How to make a voluminous snowflake: from paper, napkins and other materials

Decorating your home or office for the New Year is easy. Creative snowflakes made of various materials can become the main element of the decor. They can be hung from the ceiling, chandelier, on a Christmas tree, placed in a doorway, attached to walls, or simply laid out on shelves. How to make voluminous snowflakes and what you need for this - see below.

How to make a simple volumetric paper snowflake?

The most accessible material is hard to imagine. And the easiest way to make voluminous snowflakes out of paper for the New Year is to choose a suitable scheme for cutting or gluing the model you like and just follow it step by step. You may need paper, glue and scissors to work.

For example, such an unusual snowflake with a herringbone:

For more complex crafts, you will need a heat gun, a figured hole punch, scissors, and decor. Auxiliary tools - ruler and pencil.

A more complex version of making crafts step by step:

  1. Cut out squares from thick white paper or thin cardboard: 8x8 cm - 2 pcs., 7x7 cm - 2 pcs., 6x6 cm - 1 pc.
  2. On each blank, make the following marks with a pencil:
  3. Decorate the corners with a curly hole punch:
  4. Make cuts along the central lines, without bringing them to the middle by 1 cm:
  5. Next, bend the edges so that you get crosses with curly edges (you can simply cut them off with scissors, but the snowflake will turn out to be less voluminous):
  6. It remains only to collect all the parts from the largest to the smallest by gluing them in the middle. The center can be decorated with a decorative pebble, miniature pom-pom, button, bead, rhinestone.

Volumetric snowflake in origami technique

There are many schemes for creating snowflakes in this technique, we bring to your attention one of the simplest.


  • light blue paper squares - 6 pcs.;
  • white squares - 6 pcs.;
  • blue paper in the shape of a circle - 1 pc .;
  • PVA glue;
  • rhinestone or bead.

Sequence of work:

  1. Fold the blue square in turn along two diagonals, straighten it, then fold it with corners in the center and turn the workpiece to the other side.
  2. Bend the side parts to the center so that a diamond is obtained.
  3. Turn over to the other side, straighten the upper layers on the sides.
  4. Add the 5 remaining blue squares in the same way:
  5. Make modules from white squares in the same way, but here you need to bend the sides to the center.
  6. Glue 6 blue modules in the form of a snowflake to the blue circle. Glue white modules on top, decorate the center with a bead or rhinestone:

Snowflake from napkins

A delicate, fluffy, light snowflake is obtained from ordinary napkins. To do it, you need to prepare:

  • large pink napkin - 2 pcs.;
  • standard white napkin - 1 pc .;
  • scissors;
  • glue for paper.

Master class on creating a snowflake for the New Year:

  1. Leave one large pink and white napkin as it is, and cut a square 3-4 cm smaller from the second pink napkin than the white napkin:
  2. Fold each workpiece as shown in the figure:
  3. Round the edge a little, cut into frequent thin fringes:
  4. Expand the napkins and glue them in the center, positioning them to size and moving them slightly to the side:

Decorate the middle with a small white square with fringes around the edges or glue a rhinestone, a ball of foil, Christmas tree rain.

Fluffy volumetric snowflake

There are many options. The easiest one is to take a chenille wire and fold a beautiful snowflake out of it:

Another way is to put on a fluffy New Year's "frost" on a thin wire to decorate the Christmas tree and form a beautiful craft:

You will get a paper snowflake fluffy like a ball according to the following scheme:

Styrofoam snowflakes

This is one of the easiest ways to make a large snowflake that holds its shape perfectly and is lightweight at the same time. The secret to creating the perfect craft is to have a sharp stationery knife and a pretty template.

The technique for creating a foam snowflake is simple:

  1. Apply a pattern to the material using a stencil.
  2. Cut the snowflake neatly and evenly.
  3. If you wish, you can sprinkle the product with sparkles or decorate with various decor - sequins, rain, artificial snow.

Fabric and felt

The step-by-step scheme may vary depending on the complexity of the work, as well as on its size. For example, a small felt snowflake can be simply cut out according to a template. But it is advisable to make a large one thicker, sewing two pieces of material at once, or even inserting a layer of padding polyester, foam or foam rubber between them.

Fabric snowflakes are usually made like pillows, since the fabric is thin, it does not hold its shape well. In addition, you need to overlock the edges or stitch the parts together from the wrong side.

Any jewelry - rhinestones, beads, beads, buttons, sequins, paint, satin ribbons, organza pom-poms.

Crafts from improvised means

A New Year's snowflake can be made from any material for needlework, for example, weaved from beads, or from household items, natural and waste materials.

For example, great crafts are made from ice cream sticks:

Snowflake from clothespins:

Cones creative:

Straw craft:


Satin ribbons:

Kanzashi technique:

Crafts from salt dough or clay:

Snowflakes from cotton swabs:

Snowflake Flashlight:

Schemes and templates for creating New Year's snowflakes

You can simplify the process of creating New Year's snowflakes using various schemes:

Smooth snowflakes can be made using stencils and templates. It is enough just to print them on a printer in the desired size, cut along the contour, and then transfer to the material.

Options for paper elements:

Styrofoam and plywood templates:

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A voluminous snowflake for the New Year can be made from any materials at hand. Most crafts do not require any special skills. And the result is able to pleasantly surprise. After all, such decorations for the holiday will create a cozy atmosphere and remind you of the upcoming miracle.

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