Sandwiches with red caviar are a must-have at the New Year's feast. Even if the family does not buy this product often, they will definitely buy a jar of fish eggs for this holiday. How not to make the wrong choice when buying and prepare an original, beautiful and tasty snack will be described in this article.
How to choose?
Red caviar on store shelves is obtained from 8 species of fish of the salmon family. The product differs in the size of the eggs. If you move from the smallest to the largest, then the types of fish will be arranged in the following order: sockeye salmon, char, trout, pink salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, Atlantic salmon, chinook salmon. The most common caviar is pink salmon.
In order not to be mistaken with the choice, when choosing this product, first of all, you need to pay attention:
- On the container. It is better to buy in a glass container, which makes it possible to examine the eggs. The tin can must be free from defects (dents or bulges). If a gurgling sound is heard when shaking, then there is a lot of liquid and damaged eggs inside.
- On the information on the label. You should definitely look at the country of the manufacturer, expiration date, availability of GOST and composition. The more detailed it will be, the better. Ideally, the jar should contain only caviar and salt, a small amount of vegetable oil is permissible.
- At the place of storage of the product at the point of sale. In the store, it can only be stored in the refrigerator, the temperature in which does not rise above -5 ° C.
Base options
To make sandwiches for the New Year not only beautiful and tasty, and small eggs to look advantageous when served, you need to carefully choose the base. The hostesses are very lucky here, since there are plenty of such options.
White bread
Sandwiches can be made from a rectangular loaf of toast bread or a crispy French baguette. To make the slices the same, it is better to purchase sliced bread or carefully cut it with a bread knife and a saw yourself. The pieces should not be too large.
Black bread
Black or rye bread is healthier than white bread because it has four times more vitamins than white bread and has a lower glycemic index, which gives you a longer feeling of fullness.
By the way, whoever did not manage to lose weight by the new year can still use the system of our nutritionist, it works all year round.
Bread slices for sandwiches, you can not cut into standard slices, but with the help of, for example, metal cuttings to give them a curly shape, getting beautiful sandwiches in the form of hearts.
As a base for an appetizer, use wide flat chips, the size of a small sandwich. It can be a store-bought product or one prepared by yourself. Spread the filling on the chips shortly before serving so that they do not soften.
Breads and whole grain breads
Adherents of proper nutrition can celebrate the New Year with the "right" sandwiches. To do this, take whole grain bread or crispbreads as the basis of the snack. You can choose any bread for sandwiches to your taste: rice, rye, buckwheat, oat, etc.
Small baskets made from shortcrust pastry or unleavened dough (tartlets) are also suitable for making a snack. You can buy them at the store or make your own. In the second case, it is possible to monitor the quality of the products that make up the test. As for serving, here it is like with chips: the filling is applied immediately before use.
Crackers are the perfect base for sandwiches that can take less than a quarter of an hour to cook. Cookies for a snack for the New Year's table should be chosen with a neutral taste or salty, rectangular ("sandwich") shape. Since the cookies are thin, you can experiment not only with the fillings, but also with the number of layers in the sandwich.
Traditional addition
In addition to one of the options for the basis for the appetizer and the red caviar itself, additional products will be required to help bring everything together. Most often, the following additional ingredients are used in cooking:
- butter - so that it does not crumble, but is easily spread on a sandwich, it should be removed from the refrigerator in a couple of hours and left on the kitchen table;
- cream cheese (cream cheese, curd cheese) - the following varieties are considered the most popular and suitable for sandwiches: Philadelphia, mascarpone, and feta;
- olives - used alone, as a decoration or as a paste (spread) in combination with other ingredients;
- lemon - you need to add in moderation, sprinkling the sandwich with freshly squeezed juice or as a translucent plate so as not to interrupt the taste of the fish product.
- greens - will not only bring a fresh note to the taste and aroma of the appetizer, but also make the dish more festive.
Recipes for New Year's sandwiches with red caviar
In the selection of recipes below with a photo, it is described in detail and shown how to combine products with each other to get a delicious and beautiful appetizer for the New Year's table.
Sandwich with butter and lemon
This is a classic version of a New Year's snack, for which you will need:
- French baguette or white loaf;
- butter;
- lemon;
- caviar;
- parsley.
- Cut the baguette or loaf into thin slices, grease each of them with butter.
- Wash the lemon and chop it together with the peel into thin (almost transparent) semicircles.
- Place the lemon slice on one side and the caviar on the other side on a greased piece of bread. Garnish with a sprig of fresh parsley.
On black bread with cheese and herbs
List of required ingredients:
- Rye bread;
- cream cheese or tender pasty cottage cheese;
- parsley and dill;
- red salmon caviar;
- salt.
Priority of actions:
- To spread, mix together finely chopped herbs, cheese (cottage cheese) and salt. Stir everything well until smooth.
- Cut rye bread into thin triangles, grease each with cheese spread, and spread the fish product on top.
Pancake rolls
The base of pancakes for this appetizer can be prepared in advance, wrapped with cling film and refrigerated, and cut and refilled immediately before serving. For cooking you will need:
- thin egg pancakes (you can bake them according to your most successful recipe);
- processed cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- Red caviar;
- parsley or dill for decoration.
- Grate the processed cheese on the finest grater and combine with mayonnaise. Set aside a part of the resulting mass, and distribute the rest over the pancakes.
- Roll each greased pancake tightly. Wrap with cling film and refrigerate.
- Cut the prepared rolls into large pieces and place them with the cut side up on a serving dish. Top with a little cheese spread, caviar and herbs.
Unusual serving on pancakes and bread
From sandwiches, you can create a whole composition on a plate, for which you only need:
- black bread;
- pancakes;
- cream cheese;
- greens;
- caviar.
Step by step cooking:
- Cut the bread into thin rectangular cubes. Using a piping bag with a toothed nozzle, deposit the cream cheese on top.
- Grease pancakes with cheese, roll up and cut into pieces. On a plate, alternately arrange the pieces of pancake with the cut up and the bread rectangles.
- Put caviar on pancakes and bread and decorate a plate with herbs.
Unusual appetizer sprinkled with herbs
The composition of this appetizer is very simple, but the original design immediately makes it stand out on the festive table. To make such sandwiches, you must prepare:
- white sliced loaf;
- cream cheese or butter;
- dill greens;
- Red caviar.
Cooking algorithm:
- Cut circles from slices of white loaf using a metal cutting-cutter or a glass with thin walls.
- Grease the pieces cut from the crumb with butter or cheese on top and sides.
- Finely chop the greens and sprinkle the sides of the sandwich with it. Place eggs on top.
To make volovanov (small French puff pastry baskets) with filling, you need the following ingredients:
- semi-finished puff pastry;
- egg;
- Philadelphia cheese;
- Red caviar.
Cooking steps:
- Roll out the dough into a layer 3-4 mm thick, cut out circles from it with a glass. In half of the circles, cut the middle with a glass.
- Put the circles on a baking sheet, grease them with a beaten egg, and put the circles with the cut-out centers on top, grease the egg on top again.
- Bake the blanks at 200 degrees until a beautiful golden color (15-20 minutes). Remove from oven and cool.
- Then fill the baskets with cheese, and top with orange fish balls and decorate the appetizer with herbs.
With hard cheese
Often, for festive dishes, not the composition, but the original presentation plays an important role. So, for unusual sandwiches made from simple ingredients, you need to take:
- white toast bread;
- hard cheese;
- red caviar.
How to do:
- Cut the bread into slices and the cheese into thin slices.
- Cut a herringbone from each cheese plate using a punch or a knife and stencil.
- Put a cheese tree and caviar on a slice of bread. Fix the chipped bread and cheese with a skewer.
You may be interested in recipes for inexpensive New Year's salads.
Cherry appetizer
To create a bright gastronomic still life from simple products, you will need:
- White bread;
- caviar;
- butter;
- fresh parsley.
Sequence of work:
- Spread the sliced bread with butter.
- With the help of a teaspoon, put two red caviar "cherries" on top, and a sprig of herbs between them, and the appetizer is ready.
With shrimps on tartlets
To serve red caviar in tartlets, you must prepare the following products:
- small sand tartlets;
- cottage cheese;
- shrimp;
- Red caviar;
- greens for decoration.
We cook as follows:
- Boil the shrimps, cool and peel off the head and shell.
- Fill the tartlets with cottage cheese.
- Lay two tails of shrimp on top in the form of a heart, fill the middle of which with caviar, add a little fresh herbs for decoration.
And here we have collected other delicious toppings for tartlets! See for yourself!
Black bread appetizer with red fish and green onions
These sandwiches contain the following ingredients:
- black bread;
- red fish;
- cottage cheese;
- Red caviar;
- feathers of green onions.
Cooking sequence:
- Cut circles out of sliced brown bread. Dissolve the red fish into slices that do not exceed the size of the bread blanks.
- Put a slice of red fish on the bread, put some curd cheese on top with a teaspoon or with the help of a pastry bag.
- Finish the appetizer with caviar and two green onion feathers.
Bulky sandwiches
For a beautiful treat resembling small sailboats, you will need:
- baguette;
- butter;
- caviar;
- lemon;
- olives;
- greens.
Cooking instructions:
- Cut the baguette into slices, grease them with butter and caviar.
- Put a lemon slice and an olive on a skewer. Insert the resulting structure into a sandwich and decorate with herbs.
On a toast with an egg
For a New Year's treat on crispy toast, you need to take:
- toast bread;
- boiled egg;
- mayonnaise;
- Red caviar;
- lemon;
- greens.
How to cook:
- Toast slices of bread in a toaster or sandwich maker.
- Grate the egg on the finest grater and mix with a little mayonnaise. Grease the toast with the resulting mass.
- Next, lay out the eggs. Decorate the appetizer with a small slice of lemon and herbs.
Taking into account several recipes for sandwiches, the hostess will always be able to quickly make an appetizing snack not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday. You should also not be afraid to experiment, combining products to your taste, starting from the proposed options.