Christmastide in 2022: what date, holiday date

Christmastide is a whole period of folk celebrations and is celebrated from 6 to 18 January. Christmas Eve starts on Christmas Eve and ends on Epiphany Eve. In Orthodoxy, this period is set aside for the glorification of Jesus Christ. And even the word "Christmastide" itself comes from the concept of "hallow".

history of the holiday

The celebration was strongly influenced by the pagan rituals that existed in Russia before the adoption of Christianity. People could not abandon the existing traditions for centuries. Therefore, the priests have incorporated many traditions into Orthodox holidays. The first mention of the Christmastide period is mentioned in the sixth century AD. Christmastide ends with Epiphany. It is believed that in this way people will be able to wash away the sins of performing pagan rituals from Christmas to Epiphany.


Christmastide is not only active celebrations. This is the time when you need to go to the sacrament, pray and, if possible, help the poor. Somewhere give alms, somewhere to visit a hospital and help the sick, and somewhere to visit an orphanage or orphanage to make life easier for people living there. Actively engage in charity. But young people, there are young people, she spends it with active festivities, fortune telling and carols.

January 6th - Christmas Eve. The first day of Christmas, which begins with the ascent of the first star in the firmament, symbolizing the Biblical Star of Bethlehem. At each festive table, 12 dishes were set, according to the number of the biblical apostles. Where kutia or sochivo remains a cult dish, and the drink was a boil of wild rose berries and dried fruits based on honey. Where kutia is a symbol of the eternity of life. And uvar was prepared at the birth of a child. That in the aggregate meant the birth and death of Christ. After finishing supper, the Orthodox went to the All-Night Church Service, where they rendered festive prayers and joyful chants to heaven, illuminated the baked bread, grain collected in the fall, prepared wine and oil. In the evening, carols began, where young girls and boys dressed in skins with painted faces took part. Young people gather in groups, go from house to house and glorify the generosity of the owners with ceremonial chants. For which they are presented with money and delicious food. On the same evenings, they began fortune-telling and making cherished desires.

January 7th - Christmas. The Orthodox come from the all-night church service and start eating, and the 40-day fast ends. The table is set with light food, which is allowed to include eggs and meat dishes. It is customary to visit and receive guests at home.

January 13th - Vasiliev evening. Prayers for the glory of Jesus Christ begin. Prepare a rich festive dinner, where kutia and dumplings, meat, fish and dishes from them, as well as pies and pancakes, remain obligatory. This is the last day for caroling, as well as fortune telling and making cherished desires.

January 14th - Old New Year. From the very morning, groups of young men have been walking, singing sowing songs and sowing grain in their houses, which is hidden in their sleeves. It is a good symbol of wealth for every family and their home. This is a day for harvesting firs and Christmas decorations.

January 18th - Epiphany evening. Believers go to the divine liturgy. In all small and large churches, the ritual of consecrating water is held. It is brought with them or collected from nearby consecrated springs. She is considered healing and capable of protecting housing and its owners from any evil. She is brought into the house, sprinkled on it and left there until the next baptism. Epiphany evening for believers is a continuation of strictly fasting, but after the first star appears in the sky, they can also eat any festive dishes. This is how this holiday ends.

January 18/19 the time of "evil spirits" comes.Therefore, the owners protect their homes and outbuildings by putting on the door the image of a cross, which scares away "evil spirits."


On Christmastide it is worth giving up most of the work. It is believed that this is the period for the glorification of God, which means that he can punish the person working in these days.
The wishes made during the Christmas time will certainly come true.
During the Christmas season, the sunny day begins to increase.
The starry sky at the beginning of Christmas time speaks of a good harvest.


It is at this time of the year that fortune-telling is most faithful. This entertainment remained a legacy from the pagan gods of the Old Church Slavonic world. The desire to know what will happen next interests everyone and always. Therefore, it was not possible to overcome the age-old traditions of this kind. They especially believe in fortune-telling, and unmarried girls themselves carry them out. The most common attributes of such rituals are candles and mirrors, water and household items.

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