A festive feast is an opportunity for the hostess to show her culinary skills, but the New Year requires more thorough preparation. You need to think over everything to the smallest detail, starting with what should be on the New Year's table of treats, and ending with serving. Let's try to figure out which one White Metal Bull wants to see his meeting.
- What is remarkable about the symbol of 2021
- Diet of the White Metal Bull
- Gastronomic preferences
- Banned foods and meals
- Rules for drawing up a holiday menu
- How to create a New Year's mood at the table
- A little about the relevance of red
Features of the Year of the Ox
The main features of the White Metal Bull coming into its own are iron character and noble restrained color.
Together with it, the symbol of the Eastern calendar will bring peace, reliability and prosperity, to achieve which you will have to work long and hard. There is no reason to expect quick income in the new year. The disadvantages of the animal include conservatism and a dislike for change, which can lead to missed opportunities.
The calm general mood of the year does not promise dramatic changes in personal life, but family people will begin a period of absolute harmony and tranquility, but without romanticism and the manifestation of their emotions. A vivid outburst of negative feelings can occur under pressure.
Taste preferences of the White Metal Bull
Even in one family, the taste preferences of its members can differ significantly, to say nothing of such different animals as the Rat and the Ox, so one cannot rely on the recommendations of the previous year. Before drawing up the New Year's menu, it is necessary to study in more detail what is to the taste of the new patron animal, and what he will not be delighted with.
What should be on the table?
The bull is a picky animal that loves to eat well and tasty. The conservative nature of the animal does not require culinary delights and exotic products on the New Year's table. He will prefer simple treats and traditional pickles. Conservativeness should also be in the methods of preparation. Products can be boiled, stewed, fried or baked.
Do not forget that the Bull is a herbivore, therefore, plant foods (cereals, vegetables, fruits and herbs) must prevail in the menu.
A beautifully designed cheese platter will not be superfluous on the table as a tribute and gratitude to the Rat for all the good things that happened to you in the past year.
Treats that will help to get the Bull's favor and should be on the New Year's table will be:
- dishes from baked or stewed vegetables;
- various salads from fresh vegetables or beautifully decorated vegetable cuts for those who prefer hearty Olivier with mayonnaise in winter, rather than light vegetables;
- all kinds of mushroom dishes (potatoes with mushrooms, mushroom zrazy, julienne);
- fish and seafood, but only familiar in your family and cooked according to old proven recipes - no experiments and exoticism;
- meat treats made from poultry, rabbit, pork or lamb.

Fruit should be in the form of slicing, but also among the ingredients for drinks (fruit drinks, compotes, juices) and desserts.
The stern bull has a sweet tooth, so you can't do without a cake on New Year's Eve, and a light fruit dessert is ideal after a generous feast.
What should not be on the New Year's table
For all the unpretentiousness of the patron of 2021, there are dishes that this animal may not like.
First of all, these are sausages, hot dishes, steaks, pates, snacks and salads, which include beef or veal.
Not only the meat itself, but also by-products (liver, kidneys, heart, udder, etc.) should be prohibited. The bull doesn't like being greeted with a treat from his fellow tribesmen.
For the same reason, the recipe for the preparation of jellied meat and aspic, which should be on the table, should be revised. For these dishes, a gelling component is needed, as the housewives use beef bones. Cold as tasty can be prepared from pork shank or chicken.
If your family cannot imagine a New Year's table without jellied fish, then the hostess should prepare it using agar-agar, and not gelatin, the main raw material for the production of which is the bones of cattle. Plus, working with a seaweed thickener is even easier than using gelatin, which shouldn't be included.
As for drinks, it must be remembered that the Ox does not like drunkards. Any alcoholic beverages can be on the menu, but their use should be moderate.
How to compose a New Year's menu 2021
When composing a festive menu, one should take into account not only the character of the symbol of 2021, but also the taste preferences of the invited guests. You should also choose dishes so that a maximum of preparations can be prepared the day before. Otherwise, by the beginning of the evening, the hostess may not even have the strength to set the table with already prepared dishes. Some of the affairs can be delegated to the husband or other household members.
Below is an approximate list of dishes for the menu for the Year of the Ox:
- a central treat in the idea of baked chicken, turkey or duck;
- side dish made from potatoes;
- hot meat dishes, but not beef;
- fish and seafood treats, both hot and cold;
- cold appetizers and salads;
- pastries and desserts;
- alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Based on this list, each hostess can pick up traditional recipes for the New Year's menu.
How to beautifully lay the table and arrange a treat
The New Year's Eve should not be limited to ordinary dishes and paper napkins, because according to the assurances of the horoscope, the Ox does not like lack of attention to himself, therefore, details with the image of the symbol will be appropriate.
Since the element of the year is Metal, you can serve it on the table in a beautiful metal dish or ceramic with a metallized pattern.
Candles, themed napkin holders, and beautifully decorated bottles of alcohol will help create a festive New Year's mood at the table. Even a bright satin ribbon bow on the leg of a transparent wine glass would be an appropriate accent.
As for the colors of the holiday, when choosing a tablecloth, napkins and dishes, you should give preference to white, silver, gold and calm pastel shades. There must be bright accents from the details of rich green or red.
In the design of the treats that should be on the New Year's table, you can show all your culinary imagination using large quantities of greens and vegetables.
Is red color acceptable when the Bull meets?
The colors that are most often used in New Year's decor are red and green. If there are no questions about the latter, then about the red color, the question arises: will it make the Bull angry.
In China, the homeland of the Eastern calendar, red color is an obligatory New Year's symbol, it is found in festive clothes, table setting and even home decoration. The Chinese will not make an exception in 2021, so we should not change traditions either.
Confirmation of the bulls' dislike of red is considered to be their attacks on the muleta (the red cloak of the matador), but scientists are inclined to believe that the animal does not distinguish colors and is even very myopic, therefore it reacts to movement. So, an experiment was carried out: a man in red stood motionless in the arena, and a man in black clothes ran.The bull rushed to attack the second.
Thus, it is quite acceptable to cook in the Year of the Ox with red ingredients, as well as use it in the design of the holiday.