To fully enjoy the New Year's holidays, you need to create a special atmosphere, recharge yourself with a pre-holiday mood. We recommend that you do needlework and make excellent crafts for the New Year 2021 with your own hands. You can easily master simple methods of making interesting figures from paper, plasticine, yarn, cotton pads and even salt dough.
The most anticipated holiday of the year is usually accompanied by bustle and various kinds of preparations. On the eve of the solemn event, we try to choose original gif.webpts for children, colleagues, friends and just acquaintances. But why not make them yourself? We have prepared for you a lot of ideas that can be used to make DIY Christmas crafts for 2021. Make sure it's not only simple, but extraordinarily beautiful!
Create many beautiful crafts for the New Year, the master classes proposed below will be mastered not only by an adult, but also by a child of 5-6 years old. We will tell you in detail how a New Year's toy is made, a craft for a kindergarten or school in the simplest and most affordable way.
Plasticine herringbone
Making New Year's crafts for kindergarten is as easy as shelling pears, it will not take much time, but will give a lot of positive emotions to both children and their parents. So, let's start making a Christmas tree from plasticine for the New Year, which the kids can take to the garden.
How to do:
- First, you need to roll three balls of green plasticine and one of brown.
- Make cakes from two green balls, and transform one into a cone. A piece of brown base is required to make a block (the trunk of the tree itself).
- The edges of the cakes will need to be made wavy, as in the photo. Prepare two more balls using a light green base.
- Slightly flatten the light green ball and place it on the tortilla.
- At the bottom, you need to attach a block of brown plasticine.
- Now you need to fasten all the remaining parts, as the photo demonstrates.
- It remains only to decorate the product, let the master (kid) do it with his own hands. Such crafts can be placed on cardboard or on any hard surface. Don't forget to "set" a star on top.
Bunny and fox from cones and plasticine
If you do not yet know what crafts can be done for a child in kindergarten, then pay attention to products made from cones and plasticine. Easy-to-make animal figurines will delight kids.
You will need to prepare:
- Two big bumps;
- Chestnut;
- Plasticine.
How to do:
- Cut each of the buds into 2 pieces.
- Make a cake out of orange plasticine, mold the face of a fox. Blind two small cones, they will serve as ears.
- Using a white and black base, make the eyes and nose.
- Now let's start with the body. Attach a small piece of plasticine to the second part of the cone, connect to the head.
- In the same way, you will need to attach the tail, which we will make from the smaller part of the second cone.
- It remains to make the legs, and then attach to the finished figure.
- Let's start making a hare. Make two identical blue plasticine sausages, attach to the chestnut.
- Blind two balls from a white base, flatten them, place them on a chestnut - you get a muzzle. Make the eyes from a green base, a nose from a black one, and a tongue from a red one.
- Roll a ball using a red base, attach it to the bump, now we put the hare's head.
- The legs are made of white plasticine by rolling up sausages of the same size. Attach the paws to the bump. Here's how easy it was to make very beautiful figures of a bunny and a chanterelle for the New Year.
Merry Santa Claus
Children's crafts for the New Year can be made not only from colored paper, but also from other improvised materials, for example, teaspoons, threads and cosmetic cotton pads. You can get acquainted with the peculiarities of making crafts from disks for the New Year thanks to the proposed master class.
- Take a plastic spoon, apply glue on the back of the wide part. Use red woolen thread to wrap around the handle of the spoon and part of the wider part as shown in the photo. Cut the thread, fix the edge with glue stick.
- Take cotton pads. Fold one of them in half and glue, on the free part you need to make cuts in a circle, so you get the beard of Santa Claus. Use a red marker to draw a smile.
- Glue the prepared cotton pad to the free edge of the spoon, you will need to glue a whole cotton pad on the back side. Glue a small cotton ball onto the tip of the spoon.
- It remains only to make the eyes and nose and attach it to the top of the cotton pad (above the "beard"). The work is completed, do such a New Year's craft with your own hands to school.
Now you can say with confidence that making New Year's crafts from cotton pads is fun and easy. This is a great way to create original New Year's crafts for school, take note of it.
Wonderful herringbone made of salted dough
DIY crafts for the New Year can be made from a wide variety of materials, and in particular from dough. For many, working with salted dough will be a novelty. Note that such Christmas tree decorations can be made as a gif.webpt.
What you need:
- Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- Table salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;
- Water - 10 ml;
- Dough notch - herringbone;
- Paints (gouache);
- The brush is thin.
Manufacturing technology:
- Combine the flour and salt in a deep bowl. Pour in water gradually, knead the dough. It should turn out to be soft, pliable.
- Place the dough on a floured work surface. Roll it out into a layer 4 mm thick, then squeeze out the Christmas tree with a notch.
- Before making a beautiful New Year's craft, leave the dough blank to dry out (for this you will need to wait about a day).
- Take paints, paint a green background with a brush.
- After that add the "decorations", placing them diagonally, paint over the lower part (trunk) with brown paint. In the same way, you can make a New Year's clock. The drawing made on the test looks bright and festive. The Christmas tree toy is ready.
As you can see, for such children's New Year's crafts, materials that everyone has are used, everything can be done quickly and easily.
Unusual herringbone made of threads and buttons
If you want to have fun with your own children and create a unique craft for the New Year in kindergarten, then you should pay attention to this master class.
You will need:
- Cone-shaped foam blank or thick paper rolled up in a cone;
- Buttons of various colors and sizes;
- Glue gun;
- Yarn;
- Scissors;
- Threads for a pompom.
How to make:
- Using a heat gun, fix the thread at the base of the cone.
- Now you need to wrap the cone to the very top, glue the tip with glue.
- Fix the red pompom on the top of the cone.
- Glue buttons of different colors randomly.
- By the same principle, you can make decorative Christmas trees of different sizes for the New Year.
Compositions with candles
Christmas table decoration without candles? Impossible! But they also need to be decorated in a special way. For example, knit woolen yarn covers for them. By the way, if you don’t want to knit, cut off the sleeves of an old sweater will do.
In a hand-made store, you can find wood cuts - this is an excellent tool for DIY Christmas decorations. Place candles on them and you will have a great podium! You can also make a beautiful flashlight from a jar and jewelry.
And if you need artistic New Year's decor - watch this video.
Making snowflakes from glue master class
How to decorate a room for the New Year? Use regular PVA. After hardening, good glue becomes transparent, like glass. In addition, it retains the ability to stretch, so the snowflake will turn out to be durable. Moreover, it is very simple to make it if you watch this master class.
You can also use hot glue. A gun with silicone rods that works just like a 3D pen. It will be faster than PVA, but it cannot be painted. Instead, look at hand-made stores for colored rods. They even come with sparkles!
Incredible snowmen from socks master class
What a New Year's decoration without snowmen is a symbol of the winter holidays. They can be made very simply from baby socks.
All you need is a white sock, filling cereal, and any jewelry. New Year's crafts can be done with children - there will be no difficulties with this.