Mushroom salads can be prepared all year round using fresh or pickled salads. A dish with mushrooms will be able to give a feeling of satiety for a long time, this product is combined with any vegetables, meat products and even fruits (pineapples or prunes). Having prepared a mushroom salad for the New Year, the hostess receives not only tasty, satisfying, but also a very beautiful treat, as evidenced by this selection of recipes.
Mushroom glade salad
Canned champignons look very impressive in this salad, which can easily compete with any restaurant treat and will become a real decoration of the New Year's table.
To recreate a meadow dotted with mushrooms on a plate, you will need:
- 270 g of canned mushrooms;
- 180 g ham;
- 180 g potatoes;
- 160 g carrots;
- 100 g hard cheese;
- 100 g of herbs (dill, green onions);
- 4 chicken eggs;
- 380 g mayonnaise;
- 5 g salt.
Priority of actions:
- Install the culinary ring on a cutting board covered with cling film (can be replaced with the sides of a split baking dish). Then lay the mushrooms with their caps down on the bottom of the resulting structure in a dense layer.
- Finely chop the washed and dried greens and cover the mushrooms with it. Smooth everything out and apply a frequent mayonnaise mesh. Cut hard-boiled eggs into cubes and lay out in the next layer, coat with mayonnaise.
- Then lay out the layers in this order: grated cheese, diced ham, boiled carrots and potatoes, passed through a coarse grater. Coat each layer with mayonnaise.
- The collected appetizer must be carefully turned onto a serving dish so that the mushrooms are on top, remove the film and ring. Serve the treat by slicing it like a cake.
New Year's salad "Pomegranate heart"
This is a multi-layered and satisfying snack, the highlight of which is not in the ingredients, but in the design. Bright pomegranate seeds will highlight the dish among others at a feast in honor of the New Year.
Ingredients that make up the salad:
- 280 g potatoes;
- 390 g chicken breast;
- 290 g of beets;
- 320 g of champignons;
- 210 g of walnuts;
- 110 g onions;
- 26 g garlic;
- 240 g mayonnaise;
- 1 pomegranate (grain);
- vegetable oil for frying;
- salt to taste.
Cooking recipe step by step:
- Pre-boil chicken fillet, beets and potatoes and cool. Cut the champignons into thin slices and fry in vegetable oil, also do with onions.
- Break the kernels of nuts into crumbs, and disassemble the pomegranate into grains, peeling it from the peel and films. Disassemble the meat into small fibers with your hands, and grate the vegetables on a coarse grater. After chopping, mix the beets with the garlic passed through a press.
- Shape in the shape of a heart, cover with cling film and you can start assembling the snack, smearing each layer with mayonnaise. The order of the layers: nuts, beets, chicken, onions, mushrooms, potatoes.
- Tamp all layers well and turn the mold onto a large flat plate. Carefully remove the film, coat the heart with dressing and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds. Additionally, you can make flowers from a boiled egg.
If in the arsenal of kitchen utensils there is no shape in the shape of a heart, then you can put together a salad in the shape of a ring - a "garnet bracelet" In this case, the appetizer should be formed in the culinary ring (sides of a split baking dish), placing a glass in its center.
"Stump salad" with honey agarics
Calling it a snack simply won't turn your tongue, it's more of a culinary art, just this way and not otherwise. After all, on the plate there will be a beautiful corner of the green forest with a stump, which honey mushrooms have chosen.
To create this edible composition, you must prepare:
- 120 g potatoes;
- 110 g carrots;
- 230 g pickled mushrooms;
- 5 eggs (3 for filling and 2 for pancakes);
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- 55 g of processed (pasty) cheese;
- 240 ml of milk;
- 120 g flour;
- 3 g salt;
- 3 g turmeric;
- mayonnaise for dressing;
- greens to taste.
- Boil the vegetables until tender, in the peel, cook the eggs hard-boiled. While the vegetables are boiling and cooling, knead a rare dough from flour, eggs, milk, salt and turmeric, from which to bake five thin pancakes.
- Separately turn the cheese, vegetables and boiled eggs into medium shavings and mix with the dressing sauce. Finely chop honey mushrooms, leaving 10-15 pieces for decoration.
- Cut four pancakes in half and place them in a row on the table, slightly overlapping. Places where one pancake lies on top of another, grease with melted cheese for better adhesion.
- Put five layers of filling on the pancakes one by one, placing the products in random order. Then gently roll everything into a tight roll, which is set on a plate with an even edge up.
- After that, it remains to form roots from the fifth pancake and the rest of the filling, decorate the salad with herbs and whole honey mushrooms. In the meadow next to the stump, you can put a tomato and egg fly agaric or vegetable flowers, giving free rein to your imagination.
Mushroom salad "Sunflower"
There are more requirements for New Year's salads. They should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. It is for special occasions that snacks are born from simple ingredients, but in an original design, as in this recipe.
List of products used:
- 600 g of boiled chicken fillet;
- 220 g of pickled champignons;
- 3 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
- 180 g pitted olives;
- 90 g round chips;
- mayonnaise, salt and spices.
How to cook:
- First you need to grind all the ingredients. Cut the chicken and champignons into cubes, grate the cheese and proteins on a coarse grater, and finely grate the yolks. Cut the olives in half.
- Form a dish by laying out its components on a plate in the form of a circle in the following sequence: meat, mushrooms, proteins and cheese. After each layer, it is imperative to make a mayonnaise mesh.
- Next, give the appetizer the appearance of a flower: sprinkle with grated yolks, put olives-seeds on top, and petal chips around the edges.
"Pineapple" with pickled mushrooms
No less impressive than the previous versions of the dishes, the appetizer in the form of a tropical fruit looks. Most often, pineapple is also included in the ingredients, and the scaly surface is imitated by halves of walnut kernels. In this version, there is no fruit component, but there are mushrooms that make the treat both tasty and beautiful.
List of ingredients:
- 550 g of boiled chicken breast;
- 750 g pickled champignons;
- 190 g of potatoes boiled in their skins;
- 3 hard-boiled eggs;
- 270 g pickled cucumbers;
- 180 g of hard cheese;
- 80 g of onions;
- mayonnaise for dressing;
- greens for decoration.
Algorithm of actions:
- Chop some of the mushrooms (about the same size) into thin plates. The rest - together with other products, grind into small cubes or grate on a coarse grater.
- On a large oval plate with a pineapple-shaped mound, lay out in layers: potatoes, meat, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, hard cheese and eggs. Re-layer everything with mayonnaise for juiciness.
- Coat the almost finished salad with dressing on top and lay out with thin slices of champignons. Finish off with a bunch of green onion feathers that will mimic the leaves.
Cuckoo's nest with fried mushrooms
At first glance, it's hard to believe that this photo was taken not somewhere in the forest, but on a New Year's table. The dish looks so beautiful and natural, it includes:
- 450 g potatoes;
- 260 g fried mushrooms;
- 280 g of boiled chicken;
- 3 eggs;
- 80 g processed cheese;
- 60 g ham;
- 10 g dill;
- 30 g lettuce leaves;
- 6 g garlic;
- mayonnaise, vegetable oil.
- Peel and chop the potatoes into thin strips. You can do this with a Korean-style carrot grater.Fry the resulting shavings in vegetable oil until golden brown, remove with a slotted spoon on a plate covered with paper and cool.
- Separate the yolks from the proteins, grate together with melted cheese and garlic on a fine grater. Add chopped dill and a little mayonnaise to the resulting mass for viscosity. Then form small balls.
- Cut the rest of the products (except the salad) into small cubes and season with mayonnaise.
- Line a plate for serving with washed dry lettuce leaves, top with lettuce dressed with mayonnaise. Make a depression in the "nest", cover everything with fried potatoes and put cheese balls in the middle.
Vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms
Meeting the New Year 2022 falls on the Nativity Fast, so believers have a difficult task - to prepare a lean, but tasty and festive table. The old Russian recipe for vinaigrette meets all the stated requirements:
- 230 g of beets;
- 230 g potatoes;
- 170 g pickled mushrooms;
- 130 g carrots;
- 150 g sauerkraut;
- 60 g green peas;
- 45 g green onions;
- vegetable oil.
Cooking sequence:
- Boil beets, potatoes and carrots until tender and cool. Then chop the boiled vegetables into small cubes.
- Drain the liquid from pickled mushrooms, cut large ones, and small ones (for example, honey mushrooms) can be left intact. Squeeze the cabbage and chop a little. Finely chop the green onion.
- Combine all prepared foods in a suitable bowl, stir, season with oil and season if necessary.
With fried mushrooms and carrots in Korean
Chicken breast is usually dryish when boiled, but in this appetizer, mushrooms fried with onions completely neutralize this deficiency, and spicy Korean carrots give the dish an interesting and rich taste.
Ingredient List:
- 300 g champignons;
- 200 g onions;
- 500 g chicken fillet;
- 150 g of Korean carrots;
- 150 g cucumbers;
- 200 g mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil, salt and spices.
We cook as follows:
- Boil the chicken in salted water with spices, then cool and cut into small cubes.
- Chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Cool down.
- Wash the cucumbers, wipe dry, if the peel is hard, remove it and grate the vegetable on a Korean carrot grater.
- Lay mushrooms, chicken, carrots and cucumbers on a dish, separating them with a grid of sauce for dressing. Sprinkle the appetizer with chopped herbs on top.
Meat salad with pickled mushrooms
This version of the snack can press even the general favorite - "Olivier". The only point that you need to pay attention to, if you prepare the dish in advance, then it is better to add crackers just before serving.
- 375 g beef tongue;
- 300 g of pickled mushrooms;
- 150 g of hard cheese;
- 150 g croutons;
- 450 g pickled cucumbers;
- 3 eggs;
- mayonnaise.
How to cook:
- Boil the beef tongue until tender, cool and remove the skin. Hard-boiled eggs and peel.
- Chop all ingredients into thin strips, combine together, season with mayonnaise and mix.
Mushroom salad with cucumbers
What happens if you put fried mushrooms, eggs and cucumbers together? Delicious and very easy to prepare New Year's salad.
The proportions of the products will be as follows:
- 200 g of champignons;
- 200 g of fresh cucumbers;
- 2 eggs;
- 40 g mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil.
Cooking method:
- Champignons (it is better to take medium-sized specimens) cut into four parts and fry in vegetable oil.
- Wash cucumbers, boil eggs and peel. Then chop these products, but not too finely. Combine everything, add dressing and mix.
Snack with chicken and pickled mushrooms
Outwardly, it may seem that this is the same "Mushroom Glade", but with mushrooms. However, it is not. The dish is completely different, the two salads have in common only the arrangement of the mushrooms on top and the laying of the ingredients in layers.
List of products that will be required in the cooking process:
- 320 g potatoes;
- 350 g chicken fillet;
- 4 eggs;
- 135 g carrots;
- 210 g fresh cucumber;
- 40 g dill;
- 245 g of pickled honey mushrooms;
- mayonnaise, salt and spices.
Cooking step by step:
- Boil carrots, potatoes, eggs and chicken until tender, let them cool completely. Grate boiled and fresh vegetables, also do with the eggs, and disassemble the chicken fillet into fibers or finely chop.
- When all the components are prepared, you can start assembling the snack. It needs to be formed in the culinary ring, lubricating the layers with mayonnaise. Sequence: potatoes, chicken, eggs, carrots, cucumbers.
- Then tamp everything well, remove the ring, coat with mayonnaise on all sides and sprinkle with chopped dill, and put pickled mushrooms on top.
You can put oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, white and others in a salad with mushrooms, if this is not specified in the recipe. Of course, the most appetizing snacks with forest mushrooms are obtained, but when choosing them, you should be very careful so that the feast does not end with poisoning. To find out if there is an inedible mushroom among the trophies of a quiet hunt, it is advised to boil them with a whole onion. If it has darkened, you cannot eat mushrooms.