Jewish New Year 2024: what date, date

Rosh Hashanah is one of the important holidays in Israel. It symbolizes the end of the current year and the start of a new one. It does not have a fixed date in the Gregorian calendar. By tradition, it is celebrated at the beginning of the seventh month of the Jewish (astronomical) calendar, which falls on September-October of the Gregorian version. The Jews believe that the Almighty created the world in Tishrei and it is from him that it is correct to count the chronology. This time the celebration will come on 10/2/2024 and will last until the night of 10/4/2024.


Rosh Hashanah is the day of the creation of the world and at the same time the day of judgment. The Jews are convinced that on the day of the birth of existence, the Almighty arranges judgment.During the festive period, they analyze life over the past year. Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the "Days of Awe" - 10 days of reading holy texts, admitting wrong and regretting what has been done. The period ends with Yom Kippur - universal reconciliation.

It is generally accepted that at the beginning of the holiday, the Almighty sits on the throne of the judge and carefully studies the actions of mankind. After that, he moves to the throne of humanity and gives the opportunity to improve. The entire holiday period before him are three lists. The first contains the names of the righteous who live by good deeds; in the second - inveterate sinners; in the third - all the rest (the majority, not related to either the righteous or the sinners). It is the latter that God gives a chance for correction and reaching a higher level of relations with him.


Mandatory custom - blowing a ram's horn (shofar). It has two interpretations. According to one version, the outgoing sound invites the laity to the judgment of the Almighty.At the same time, the instrument serves as a reminder of the lamb sacrificed by Abraham in place of his child. This symbolizes the willingness to give up personal interests for the sake of others. According to another version, the roar of the shofar, reaching the heavens, interrupts the devil, who tells the Almighty about human sins. As a result, he can't read the revealing list.

During the festive period, believers visit the synagogue, where they turn to God and listen to the trumpet. They believe that at this time it is determined what the next 12 months will be like for this or that person: who will have happiness and prosperity, and who will suffer failures and he alth problems.

Tashlih is a Jewish ritual that helps cleanse the soul. It involves reading prayers near a pond and shaking crumbs from pockets into the water. The latter symbolize the sins that fish eat.


Jewish holidays are usually celebrated with lavish feasts. Rosh Hashanah is no exception. The New Year's table is covered with a light tablecloth. They put candles in beautiful candlesticks, red wine, homemade treats on it. Among the country's latest staples:

  1. Fish. Symbolizes leadership, we alth, fertility. It is stuffed or cooked in wine and served with the head. Vegetarians put on the table not real fish, but cookies in the form of it.
  2. Apples. They are baked with honey. It's practically a sacred fruit. In the past, prayers were written on it.
  3. Garnet. Symbolizes the good deeds of people. It is eaten as a separate product and added to all kinds of salads. Regardless of size, the fruit contains 613 grains - as many as the commandments in Judaism.
  4. Carrot. Tsimes is made from it. Optionally, the composition of the dish is expanded with apples and dates.
  5. Pumpkin. Her presence on the festive table guarantees the hearing of prayers. The vegetable is often pickled.
  6. Green beans. They are cooked. In this form, they are ideally combined with alcohol.
  7. Beets. It is marinated and put in salads.
  8. Chicken liver. In Yiddish, its name sounds like "live honestly." They try to feed children with this product so that they grow up and become the pride of their parents.
  9. Honey. Popular, both liquid and candied version. Symbolizes an easy rich and happy life.

Throughout the history of the holiday, believers bake challah - a round braided bun. Religion does not allow them to consume meat and milk at the same time, so the latter is not used when preparing muffins. Before starting the meal, all those gathered read prayers.


Like any other religious holiday, there are prohibitions on certain actions on Rosh Hashanah. You can not put sour and bitter food on the table, as it can attract misfortune. Avoid any nuts. Their numerical value corresponds to that of the word "sin" .

Also forbidden:

  • engage in intellectual or physical labor (with the exception of cooking);
  • use swear words;
  • deceive;
  • gossip;
  • to wish bad;
  • argue and sort things out;
  • hurt animals.

All good deeds are welcome on Rosh Hashanah. During the holiday, they do charity work, help those in need (if possible).

Jews will know in advance what date the Jewish New Year is in 2024. This holiday is not to be missed. They are waiting for it, they are carefully preparing for it. It has nothing to do with the Slavic version. It is not accompanied by stormy festivities and fun. Its main purpose is to push a person to rethink life and get on the right path.

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