DIY Christmas tree toys: paper, dough, cardboard, yarn, fabric, twine, beads, master classes, photo, video

For the New Year, the central place is occupied by a Christmas tree decorated with balls, Christmas decorations, tinsel and lights. Home-made Christmas tree decorations are of particular value, because warmth and a piece of soul are invested in them. Even the most expensive purchased Christmas toys will not replace handmade decorations. You will need a little free time, imagination, inspiration and good mood, and you can find the necessary materials for making hand-made jewelry at home or buy in a handicraft store.

Simple crafts from scrap materials

Unusual Christmas tree decorations are made from scrap materials. Use whatever is in the house: plastic bottles, plywood, cardboard, threads, plastic containers, bottle caps, burnt out light bulbs, styrofoam and much more.

Surely in every home there is pasta, flour and salt. Make unusual Christmas toys using pasta and salt dough. To do this, make salty dough from flour, salt and water, roll up balls, insert a fastener into each ball, on which the toy will hang on the tree.

On a note! As a fastener, you can use ordinary paper clips or a fastener from unnecessary or broken Christmas tree balls.

While the dough is soft and pliable, insert different types of pasta into it, creating a pattern. Dry the finished jewelry in the oven, cool, and then paint with spray paint in any colors. A bow or ribbon can be attached to the top near the mount.

You can hang "macaroni" Christmas balls at home or on a street tree.

In almost every home, over time, a large amount of empty plastic containers is collected. Do not rush to throw away unnecessary plastic, but rather make Christmas tree decorations from plastic bottles with your own hands.

The simplest version is made from the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Markers, felt-tip pens or paints;
  • Fishing line;
  • Tape.

A toy is made of plastic like this:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle;
  2. Paint it blue;
  3. Use a thin brush to paint the pattern with white paint to create a snowflake pattern.
  4. Make a hole with a needle, insert the fishing line on which the toy will hang on the tree.
  5. You can put several plastic snowflakes on one line to make a garland.

Salted dough

Invite kids to make decorations for a Christmas tree from salt dough, they will be happy to help you sculpt New Year's figures. You can sculpt toys in the shape of Santa Claus, a snowman, Christmas trees, balls, bells. A hand-made mouse will be a suitable option for a Christmas tree toy for the 2020 new year, because the coming year, as you know, will be held under the auspices of the White Rat.

For a salt dough mouse you will need:

  • 6 pp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • 10 ml of water;
  • Mouse-shaped cookie cutter;
  • Gouache;
  • Thin brush.

How to make a New Year's pig:

  1. Combine salt, flour and water until you get a flexible, bouncy dough.
  2. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes, then roll the dough ball into a thin cake. Squeeze out a mouse figure with a mold, make a small hole on top where the ribbon will be inserted.
  3. The future toy should lie down for a day to solidify properly.
  4. Then paint the mouse with white or gray gouache, draw eyes for it, a muzzle with a mustache, a tail. Involve children in the creative process, because they love to sculpt and paint so much!
  5. Pass the ribbon through the hole and hang the mouse on the tree.The symbol of the year will surely mark your efforts and bring your family a lot of joy, happiness and fun in the coming year.

See also the video of master classes on making various mice from the dough:

From yarn and cotton thread

Crafts made from threads and yarn look very stylish on the Christmas tree. Try creating a spectacular little Christmas tree decoration.

Necessary materials:

  • Yarn of any color;
  • PVA glue;
  • Tailor's pins;
  • Marker;
  • Paper;
  • Plastic container;
  • Styrofoam.

Making a Christmas tree from yarn:

  1. First, we soak the yarn in PVA glue. The glue should thoroughly soak the threads so that the toy subsequently keeps its shape and does not disintegrate.
  2. While the threads are soaked in PVA, we make a template for the future toy. We draw a Christmas tree on paper and cut it out with scissors.
  3. Use pins to attach the Christmas tree template to the foam.
  4. On top of the template, begin to lay out a random pattern from the soaked thread. Do not stack the yarn too tightly, otherwise the decoration will turn out to be unnecessarily bulky.
  5. Thoroughly dry the Christmas tree from the yarn, then remove the pins, and attach a loop on top for which you can hang it.

More on the topic: Making a Christmas tree with your own hands

You can make stunning Christmas balls from cotton threads. To make them you will need:

  • Balloon;
  • Cotton thread;
  • PVA glue;
  • Sugar;
  • Water;
  • Baby cream;
  • Satin ribbon.

How balls are made from threads:

  1. Mix in a container 2 tablespoons. granulated sugar, 10 tbsp. PVA glue and the same amount of water. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  2. Inflate the balloon to the correct size. Thoroughly lubricate the surface of the ball with baby cream.

On a note! Instead of baby cream, you can use any vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. The ball is lubricated so that later you can easily separate the threads from its surface.

  1. Put the threads in the glue, let them soak for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Wrap a ball with a thread, but be sure to fix the first turn on a knot. The more turns you make, the more durable the Christmas tree decoration will be.
  3. Dry the ball by hanging it by a string and placing an oilcloth underneath for drops of glue. Drying time is usually 24 hours.
  4. When the threads are completely dry, untie the ball, blow air out of it and carefully remove it from the thread frame with tweezers.
  5. Tie a satin ribbon to the toy and hang it on the tree. From such balls, you can make whole garlands that will look beautiful on any surface: on window sills, furniture, even on the floor.


An ornament in the form of a Christmas tree made of wire and multi-colored beads and beads will look like New Year's.

For manufacturing, you will need the following:

  • Thin wire;
  • Thick wire;
  • Beads, seed beads, bugles;
  • Nippers.

How to make a wire herringbone:

  • Form the frame of the future New Year's decoration from thick wire.
  • String colorful beads, beads and bugles on a thin wire. Wrap the resulting multi-colored "garland" around the frame of the Christmas tree.

Making a Christmas toy is very simple, but it will become a worthy decoration for a festive Christmas tree.

More on the topic: How to dress up a Christmas tree?

From ribbon and beads

Christmas balls made of ribbons, decorated with sparkling beads, will look harmonious on the Christmas tree. Use an old Christmas tree ball, which will get a second life with a satin glitter ribbon and beads. Making a Christmas ball from satin ribbons is very simple: the ball is pasted over in a spiral with a ribbon, and then the decor is glued to the finished decoration with a glue gun: beads, rhinestones, beads.

Christmas balls, pasted over with a shiny decorative cord and rows of beads, look spectacular. Alternate rows of cord with a string of beads to make the Christmas tree decoration more elegant and shiny.

From cardboard in a couple of minutes

When time is running out, take a few minutes to create an elegant herringbone decoration.How a cardboard tree is made:

  • Cut out two identical cardboard blanks;
  • Put a loop of braid or ribbon between them, glue the halves;
  • Wrap the workpiece with a thin twine, then glue it with napkins;
  • When the glue is dry, paint the tree green and then glue the colorful beads as decoration.

From bright shreds

For those who know how to sew, it will not be difficult to make Christmas tree decorations with their own hands from bright fabric. Use shreds with Christmas and New Year designs, but regular, multi-colored fabric will work as well.

First, make patterns for future toys: bells, stars, Christmas trees, pigs, letters, numbers, or any other option you wish. Cut out two blanks of the future decoration, sew them in pairs, leaving a small section unstitched for further stuffing. You can use cotton wool or synthetic winterizer as a filler. Don't forget to insert a loop on which the adorable homemade toy will hang from the tree.

On a note! If you will be sewing figures on a typewriter, sew blanks from the wrong side. If the toy will be sewn by hand, use a decorative seam over the edge on the front side.

Twine and cardboard

DIY handmade cardboard Christmas decorations will look more interesting if you add felt decor to them. How to make a Christmas star from twine and cardboard:

  1. Cut the star pattern out of the cardboard. Inside, draw the same star along the contours, but smaller, and cut it out too. As a result, you should end up with a double star.
  2. Take a thin twine, glue the tail to the cardboard blank and start gradually wrapping the whole sprocket so that there are no voids left on it.
  3. Cut out a few branches and berries from felt, glue to the star. It remains to tie a loop on top, for which you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

From beads

Christmas decorations made of beads are very easy to make, while looking beautiful and festive. Try making a minimalist Christmas tree. It will require a coin, beads, thin wire, beads, a ribbon. Spiral the wire to create a Christmas tree layout. String green beads, pairing it with bright beads that will act as Christmas balls. Pull a piece of ribbon through the tree, at the bottom, glue it with double-sided tape to the coin, and at the top tie a loop with a bow, attach it to the wire so that the toy can be hung on the tree.

On a note! A handmade mouse made of fabric and beads will become a suitable New Year's toy for the new 2020.

From natural materials

Christmas decorations can be made from wood and twigs with your own hands. To get a Christmas tree made of branches in the style of minimalism, you will need the following materials:

  • Dry thin branches;
  • Jigsaw or saw;
  • Awl;
  • Ribbon;
  • Beads;
  • Acrylic paints and paintbrush.

How to make a twig decoration:

  1. We cut branches of different lengths with a jigsaw or saw, so that in the end we get a silhouette of a Christmas tree.
  2. We make a hole in the center of each branch.
  3. We take a thin ribbon, string twigs on it, alternating them with beads, thus collecting a Christmas tree.
  4. Attach a piece of the branch vertically from below - this will be the trunk.
  5. We paint the finished toy with acrylic paints, tie a ribbon on top in a loop.

You can make Christmas decorations from cones by painting them with spray paint and sprinkling them with sparkles. It is better to stick the sequins on PVA glue. Secure the bottom and top with a sparkling bead, and instead of a ribbon, hang the cones on a thin chain.

Christmas balls

The classic Christmas tree decor is impossible without balls. Recently, handmade balls have become fashionable. Such New Year's toys will help create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, add exclusivity and originality to your Christmas tree.

How to make Christmas balls from colorful felt:

  1. Cut balls out of colorful felt. If you want to make toys voluminous, cut out two identical parts, which then need to be sewn and stuffed with cotton wool or padding polyester.
  2. Pay special attention to the decor of the felt balls. Cut a few strips of felt of different colors, sew in the middle of the blank. Sew a piece of curly tape in the center.
  3. Attach a bow with a loop on top.

The easiest way to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands is to use a foam ball, which is decorated in various ways. It is convenient to decorate foam blanks with sequins, beads, beads, since needles are well inserted into the soft material, with the help of which the New Year's decor of the ball will be held.

From ordinary cotton wool, cute, homemade balls are obtained that can be hung on a Christmas tree or assembled in the form of a garland.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make your own Christmas balls from cotton wool:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials: scissors, white thread, needle, stocking, cotton wool.
  2. Cut the unwanted stocking in two.
  3. Stuff each piece with a shred of fabric, then sew the stocking to form a ball.
  4. Decorate the surfaces of each ball with cotton wool and sew with white thread so that the cotton layer adheres tightly to the workpieces.

For the new year 2020, try making toys using decoupage technique. Use foam blanks and decoupage napkins with a New Year theme to make exquisite balls. In the foam ball, make a hole where the loop will be inserted. Cut out the desired pattern from the napkins in the appropriate size. Apply blending glue to the styrofoam ball, attach the pattern and smooth to avoid wrinkles or wrinkles. After the Christmas ball is completely dry, you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Paper toys

There are many techniques for making figures from various paper: kusudama, quilling, origami. But you can make a Christmas tree toy in simpler ways. Together with your children, you can cut beautiful snowflakes and lanterns, which are suitable as a decoration not only for a Christmas tree, but for the whole apartment. The glued snowflakes will look beautiful on the windows.

Make the symbol of the year 2020 - the Mouse (or Rat) - with your own hands from multi-colored paper. How to do this can be seen in these videos:

From corrugated paper, cute handmade Christmas toys are obtained. How to make a snowman out of paper and candy:

  1. Cut a 15 x 17 cm blank from white corrugated paper.
  2. Insert a round lollipop (Chupa-Chups will do), fix with glue.
  3. Also fix the round lollipop with glue, squeeze the place where the lollipop connects to the stick to form the body and head of the snowman.
  4. Tie a knitted scarf around the snowman's neck, put a cap on his head. Glue on the beads-eyes, nose and mouth. Glue two tight threads with felt mittens on both sides - these will be the hands of the snowman.
  5. It remains to glue the shiny beads in the center of the snowman's body.

Making Christmas toys with your own hands is real magic that you can create with your children. And remember that every piece of jewelry you make will retain a piece of the warmth that you put into making a homemade toy.

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