With what impatience we are all awaiting a real miracle! And it doesn't matter how old we are: we are children or adults for a long time. But everyone knows for sure that real miracles happen only once a year - on New Year's! In order to properly celebrate it and fully experience the atmosphere of a fairy tale and miracles, we offer comic divination for the New Year.
We remind you that 2022 is the year of the Tiger. And if you are planning to celebrate it with your team, then use our cool fortune telling! They will cheer, amuse and decorate any event scenario. Your corporate party will be remembered for a long time! In addition, our comic fortune-telling can be applied in any other fun company, regardless of age and number of people! Happy New Year! Have a good time!
The first comic divination: “Gypsy. By the aura "
Preliminary preparation:
For this fortune-telling, one gypsy fortune-teller is needed. She is dressed in long, multi-layered, multi-colored skirts and a colorful sweater. There is a scarf on his head. Long black hair (wig) develops from under it. Lots of jewelry. In the hands - "magic" tambourine. She rings a tambourine and listens, taking turns to approach the guests.
The tambourine stops over their heads. A gypsy comes out to the song "Gypsy", dancing.
Gypsy fortune teller:
I will be able to tell fortunes
Everyone, even the blind.
And I will have time to cheat
While you walk home.
This is what the wicked people say
To whom the secret is unknown.
I’ll guess everyone now.
Knowingly about tomorrow.
(Goes between tables, choosing guests that match the text).
Selects the 1st guest - any smiling man.
Gypsy fortune teller:
You don't have to, my dear
Get up tomorrow morning.
Is there a pickle in the house?
To begin to understand!
My head will ache, it will split
And you will repent all the time!
Never drink so much
So that your head does not hurt!
Chooses the 2nd guest - a young, showy girl.
Gypsy fortune teller:
And you, proud beauty,
A man will love you very much!
He will make an offer,
He will buy a voucher abroad.
To distant warm countries
Where is the sea, sand and Goa!
And you will be happy together
Forever, for years!
Selects the 3rd guest - a middle-aged man, married, with a wedding ring.
Gypsy fortune teller:
And you, I look, darling,
He has been married for a long time.
Tell me when you handsome
Have you been to the cinema with your wife?
She too, believe me, dreams,
To be loved!
Not only when it works out,
And so that flowers were given!
Chooses the 4th man, the most modest-looking, shy.
Gypsy fortune teller:
What do I hear? What I see?
Do you, my friend?
Not all salary, not all income
You wear your wife home!
You shouldn't be playing with her like that!
Obviously, you run into rudeness!
Look into her eyes!
They're blacker than the night!
Don't make your wife angry.
And then he will go to visit mom!
A fortune-teller gypsy approaches the leader:
I see the boss here, boss!
Look what rank he has grown up to!
We are all proud of you
Yes that only we,
We are proud of our country!
If there was a medal, they would have been awarded!
And maybe the order would be presented!
The next two comic divination for a family holiday
Guest-girl, student, if comic fortune-telling is used for a home scenario.
Gypsy fortune teller:
And you, baby, study hard.
And please us with grades!
Live up to our hopes
Keep up with your peers!
Guest boy, schoolboy. If available at home New Year's events.
Gypsy fortune teller:
Well, you, kid, do not be shy
And play football, temper.
A staid athlete will come out of you.
With a huge overseas fee!
Your parents will be proud of you!
Just come on, start moving!
General divination for all companies
And to all of you, dear, I wish
In the New Year, like the same Bulls
Each time, picking up straws,
Will be puzzled by one thought;
Water wears away the stone.
A penny collects a ruble.
Will become rich for sure
One who does not run away from work.
I spread my cards on you.
Everyone will be fine.
Who won't give me a pretty penny-
Cursed for a whole year !!!
He will neither eat nor drink,
With the opposite sex,
Not to be found and not even to be friends.
And do not stick around to everything.
You understood me of course
This concerns men.
So, my dear ones,
We take out coins, we go broke!
A fortune-teller gypsy collects change in a tambourine. Invites you to dance to the "gypsy".
Second comic divination. "By Tarot Cards"
Preliminary preparation: For this comic, cool New Year's fortune-telling, you need two boxes. One contains special comic Tarot cards. In the second - souvenirs.
First box. Tarot cards with the image: ring; bath, car, kitten, boot, compass, playing card, wallet, blank card, card with the image of a tiger.
Second box. Items, souvenirs: mirror, diving goggles, toy steering wheel, baby dummy, doll or painted boot, children's toy compass, playing card, coin, blank sheet of paper.
The presenter approaches or calls in turn the guests who take their own out of the box with the cards. As soon as all the cards are dismantled, the Leader begins to decipher the fortune-telling.
From another box, the second presenter hands over souvenirs, according to the cards.
Comic divination
Who has the ring in the picture?
Trade your face all year round!
Not physically, not mentally,
It's only figurative, so to speak.
You will be famous all year long!
Let it pass with you without hassle!
Gives this guest a mirror.
Who has a bath in the picture?
Rest, then, on vacation to you in the Savannah!
Gives scuba diving goggles.
Who got the car?
No, the car will not buy itself!
This means that no one will catch up with you.
And your work will pay off with interest!
Handing the steering wheel to the guest.
Who has a kitten in the picture,
He himself, despite the years,
There is always a sweet child in my soul
Always naive and kind!
Gives a dummy.
Who found the boot here?
Stomp your feet all year round!
Don't count on a car
Count your savings.
Gives the guest a puppet or painted boot.

Who got the compass?
This right does not matter.
All my year you won't get lost
Nowhere, for nothing and never!
Handing him a toy compass.
If you get a card,
It remains to tell fortunes.
Who will suddenly solve it,
He will find out the whole secret!
But not everyone is given
Read the tarot cards!
And since it came into your hands,
You will find yourself in miracles!
Everything will suddenly work out,
The main thing is not to be wrong!
Gives the guest a playing card.
Who got the wallet?
Didn't your boss give you your salary?
Or do you really expect from the picture
That right now how will you heal!
The clinking coins will deafen you!
What? Doesn't it rustle in your pocket?
Hands over a coin.
Who's in the picture is empty
Don't be sad. It's not sad!
Blank sheet denotes
That a new life awaits you.
Gives the guest a blank sheet of paper.

And now, do not hesitate, friends
I'll pull the picture myself.
I want to pull for all of us,
To look deep into the new year …
And falls out to all of us
Tiger image.
What does it all mean?
Turn on your imagination!
So that you understand everything,
The tiger is a good sign!
He is both smart and well-mannered,
And he looks like a ladybug!
It won't be boring with him
The whole year will not be strained.
He is from the items of the handy
Does everything that we need.
Tiger - always at work,
He collects everyone for the hunt,
He is in business, in care,
Everyone knows about it!
The tiger is the best managed in the household.
And for us today the holiday is sure to begin!
We wish you a year of the tiger
No matter how long it is,
Let it start with fun!
And with a festive mood!
(Dances, songs, competitions.)
Note: As you can see, the texts that refer to the Year of the Tiger are very easily removed if necessary. So our cool fortune-telling can be carried out in any of the New Years!