Folk omens of January 2022 for every day

The first month of the year January can tell a lot to an observant person. And if you still have the information that your ancestors painstakingly collected, then you can usefully adjust your plans, achieving success.

Signs of January 2022 by numbers

1 - If the sky is clear at night, then prepare the baskets for the summer. There will be a lot of berries. The first day of the year will tell you what the beginning of summer will be like.

6 - This is the day of the peasants' signs. If the sky is clear overhead, the harvest will be rich, the paths shine black - it is profitable to sow buckwheat. Stars poured into the sky - the cattle will give birth.

7 - It's good if there is a lot of snow collected in huge snowdrifts - the year will be abundant and rich. And if it has begun to melt, spring will come very soon, it will certainly be warm.

8 - Celebrated the Day of Porridge. Be sure to invite guests and go themselves. Conversations were made, plans were made.

12 - We went to the guests again. Mushrooms and pickles must be a treat. So that this year nature was generous.

13 - Generosity. We went to the garden at midnight. Snow was shaken off the branches of apple trees so that the harvest was. We looked from where the wind was blowing: from the south - to a hot year and favorable circumstances, from the west - there will be a lot of fish in the reservoirs, from the east - fruit harvest, from the north - the earth will not give birth.

14 - Vasily. If the stars illuminate the sky at night, there will be a lot of berries. If the blizzard howls, the nuts will give birth. If it gets foggy, it will be a fruitful year. The girls made a wish. Everything certainly came true!

15 - Sylvester. On this day, the chicken coop was treated. He was fumigated with resin. They also found and hanged a chicken god - a stone full of holes. It was believed that he protects from evil spirits.

16 - Gordeev day. If you brag and boast, then everything will be taken away. It was believed that one should not display one's property on display, otherwise they would jinx it.

17 - Zosima. We looked at the trees in the forest. If the snow has bent the branches to the ground, then the bees will bring a lot of honey.

18 - On this day, fortune-telling and divination ended. Yes, at midnight it was necessary to go and get some Epiphany water.

19 - Baptism. We looked through the hole. If it is full of water, it will be a big spill. If there is fog, the year will be rich. Also means frost.

20 - John the Baptist. The efforts to create new families began. Matchmakers were filled up, weddings were being prepared. Often they got together, prepared a treat (meat).

21 - Emelyan. If the wind is south on this day, there will be thunderstorms all summer.

22 - Philip. They called godfathers to visit. They need to be treated and welcomed in order to be with friends all year round. Godfathers should have come with a gif.webpt.

23 - Gregory. If the haystacks are covered with frost, it will rain in the summer. Wind from the south - there will be thunderstorms all summer. If it's cloudy, then dry summer will come.

24 - Fedosiy-Vesnyak. If it's warming, then spring will come very soon.

25 - Tatiana. If the sun is shining, the birds will arrive early. If it snows, the summer will be very rainy.

26 - Irinarkh. If the cat hides its nose, frosts will stand for a long time. Also, if the branches of trees crackle in the forest.

27 - Nina. If snow falls from the sky, it will soon be warm. If the frost has fallen, there will be even greater colds.

28 - Paul. The wind is blowing, so it will be damp all year round. If the sky is rich in stars at night, flax will be ugly.

30 - Anton. If it gets warmer on this day, then this is a lie. Will start playing again soon.

31 - Athanasius. This day was important for brides. If the matchmakers have not yet visited them, they are no longer expected this year.

That's the whole list of folk signs in January! Use it to your health!

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