The social pension in 2022 will be calculated and indexed according to the new rules. The changes will affect representatives of all categories of recipients of state payments. As a result of the changes that have been made to the legislative documents, the amount accrued to the recipients of payments will increase. In addition, some categories of pensioners will receive social benefits. What increase is planned and who will be credited with additional amounts - more on that later.
Social pension - what is it
A social pension is state aid accrued to socially unprotected citizens of the Russian Federation. The categories of people who can qualify for this type of payment are described in Federal Law No. 166. There is no single fixed amount of this assistance, the amount depends on the subsistence level.
The amount of social assistance is growing every year - in parallel with the cost of living and as a result of indexation. Whether there will be an increase in the subsistence minimum for countries in 2022 is already known for sure: the amount will increase, but in each region it will be different.
Indexation of social pension in 2022
The increase in the social pension is calculated according to special formulas, taking into account the growth of the minimum wage and prices. According to analysts, the forecasted price growth index in 2022 is 4%. At the same time, the indexation of social pensions in 2022 will be 5.9%.
Every year the size of indexation is gradually decreasing. According to the forecasts of the head of the Russian pension fund, the amount of payments should increase to 18.9% by the end of 2022. And if in 2021 the indexation was 6.3%, in 2022 it will already be 5.9%, and in 2023 - 5.6%. The State Duma plans to increase the amount of payments in the future in accordance with the developed plan and forecasts of financial analysts. A number of other factors also affect the amount of pension provision, including how much the regional cost of living will be increased.
Types of social pension
The social policy of Russia provides for three types of pensions for different categories of citizens. All these nuances are spelled out in Federal Law No. 166, which defines the categories of citizens who are entitled to state payments. The three types of social benefits available to countries are described below.
- Upon the loss of a breadwinner, a payment is assigned to children under 18 years of age. Accruals are also due to students who have lost guardians or parents, but only on condition of full-time study. The amount of security is calculated individually, different factors are taken into account: whether the child has a second guardian or parent, what was the cause of death, how much the father or mother earned during life.
- In old age, financial assistance is assigned to those who did not have time to earn the required amount of work experience. The retirement age for processing this type of payment differs for representatives of different professions, as well as taking into account the region and gender.
- For disability, material support is issued to everyone, regardless of age. But there are certain groups - I, II and III. For each group, the amount of payments is established, as well as the conditions for registration. If the disability is related to the loss of legal capacity, the guardian receives the pension.
There are clear regulations and rules for registration of each type of payment, as well as requirements for recipients. Social pensions are calculated taking into account the recipient's situation, but their size cannot be less than the established subsistence minimum.
Who can get
Social payment is due to all categories of citizens who have a legal right to it. A complete list of citizens who can apply for this type of payment is described in Federal Law No. 166.
The following groups of citizens can receive social assistance for disability:
- children with confirmed disabilities;
- disabled people of all ages and all groups.
In case of loss of the breadwinner, representatives of the following categories of citizens can apply for social assistance:
- children under 18 who have lost one or two parents or guardians - depending on the situation, the amount of material support differs;
- children over 18 years old who are studying full-time at universities - payments are calculated until they turn 23;
- children whose parents were not identified, or if their mom or dad was deprived of parental rights.
There is also a third type of material assistance, which is issued for old age. Citizens from the following categories can apply for this payment:
- representatives of the peoples of the North, aged 50 for women and over 55 for men;
- all citizens of Russia, for women - from 65 years old and for men - from 70 years old, but provided that they have lived in the country and have been its citizens for at least 15 years.
When calculating an old-age pension, it is not necessary that a person be disabled. The presence of employment does not cancel the accrual of payments, but can affect their amount. At the same time, when the cost of living is increased, the amount of payments will also grow.
Social pension payments
To date, the growth rates of social pensions are already known: according to indexation, they will grow by 5.9% in 2022. Based on the established subsistence minimum for 2022, it is known how much the social pension will be. The amount of charges will be equal to 10,307 rubles.
If the accrued amount is less than the established subsistence minimum, citizens are entitled to a social supplement to their pension. It will be equal to the difference between the cost of living and the amount of charges. To receive a surcharge, you will no longer need to collect documents and draw up a payment. The accrual system will work autonomously, and within 5 days after the entry into force of new laws, indexation or an increase in the living wage, the pensioner will receive an additional payment.
What to look for in 2022
It is important not only to know how much the pensioner's subsistence minimum and, accordingly, the amount of social pension will increase. It is also necessary to understand that in each region the numbers will differ, so the size of payments will depend on regional characteristics. The regional cost of living will not affect the amount of the pension, it will only change the amount of the additional payment.
In 2022, the increase in the social pension, taking into account the growth of living wages, will already take place in a proactive mode. Pensioners will not need to submit documents and write applications. Regional pension funds and other bodies will function smoothly and transfer documentation on their own, accruals will be made automatically.
Terms of assignment of social pension
Depending on the type of social pension assigned to a citizen, the terms of appointment will also differ. An old-age pension, as well as assistance for certain types of disabilities, are assigned indefinitely, that is, for life. The increase in payments does not require re-registration.
For children who have lost their breadwinner, the timing differs depending on their activities at the time of reaching the age of majority. For students of educational institutions, the right to receive assistance remains up to 23 years, for those who do not continue their studies - up to 18 years. Loss of eligibility occurs when a child is adopted or adopted.
The disability pension requires constant re-registration based on the results of the medical commission. But this is only for certain groups and diagnoses. We are talking about diseases that are treatable and imply a temporary loss of working capacity. If the diagnosis is lifelong, re-registration is necessary only if the disability group has changed, but the citizen will receive payments for life.
How is payment made
When registering, you will need to choose a suitable method of receiving moneyThere are four options available: through a bank, to a card account, by Russian post or by another company that delivers pensions. At any time, you can change the selected method of receiving money.
How to apply for a social pension
To apply for a disability pension, a citizen must first obtain supporting documentation from a hospital. After a series of examinations, during which diagnoses and pathologies are revealed that deprive a person of working capacity or limit it, a disability group is established.
Having received the appropriate documentation confirming the right to receive payments in connection with disability, a citizen or his legal representative can apply to the regional office of the pension fund with these papers.
The package of documents for each type of social assistance will be different, so you need to find out exactly what types of documents will be required. For registration, you also need to write an application for the appointment of a pension or fill out a ready-made form. Identity documents and papers proving eligibility for benefits will be required.
How does a social pension differ from an insurance one?
An insurance pension, or labor pension, is paid to all citizens who have accumulated a certain amount of insurance experience over the past years. For registration of this type of payment, it is also required to have the required number of pension points, which are accrued taking into account labor earnings.
Pension points for an insurance pension is the ratio of the maximum wage (this amount changes annually) and the employee's monthly salary. For each year, a certain number of points is awarded, which, together with the insurance period, affect the volume of pension payments. Moreover, if the insurance pension is assigned by age, then the amount is fixed.
A social pension is a different kind of government payments. Everyone who has already reached retirement age is entitled to it, regardless of the amount of work experience and the presence or absence of pension points. This type of assistance also applies to disabled people, it is also assigned to children who have lost their breadwinner.
The amount of charges is also growing every year, they are established in accordance with the current legislation. The latest news on the increase in payments and indexation reports that in 2022 the volume of social assistance will grow.
The social pension will be indexed again in 2022. More information will be announced later about promotions and possible additional surcharges. So far, according to the terms of the program, it is only known what the indexation of social pensions will be in 2022. The conditions for processing payments remain unchanged.