Cake from money for a wedding, birthday, anniversary: ​​step-by-step master classes, photos, videos

For a birthday or wedding, guests often give money so that the birthday person or newlyweds can buy everything they need. With a surprise, you can make a mistake, pick up an unnecessary thing that will gather dust in a distant closet or even be thrown away. Money is a universal gif.webpt, which, nevertheless, has one drawback: it is too simple, impersonal, so it is unlikely to remain in the memory of the recipient. To impress, make an original money cake for a wedding or anniversary.

The best gif.webpt for a wedding and birthday is original money presented

Having received an invitation to a celebration on the occasion of a name day or a wedding, guests usually prepare beautiful envelopes, where they put bills. But it is much better to give money in an unusual way, for example, by making a cake out of bills out of them with your own hands. Such a gif.webpt will leave the most vivid impressions, because the confectionary product evokes only pleasant associations. In childhood, the birthday people waited for their parents to bring out a birthday cake with candles, but over the years, the magical feeling of the holiday does not disappear for many.

By the way, there are a lot of ways how to give money for a wedding in an original way, one of the most popular is a money umbrella.

Cash cakes might look like this:

  • in the form of a multi-tiered product tied with a ribbon or bow;
  • an edible cake in the form of a bundle of bills or decorated with mastic banknotes;
  • a product made of money rolled into tubes, decorated with fresh flowers;
  • a single-tiered cake made of colored paper with bills inside each segment;
  • sweetness in the form of a bag or chest, inside which chocolate medals are placed;
  • a wedding cake made of banknotes, decorated with artificial or live plants, ribbons, beads, figurines of the newlyweds;
  • "Sweetness" made of money, decorated with chocolate or small sweets.

You can twist flowers, bows, or other figures from banknotes to decorate the cake.

Money invested in a standard purchase envelope is boring and uninteresting. Take a little of your time, use your imagination to surprise the recipient with a cash gif.webpt. Think in advance how much you will hand over, and then change large bills: you will need a lot of small banknotes to work. Many people worry that in the process of making a presentation, money may be damaged: stick together, tear, wrinkle. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The bills rolled into tubes are hooked with a paper clip to the cardboard base. Do this very carefully, and you can also attach a small paper heart or candy along with the banknote, which will protect the paper from mechanical damage.
  2. Print out “counterfeit” money with the image of the recipient, from which the “confection” is then assembled. Put a hand made envelope with real banknotes inside the cake.
  3. Bows, roses, and other figures made using the origami technique are also best folded from banknotes printed on a printer. If you use regular money, you can hopelessly ruin the gif.webpt.

What do you need?

Before you start making an amazing money cake for a wedding or anniversary, you need to prepare the necessary materials. Since the main emphasis is on money, you should be responsible when choosing banknotes for a gif.webpt. It is advisable to choose bills of the same denomination so that the finished product turns out to be beautiful and does not shine with bright colors.

For a money cake, on average, you will need about 100-150 banknotes.If your financial situation allows you to make a luxurious gif.webpt for a wedding or anniversary, use only big money or exchange the estimated amount for smaller bills. The pieces of paper should be clean, not wrinkled, not torn; ideally, it is better that they are new banknotes.

Both national and foreign currencies can be used. For the wedding, many guests prefer to give dollars or euros, and how much is up to each invitee to decide for himself.

In addition to money, you will need the following materials to make an original surprise:

  • thick white cardboard that can be bent;
  • PVA glue;
  • a pack of paper clips;
  • ruler, pencil, compasses;
  • scissors;
  • decor: ribbons, bows, lace, flowers, etc.

For a cash candy cake, prepare:

  • foam for the frame (since candy is heavier than banknotes, ordinary cardboard will not withstand the structure);
  • wallpaper knife;
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • candy;
  • ribbons, decorative sweets, artificial or natural flowers.

Step-by-step instruction

After the materials are prepared, we proceed to create an original confectionery.

How to make a cake for a wedding or birthday from money:

  1. Cut out two circles with a diameter of 15 and 25 cm from flexible cardboard. You can use a compass or circle round objects, such as plates or lids, of the desired size.
  2. Measure out two cardboard strips that are the same height as the bills. Leave a 1 cm allowance on one side, with which the cylinders will be glued to the bases. The diameter of the strip fastened into a ring should match the round cardboard blank. That is, you should get two cylinders that need to be glued to the cardboard bases, and then allowed to dry.
  3. The next step is preparing the bills. Carefully roll each banknote into a tube, fix it with a paper clip, attach it to a cardboard cylinder. We continue to fill the sides of the future cake with bills.
  4. When both tiers are lined with money, cut another circle out of the cardboard to be placed on top of the structure.
  5. Now carefully glue the tiers together with glue. Make sure that no drops fall on the bills, otherwise the recipient will not be able to use them for their intended purpose, and the gif.webpt will be ruined.
  6. When the glue is dry, start decorating the birthday cake. The decoration can be anything depending on your imagination. The easiest option is to tie each tier with a wide ribbon, and place a fluffy bow on top. If the gif.webpt is for the newlyweds, decorate the top of the product with figures of the bride and groom. Decorate the birthday cake with sweets or flowers.

You can make a 3 or 4-tier structure, but then you will need more bills. A tall cash cake is perfect as a wedding gif.webpt.

For a birthday, you can make a gif.webpt cake from sweets - the birthday person will be pleasantly surprised by such an unexpected surprise.

Master class on how to make a money cake with sweets:

  1. Take polystyrene (it is better to choose a thicker one), draw circles of the required diameter on it with a compass, cut with a wallpaper knife.
  2. Paste the frame of the future product with colored corrugated paper, wait until the glue dries.
  3. Start assembling the money "confectionery". To do this, glue the tiers together according to the principle of a pyramid: at the bottom is the largest circle, then - a smaller one, at the top - the smallest.
  4. Now start preparing the money. Roll the bill into a tube, secure with a paper clip, put a small candy inside. Also issue all banknotes - they should be enough to cover the entire foam structure.
  5. You can glue round candies around the edge of the frame as a decoration.
  6. When the cash candy cake is ready, decorate it with ribbons, flowers, tie a bow on top.

What wishes are suitable for such a gif.webpt?

Any surprise should be given with sincere wishes and congratulations from the bottom of your heart. Such an original gif.webpt, like a cake made of bills, must be accompanied by pleasant words, so prepare your speech in advance to touch the heroes of the occasion.

What can you say to the newlyweds when giving a gif.webpt:

Dear bride and groom! We would like to congratulate you on an important event in your life - the birth of a new family. The most important secret of a good relationship is mutual understanding, support, love, respect for each other. What is happiness for two people? These are kisses, gentle hugs, a cup of hot tea, a warm blanket that a loved one will bring on a cold evening. They are also pleasant compliments, a desire to spend time together, romantic walks, joint dinners. Remember how happy you were at the wedding and keep your feelings for life. But starting a family requires financial support, so we are presenting you with this wonderful cake with the wishes of a sweet, prosperous life.

If the bride and groom have a good sense of humor, you can read funny congratulations in poetic form at the wedding:

That's all, you got caught friends,
And, alas, there is no way back.
You now have your own family,
Breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Now the total income,
What you have dreamed of so much.
There is no longer personal freedom,
You have become ringed.
I wish you spouses
So that love prevails.
Have a sweet life and no boredom
To live without scandal.

The following congratulations are suitable for a monetary surprise for an anniversary:

We thought for a long time, wondered for a long time,
Everyone was looking for the best gif.webpt together.
Painting, books, suitcase, dishes, vacuum cleaner?
How we racked our brains to close the question.
And we decided to sweeten the life of the hero of the day,
To be greatly surprised by the gif.webpt of money.
We present this cake,
And we just ask you to be happy!

It doesn't matter what you say at the moment of presenting the gif.webpt: poetry or congratulations in prose. The main thing is that this should be said sincerely and from the bottom of my heart.

How to give a cake made of money?

When going to a wedding celebration, you can place a wedding cake made of banknotes in a beautiful transparent box, in which real confectionery is usually wrapped. You can also place your gif.webpt on an elegant tray.

When presenting a surprise, give your prepared speech. It is not necessary to wish young people only material benefits, because family life consists not only of this. Wish the bride and groom mutual feelings, happiness and certainly as many children as they want.

If the cake of money is for a birthday person, you can put on a real show with guests in disguise. For example, the plot may be like this: the world famous pastry chef came to congratulate the hero of the day and brought his masterpiece. But the bandits, who have long been hunting for confectionery creations, learned about this. The bandits are invited to make a toast in honor of the birthday man, then sing a song, and then congratulate the hero of the occasion. At the end of the scene, they realize their mistake and ask to invite them to the holiday.

Even the usual gif.webpt in the form of money can become original and memorable with a little effort and imagination. Making a money cake requires accuracy and perseverance, since a carelessly made surprise can upset the recipient. Create, surprise, please, because it is so nice not only to receive gif.webpts, but also to give.

Video: How to make a cake out of money with your own hands?

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