Among fashionistas and just beauties, there has long been a tradition to celebrate the New Year in accordance with its symbol. Careful selection of colors in clothing and interior design, the use of symbols, appropriate decor are all important attributes for attracting good luck in the New Year. This tradition has not been spared and nail art. How to choose a manicure for the Year of the Tiger, what palette, what will the symbol of 2022 like and what not? Well, sit back and welcome to the world of Feng Shui manicure.
Choosing a palette
The master of the jungle, the Tiger, sneaks silently. But this symbol is not simple, not the usual red-striped one. 2022 is the year of the Water Blue Tiger. But lovers of a bright red palette should not be upset. There are design options for them that will appeal to the mustachioed predator.
The main colors of 2022 are:
- Blue and all shades of blue;
- Black and graphite
- Beige and all its shades,
- Tiger print.
Let's analyze each of them and see which color will look the most advantageous and attract good luck in 2022.
If you do not believe in horoscopes and just want to see a lot of ideas for New Year's manicure, then follow the link.
Blue and all shades of blue
The blue spectrum is very demanding on the unity of the image. You cannot wear a red dress with a blue manicure. Everything should be harmonious and complementary to each other.

Blue color of different saturation has a special airiness. Therefore, the outfit should be chosen from flowing and delicate materials. Coolness and freshness should blow from the image. Since our patron is associated with water, then the style is appropriate.
Of course, dark blue is also appropriate. He, like a deep blue sea, surprises with its richness and severity. This shade looks respectable and elegant.
The best combinations with the blue and light blue spectrum are white and silver. The coating itself can be matte and glossy. There are no special prohibitions here.

As for the shape and length of the nails, there is a special conversation here. If the shape can be any, then there is a requirement for the length of the nails. Blue loses a lot on short nails. Of course, a lot depends on the length of the nail bed. If it is small in itself, and even wide, it is better to choose a different color, for example, nude. Otherwise, you need to build up.
Black and graphite
Very democratic color. Suitable for any look: from a vamp woman to a mischievous hippie. Of course, if the image of the "Turgenev young lady" is chosen, then you should refrain from black marigolds.
Black and graphite coating is "friendly" with gold, silver and white. A special chic will give a matte finish. It will make your manicure the most refined and discreet.
When choosing the shape of the sawdust, it should be borne in mind that black nails can cause an association with "seeds" or "crow's claws". Therefore, if you really want a black manicure, you need to consult with the master in order to avoid absurdities in the image. And of course, black color and short nails are absolutely incompatible.
Beige and all its shades
That's where the fantasy is. Nude is perfect for any look. It can be combined with any style and is appropriate for any party: from friendly to corporate. And then, after the holidays, there is no need to run and redo the manicure. The beige palette is combined with absolutely any color. There are no restrictions here. There is also absolute freedom in choosing the length of the nail. Short and long, oval and square, almond and stiletto. Nude looks great in any version.
Tiger print
No matter how the trendsetters snort, the tiger print rules in 2022! Not only is this a symbol of the owner of the year, but also a great option for New Year's nail design. Which will be appropriate for any look. It is enough to single out one single nail, and the manicure will "sparkle" in a special way.
Tiger manicure is good because it does not require additional decorations. He is very elegant and democratic. Perfect for everyday wear and can be done in any technique from airbrushing to painting.
Let's talk about design
New Year is a holiday. This means that a manicure for the Year of the Tiger should combine both the restraint inherent in the nature of the patron, and the brightness that is expected on New Year's days.
Aqua design
The color palette for this direction is any, except for black. All the other colors that we have already talked about are perfect. For decoration, you can use both a tiger print and a water theme: imitation of waves, water foam, river or sea bottom, bubbles and other options that reveal the theme. Perfectly complemented by various paintings and drawings. But it is not recommended to choose stones and rhinestones: they will make the nails heavy and pretentious.
The perfect solution for any color. Will make your manicure bright and eye-catching. Painting, geometry, stamping, airbrushing are allowed. The main thing is to adhere to moderation so that the manicure does not look "magpie".
Glitter, rhinestones, stones
The tiger does not like a special shine. He is secretive and discreet. Therefore, it is better to leave this design addition for another occasion. But, if you really want to, then you can decorate one or two marigolds without fanaticism.
The tiger adores him. The fact is that a smooth transition from one color to another is associated with the play of light and shadow. And what should such a formidable predator do? Right! Skillfully hide and appear unexpectedly.
The gradient is beautifully complemented by a tiger print. Looks great in any color scheme. It can be decorated with any painting.
A classic that never goes out of style. He does not need comments and long reasoning. The tiger jacket will look very interesting and attractive.
This is a real bomb in nail art. This design attracts the eye, makes you want to look closer at the manicure.
The print, of course, is tiger. It can be stripes, and with proper skill, even a drawing of the patron himself. And this will undoubtedly please the Tiger.
Cat's eye
Fast, easy, elegant. This is the motto of the "cat's eye" cover. This design does not require any additions in the form of painting, rubbing, rhinestones and other decorations.
Deep, dark tones look especially beautiful: blue, black, green. The overflow can be both gold and silver, it's a matter of taste.
It will never lose its relevance. One caveat: the drawing should correspond to the New Year theme and combine both a holiday and tiger symbols. For painting, you can use any technique: stamping, stencils, stickers, artistic version. This is the only design that can be complemented with rhinestones to simulate tiger eyes, for example.
What your heart desires!
When choosing a manicure for the Year of the Tiger, you should not dwell on the animalistic theme. Still, New Year is a wonderful, bright time. It is important to pay attention to the overall ensemble so that the image is holistic and harmonious. The main thing is that a beautiful manicure is pleasing and not boring. After all, you will have to wear it for more than one day.