DIY gif.webpts for February 14: ideas, photos, videos, master classes, step-by-step instructions

Valentine's Day is a holiday filled with romance and tender feelings. This is a great time to tell your loved one how much you value them, or to admit your feelings for the first time. Handmade gif.webpts will demonstrate better than any words how much you love your soul mate, because a piece of your soul is invested in them.

Valentine's day gif.webpt

You should prepare for a romantic holiday in advance in order to amaze your loved one with surprises and gif.webpts on Valentine's Day. Of course, it's easier to run into a supermarket or order the desired item in an online store. But do not forget that a gif.webpt made with your own hands for February 14 is of particular value. You spent time making them, for sure, you thought about your loved one, showed imagination with a desire to amaze and surprise. Of course, your chosen one / darling will appreciate the unique gif.webpt.

Also pick up a beautiful congratulation for February 14 for your loved one.

And if your significant other has a great sense of humor, then you can choose cool congratulations in poetry or prose.

The basic rules that are better to adhere to when choosing a presentation:

  • Try to make a romantic present, because Valentine's Day is a holiday for lovers. Even a small valentine or heart-shaped packaging will become a reminder of high feelings.
  • Consider at what stage of development your relationship is: you have just started dating, your romance is in full swing, or you are already a married couple.
  • When choosing an idea for a presentation, think about hobbies, hobbies, lifestyle of the second half.
  • Start making a gif.webpt only if you are sure that you can do everything beautifully and efficiently. If you have never held knitting needles in your hands, you will hardly be able to knit a warm scarf by February 14.
  • Get creative with creating a presentation: use materials at hand, use master classes from the Internet, do not be afraid to experiment.

Romantic room decoration

Surprise your loved one with an unusual room decor. In the evening, after work, the chosen one / darling will return home, and an unexpected and pleasant surprise awaits them. Decorate the bedroom with heart-shaped balloons, put the word "Love" out of small candles on the floor. Thinking over a romantic dinner, do not forget about the festive setting: napkins, tablecloth, candles, flowers and other attributes of the evening for two. Make a path of rose petals that leads to the bathroom, where a warm bubble bath, scented candles, a glass of champagne and romantic music will await your loved one.

Checkbook of desires

A fun gif.webpt for Valentine's Day that is very easy to make with your own hands - a checkbook of desires. On each page, write one wish that you will need to fulfill: a romantic dinner, erotic massage, private dance, etc. Decorate a gif.webpt with hearts, a funny picture or a declaration of love.

Delicious valentines

The easiest and at the same time enjoyable way to confess your love is to cook an edible heart. Even if you're not good at the culinary arts, you can make heart-shaped sandwiches or scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Delicious Gif.webpt Options:

  • Home cake. You can bake cakes in the shape of hearts and make a congratulatory inscription with cream. A homemade cake decorated with chocolate or mastic figurines, marmalade in the form of hearts, gingerbread will look unusual.

    For more information, see the article on how to bake and decorate a cake by February 14

  • Heart cookies. Cover each cookie with icing and write the words of love with an edible marker.
  • Pizza. Bake the pizza in the shape of a heart and write "Love" with sauce or ketchup on top.
  • Fritters. Use a pancake pan to make them heart-shaped. Put on a plate the letter L made of muffins, O - it will be a sweet donut, instead of V put “hearty” pancakes in a stack, E can be made from fresh raspberries and blackberries. Such a romantic breakfast will be remembered by your loved one for a lifetime!

Heart shaped candle

DIY Valentine's Day gif.webpts should be romantic. Present your loved one with a homemade candle in the form of collected small hearts. To prepare them, you will need the following materials:

  • White and red paraffin wax (you can use stubs from old candles, paraffin pieces, or unnecessary candles);
  • Wick (you can weave it from cotton threads yourself);
  • Heart shape;
  • Baking paper;
  • The container where the paraffin will solidify;
  • Tin can.

How to make heart-shaped candles:

  1. Place the crushed paraffin in a water bath to melt it.
  2. Place a layer of baking paper on top of the container in which the molten paraffin will solidify. Secure the edges with several clamps.
  3. Pour the melted paraffin mass into a container, leave to harden.

On a note! The paraffin is ready to use when it is still slightly warm and elastic. Do not leave it in a cool room for a long time, otherwise the gif.webpt may ruin.

  1. Take out the parchment along with the paraffin.
  2. Heat a metal cookie cutter slightly, squeeze the hearts out of the paraffin wax.
  3. Place the hearts on top of each other, with a heated large needle punch holes in them in the middle.
  4. Place all candles on the wick thread with a needle. There should be a supply of wick at the bottom. Press down on the structure a little so that the hearts are fastened to each other.
  5. Cut off the extra wick, place the heart candle on a glass stand, decorate with a string of pearls or artificial flower buds. A luxurious gif.webpt is ready!

Sweet bouquet

Girls expect flowers from their beloved for Valentine's Day, but it is much more pleasant to receive a sweet bouquet for the holiday. To create a delicious gif.webpt you will need:

  • 9 wrapped truffle candies;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Metallized paper;
  • Organza piece;
  • Floristic wire;
  • Thin double-sided tape;
  • Golden ribbon.

Let's start making a sweet bouquet of sweets:

  1. Cut 9 rectangles out of metallized paper.
  2. Wrap each candy so that the paper covers half of the candy. Twist a paper tail at the bottom of each candy.
  3. Attach a piece of wire to the candy so that it does not pierce. Tape the entire length of the wire with tape and then a strip of corrugated paper.
  4. Wrap the candies in a piece of organza folded in two layers. Tie each candy with a golden ribbon to secure the organza.
  5. Collect all the stems in a bouquet, fix with tape.
  6. Wrap the bouquet in beautiful paper, decorate with a bow, ribbons and beads.

Romantic decor

To create a romantic holiday atmosphere in the house, you need to take care of the appropriate decor in advance. What you can do on Valentine's Day with your own hands:

  • Wooden pendants-hearts, decorated with beads and beads;
  • Candlestick with hearts;
  • Paper hearts that are hung on the wall;
  • Love lettering made from threads;
  • The word "Love" laid out from ordinary boxes;
  • A picture with a heart in a wooden frame;
  • Thematic application;
  • A garland of hearts that hangs over the bed;
  • Quilling heart;
  • A love letter embroidered on a cushion.

Love tree

If your significant other loves creative gif.webpts, the love tree will be a wonderful present for a romantic holiday. To make it, you will need a decorative flowerpot, gravel, dry branches, white spray paint, fabric, braid.

  1. Fill the pot with gravel. It will be great if you pick up a flowerpot with a themed pattern or inscription.
  2. Spray paint on dry branches (this should be done in an open space). After the paint is dry, place the twigs in a pot, compacting the gravel well for structural stability. Gravel can be decorated with corrugated paper.
  3. Sew small volumetric valentines from a multi-colored fabric, filling them with cotton wool or padding polyester. Sew a lace loop to each valentine.
  4. Hang hearts on branches, decorate the tree with bows and ribbons.

On a note! Together with valentines, you can hang sweets or small surprises on the branches.

And here's another idea on how to make a Love Tree, watch the video:

Bank "100 reasons why I love you"

A can is considered a popular present for Valentine's Day. "100 reasons why I love you"… A ready-made version can be found in a gif.webpt store, but it is much more pleasant to make a jar with your own hands. Cut small pieces of paper, and on each write why you love your chosen one / darling. Then wrap the scraps, secure each scroll with a thin elastic band. Fold the confessions in a decorative glass jar, fill it with pearls, artificial flowers, small hearts.

Love album

If an ordinary valentine seems like a boring gif.webpt to you, make a mini-album for your loved one. You can find the necessary materials for the album at the craft store. When the layout of the album is assembled, you can start designing it. Place your joint photos in the album, tell the story of acquaintance using pictures and drawings. In the album you can include wishes, declarations of love, a list of the best qualities of a loved one / beloved and everything that can please the recipient of the gif.webpt. Do not forget to decorate the present: valentines, ribbons, lace, beads, sparkles will do.

A picture of kisses

Men who love original gif.webpts will love the kissing picture. To make it, you will need the following materials:

  • A large sheet of light cardboard;
  • Frame;
  • Scissors;
  • Lipstick (it is better to prepare several bright shades).

It is very easy to make a painting. Cut a rectangle out of the cardboard to fit the frame. Then leave the kisses in the painting in no particular order. You can add a love lettering made with lipstick at the bottom. All that remains is to frame the picture and present an unusual present to your beloved.

DIY Valentine's Day Cards

In addition to the main present, you can give a hand made postcard for February 14.

  • Glue the red and white buttons on thick colored cardboard so that you get a heart shape. Better to use a glue gun for this. Place a love confession below, and on the back - your most sincere wishes.
  • Using the quilling technique, make two cats and several hearts out of paper modules. Glue the cats to the postcard, draw the fence on which the cats in love will sit, and place hearts around.
  • Use stencils to create an unusual card design.
  • Stick an open can applique on the card or draw it yourself. Take voluminous hearts of different colors, glue them to the jar and throughout the card. At the bottom, place a rectangle with the words "I love you!"

On a note! You can use multi-colored baby stickers in the shape of hearts and kisses.

  • The heart can be "hung" on a decorative clothespin to a rope. Decorate the drawing with the clouds and sunshine applique.

When choosing a gif.webpt for the holiday, remember that the most important thing for a loving person is your sincere feelings. Any present, especially one made with your own hands, will definitely please and will cause a lot of positive emotions. Surprise, delight and fall in love with each other over and over again!

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