When we are preparing for the New Year, we only want to hope for the best. Only the world is becoming more and more disturbing and aggressive. The past year has brought us a lot of bad things. Here, inevitably, you will "grab a straw". By the way, our common ancestors prepared a lot of suitable "straw". There was such a seer, Nostradamus, about whom many know. What predictions did he prepare for the year 2020?
- About cataclysms and nature
- Predictions about geopolitics
- Forecasts for the global economy
It should be noted that his predictions are considered quite reliable. Even research was carried out on the subject of the implementation of what he prophesied. More than fifty percent of his visions are said to have come true. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it is again alarming. Now you will find out why.
Nostradamus about cataclysms
Probably, it is difficult to find such a disaster that the great sage did not foresee for the coming 2020. It will all start with big fires. The fire will cover all continents. In this case, the consequences will be so grandiose that humanity may not see either the Moon or the Sun covered with smoke.
After that, downpours will follow, which will cause the flood. Australia and Oceania will be particularly affected. the country will also fall under the negative effects of water, but Nostradamus, for sure, foresaw that the Russians are able to cope with less such troubles. He said that all this would not be critical for our territory. Volcanoes will wake up and cause earthquakes.
To reassure you, let's say that the reshaping of the continents is not expected. Otherwise, the likelihood of disasters is high. In addition, the seer wrote about a certain comet that would crash into the "big city". From this, a tsunami of unprecedented magnitude will be born. It is clear that it will be risky to be in coastal cities. Africa will suffer more than other continents. Moreover, the people there will suffer from hunger.
But don't be sad about negative predictions. In 2020, according to the seer, the spiritual rebirth of all mankind will be born. He wrote that a new religion and a man would emerge who, by the power of his personality, would be able to blur the artificial boundaries separating people.
By 2040, the world will become one, recognizing and adopting a new religion. But until then we have to go through the last confrontation between Islam and Christianity (which, however, is already in full swing).
Predictions about the geopolitical situation
- The world will continue to "hang" by a thread from the last terrible war. Nostradamus moves the arena of confrontation to the Middle East.
- He believes that Turkey and Iran will become "hooligans", which at first will fight a little among themselves, and then unite. They will choose the Christian world as their goal and turn their eyes, burning with anger, towards Europe.
- The prophet assigns the peacekeeping mission to Russia, together with the countries of Africa.
- On the whole, he is quite optimistic. The last battle in 2020 will not happen, humanity will not destroy itself, which is already good. But wonder, if you believe Nostradamus, will be something. People will increasingly become disillusioned with the law and rulers who have long forgotten about the existence of such. There will be a large number of events that can be combined with one word "anarchy".
- Some rulers face a very sad fate. Nostradamus wrote that the people of one country will expel their master, which will surprise the whole planet. Russia will have to reconcile and calm everyone. In this, Nostradamus echoes with other soothsayers (for example, with Wanga).
The world economy in 2020 according to the predictions of Nostradamus
The soothsayer said that at last a different source of energy would be discovered, cheap and readily available. It's a good news.In addition, if you believe his predictions, then in 2020 Tesla's inventions regarding wireless transmission of electricity will begin to be practiced, which will make a complete revolution in the economy. It will be easier for people to live (hopefully).
It seems that the seer saw our time as too gloomy. But this is only the first impression. Take a close look at what humanity is doing and you will understand that Nostradamus was an optimist. However, he did not make his predictions for the amusement of idlers. He was confident that in this way he would help people overcome the difficulties of 2020. For which he should be thanked.
Do you believe in the predictions of the seer?
- Yes. I don't think they are lying.
- Of course not!
- I won't say about faith, but it's interesting to read.
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