoration, you can place green New Year's candles in metal candlesticks on the table, lay out spruce branches and cones.
Astrologers' Tips for 2021
According to astrologers, the coming year will be difficult, but promising. Especially for workers. After all, an imperious symbol is a hardworking and just sign. It depends on the person himself what will happen to him in the coming year.
In 2021, astrologers advise not to share their ideas and plans with other people. Conflicts, scandals and envy can result. You should not even involve relatives in your affairs, so as not to lose them. You should fulfill your plans and dreams on your own and make them come true.
The symbol of the next year adores hardworking people who, despite obstacles, go to their goal and achieve everything they want. He will look after them all year round, and guide them on the right path, bypassing all obstacles and bad weather.
The Ox will also turn his attention to weak people who are trying to achieve something and fail. It will help you quickly solve problems and difficulties that have arisen when realizing your capabilities. It should be remembered that the symbol of the year 2021 does not really like the lazy and gossipers.
The main advice of astrologers for 2021 is not to relax, but to persist in meeting your future.The owner of the year has prepared many interesting life labyrinths that need to be solved in order to live happily and interestingly.