How to make snowflakes on windows: from paper, napkins, toothpaste and other materials

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree, give gif.webpts, make wishes under the chimes. On the eve of the holiday, parents try to decorate the house with their children: they hang garlands, arrange New Year's figures and compositions. Often on the windows you can see bizarre patterns, drawings and New Year's snowflakes, which are made from various materials. In this article we will tell you how to make New Year's snowflakes on the windows. The materials are different, the design ideas are also different - choose the most suitable option.

Snowflakes on paper windows

Snowflakes made from plain paper are considered classic. There are several ways to beautifully fold a piece of paper to make a Christmas decoration. Here are a couple of the main ones:

  1. We take a sheet of A4 paper, wrap the corner that goes along the edge of the piece of paper. The rest must be cut off. We unfold the folded part, we wrap the sheet in half, then again, also in half. Then you need to fold the sheet in the center to get the shape of a triangle. We transfer the right edge to the left so that a long tip is obtained at the bottom. Cut off the tip with scissors.
  2. We use A4 sheet again. Bend the lower left corner up. We cut off what remains superfluous so that we get the shape of a triangle. Bend the lower part of the resulting triangle to the upper part again. The left side of the sheet should also be folded. You should have “horns” at the bottom that need to be cut off.

When the shape for future snowflakes is ready, draw a pattern with a simple pencil.

To make the snowflake neat and beautiful, use ready-made templates to create patterns.

After the patterns of patterns are applied to the blanks, it is required to carefully cut out all the applied parts with sharp scissors.

What you should pay attention to before starting work:

  1. Before you start cutting out the snowflakes, you need to choose template paper. Thick A4 office paper is best. In this case, you will get dense decorations that will hang beautifully on the windows. If you want to glue snowflakes to glass, use a thinner base. It is easier to cut openwork snowflakes from it and glue on the windows.
  2. Of course, kids will want to take part in creating New Year's decor for the New Year. Toddlers who do not yet know how to use scissors can be instructed to fold templates. For older children, offer safety scissors with rounded edges so they don't get cut while you work.
  3. To simplify your task, use ready-made templates. They need to be printed, glued to thick cardboard, cut out, and then using a simple pencil to transfer the pattern to paper.
  4. You don't have to cut snowflakes out of just white paper. Color combinations look beautiful, as well as decor made of double-sided colored paper.
  5. Bulky paper snowflakes can be used to decorate not only windows, but also a Christmas tree. Kids will be happy to make Christmas tree toys out of paper with their own hands with the help of adults.

Window napkin snowflakes

Many parents remember how in childhood they cut beautiful snowflakes from napkins and pasted them on the windows. Create a magical atmosphere at home or in the country with the kids with simple napkins that you can buy at any store.

New Year's decor from napkins is made in the same way as from paper. First, you need to fold the template for the future snowflake:

  1. We take a napkin, fold it in half along the fold line to form a triangle shape.
  2. Fold the triangle in half again, then connect the edges along the fold line.
  3. Put the right side of the triangle on the left, cut off the lower "horns".
  4. Then we use templates to make patterns appear on the snowflake.

Popular ways to attach decor to windows:

  1. Water or milk. Dip the snowflake completely into the liquid, remove it and attach it to the glass. Be very careful as a thin wet cloth breaks easily.
  2. Soap solution. Dilute some laundry soap in water. Using a piece of sponge, gently apply soapy water to the paper template, attach to the glass. Remove residual liquid with a flannel cloth or foam. The soapy solution reliably attaches not only paper decor, but also snowflakes tied from threads.

Both methods of attaching New Year's snowflakes are good because after the holidays the decor is easily removed, and the glass is washed quickly and easily.

How and how to draw a snowflake on the window?

On the glass, a pattern of snowflakes can draw not only frost. Whimsical winter paintings can be applied to glass with toothpaste.

What materials will be needed for work:

  • snowflakes cut from paper or napkins;
  • white toothpaste;
  • water;
  • unnecessary toothbrush.

Let's start creating magic on windows:

  1. First you need to make a stencil for the snowflakes.
  2. Attach the finished snowflakes to the glass with water or soapy water.
  3. Pour some water into a cup, dilute the toothpaste.
  4. Dip the toothbrush in the paste solution and shake it off a little.
  5. Aim the brush with paste at the snowflake, slide your finger over the brush.
  6. When the paste splashes beautifully covers the snowflake, carefully remove the paper template from the glass.

What you should pay attention to when creating a winter fairy tale on the windows:

  1. To make the pattern airy, cut openwork snowflakes.
  2. Pre-cover with paper those parts of the window that will not be painted. Do not forget that splashes of paste can get on adjacent surfaces - walls, windowsill.
  3. After the holidays, the pattern can be easily washed off with a sponge dipped in warm soapy water.

You can combine patterns, for example, apply snowflakes on top, and at the bottom of the window "draw" Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman or fairy-tale characters.

Semolina or powdered sugar

We attach the stencil to the window using icing sugar. Apply powdered sugar or semolina with a piece of foam rubber or a sponge. When the drawing is dry, remove the stencil, and brush off the remnants of semolina or powder with a dry brush or flannel cloth.

Drawings with soapy water

A method of applying a New Year's pattern, which used to be very popular. Why not use the wonderful opportunity to create velvety, delicate pictures using regular soap. Grate a piece of laundry soap on a fine grater, beat with a little warm water until a thick foam forms. Dip a piece of sponge in soapy water and apply to the stencil previously attached to the glass. Remove leaks with a damp cloth or napkin. Remove the stencil and get a fancy pattern on the windows.

To create a soapy pattern, it is better to use stencils made of thick paper so that the picture has even edges.

Artificial snow

This is the easiest way to create a New Year's pattern on the windows, for which you will need a special spray in a spray can. Shake the spray can and apply any drawings: snowflakes, a winter hut with smoke coming from the chimney, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, a snowman under the Christmas tree, fairy-tale animals, colorful garlands.

Markers or gouache

Instead of gouache, you can use water-soluble paint, but the gouache is applied in a thick layer, so the drawing will turn out to be brighter and more effective. It is worth noting that watercolors are not washed off the glass very well, so after the New Year you will have to work hard to clean the windows from it.

To create a truly fabulous winter picture, you can apply sequins or glitter to the wet paint. For contrast, you can outline the drawing with black gouache using a thin brush.

If you are not good enough at drawing, use ready-made stencils. Attach the finished template to the glass, trace the outline and small details with a marker, and then sketch with gouache.

Stained glass paints

Use stained glass paints for children, which can be easily washed off after the New Year holidays. The main thing is not to confuse and not take professional stained glass paints. Removing them from the glass will not work. For this reason, the paint is first applied to a special film, which is then attached to the glass. Toddlers will surely enjoy participating in the window decoration process.


If you don't have time or inspiration to draw New Year's pictures on glass, you can use ready-made thematic stickers. A variety of self-adhesive stickers will help you create any picture on the window. Choose stickers that you like: plain, multicolored, shimmery, shiny, vinyl, mirror.

Volumetric snowflakes from magazine sheets

Bright, unusual decorations can be made from paper or unwanted magazines. What is required for work:

  • magazine pages;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • foam rubber (can be replaced with a piece of foam).

Getting started:

  1. We fold a snowflake template from a magazine sheet.
  2. Cut out any pattern you like.
  3. You will need two snowflakes to create the decoration. One needs to be aligned, the other left bent.
  4. We cut out a small circle from foam rubber or polystyrene, inside we make a hole with a hole punch.
  5. We take an even snowflake template, glue a circle with a hole in the center inside.
  6. We glue a small part of the foam rubber that remained after using the hole punch to an uneven snowflake.
  7. We glue both snowflakes so that the convex circle falls into the center of the hole of the second circle.
  8. If you connect several volumetric snowflakes, you get an original garland that can be used to decorate a window.

Felt snowflakes

Soft fabric is often used to create various crafts. Craftswomen usually sew toys from felt, and before the New Year, an unusual felt snowflake can turn out from it.

Materials required for work:

  • felt white, blue, blue;
  • snowflake pattern;
  • glue gun;
  • decorations: rhinestones, beads;
  • scissors;
  • marker;
  • needle, thread;
  • pins.

The template of the future snowflake is attached to the fabric with pins. At the edges, you need to circle it with a marker, then cut it out with sharp scissors. The craft can be single-layer or multi-layer. If you want to make a voluminous decor, you need to put a piece of foam rubber or any other padding between the two templates. It remains to decorate the craft with beads, rhinestones, embroidery, and you can hang the toy on a window or a Christmas tree.

Snowflakes made of felt can be as follows:

Supporting diagrams, stencils and templates

It is not at all necessary to be able to draw to create a colorful New Year's decor. You can simply print the drawing you like on a printer and cut it out.

Thanks to the diagrams, it will be clear how you can make this or that craft.

Create snowflakes for windows on video

How to cut a snowflake out of paper:

Drawings on the windows with toothpaste:

Creating the most beautiful snowflakes on the windows:

Magic snowflakes will decorate the windows before the New Year and help create a unique, fabulous atmosphere. The simplest decor is made from napkins or paper. You can also apply a pattern to glass or decorate windows with snowflakes made of beads, fabric, threads. If there are children in the house, be sure to connect them to work, because the kids love so much to create a New Year's fairy tale in the house with their own hands!

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