Following the year of the White Metal Bull, the powerful Black (Blue) Water Tiger is coming. It is a noble but quick-tempered beast. This means that anything can be expected from the next 2020. This period is not stable, but it will bring good luck and prosperity to many. The horoscope for 2022 according to the signs of the zodiac promises many unexpected events, but most of them will be of a favorable nature.
Features of the Tiger: positive and negative sides
The horoscope for 2022 for the signs of the zodiac under the sign of the Tiger promises success, which is achieved through numerous obstacles. The predator inclines to self-sacrifice, will, the desire for success and the manifestation of leadership qualities.
However, people who lack flexibility, who do not know how to work in a team, are proud and authoritarian, will not be able to prove themselves properly and learn to adapt.
The tiger does not tolerate criticism, which means that the trials that have fallen to the lot of the zodiacs must be taken as a blessing and another experience.
Year of the Tiger 2022: horoscope for all signs
Aries is a representative of the element of fire. Regardless of the age group, social status and type of activity, for Aries 2022 will be a wonderful period in which, with diligence and a competent approach to business, incredible success can be achieved. Aries need to be persistent, active, and then they will be rewarded with what they passionately dreamed of.
Men of this zodiac sign need to restrain their active impulses. Sometimes, in an effort to achieve the best results, they can overdo it, lose energy, or get health problems.
For a woman, this is, on the contrary, a favorable period. In 2022, many ladies will finally be able to hear themselves and understand what they want to do. This will be a year of professional growth, new projects and discoveries.
Aries needs to be consistent in their actions and not run ahead of the locomotive. All the work started must be completed, and only in this case, each project will end in success.
This is a year of active development of family ties, the emergence of new acquaintances and friendly relations. As for love and family life, this year is more romantic than ever and favorable for creating strong family ties.
If Aries is still lonely and has not found his soul mate, then 2022 of the Black Tiger will bring him a solution to his problems and the opportunity to meet that very person.
In any case, Aries should listen to themselves and, as usual, show their perseverance in any matter.
2022 is a very strange and controversial year for Taurus. On the one hand, in the professional field and development, this zodiac sign can achieve incredible results. But on the other hand, there may be problems in personal life, with others and children.
For a whole year, Taurus will stubbornly go towards their goal, but they will encounter unexpectedly many obstacles. They will have competitors, unexpected perception problems, detractors, and so on. Do not forget that all these tests are not given in vain. Only after passing through them, Taurus will truly temper his character. And then any life problems will be of no concern to him.
In 2022, you cannot make rash decisions in your business. Otherwise, it can lead to its loss.
Taurus's business life will also not always be favorable. In order to survive this period with minimal losses, it is recommended to make new acquaintances very carefully, not to let new partners into your life close, and also not to trust the first comers.
The tiger is an animal not only cunning, but also greedy.Therefore, this year the number of people who want to improve their material capabilities at the expense of a thoughtful Taurus will increase.
It is very important here to distinguish friends from enemies, as well as to fight back people who want to take advantage of your kindness.
In the love sphere, single Taurus will finally find a mate. However, you need to choose a partner very carefully and carefully in order not to make mistakes. A mistake is fraught with mental anguish and emotional upheaval.
Family life will flow more calmly than ever, without storms and stress.
Taurus needs to surround themselves with interesting people, find a new hobby. Then 2022 will be an incredibly interesting and successful time.
In business, Gemini will be on horseback in 2022. These are very extraordinary personalities, prone to adventures. It is in this year that this way of approaching the matter will be approved by the Tiger.
The Gemini will have the opportunity to show their best qualities, and their adventurism, non-standard solutions will be appreciated.
This year, everything will depend only on the Gemini. They will have the opportunity to realize their talent, to show their qualities, as well as to discover new strengths, energy and abilities in themselves.
Astrological advice to Gemini this year is very simple. They need to follow the set goal, without departing from it by a single millimeter. Gemini tend to start one business, but not finishing it, be distracted by 10 new ones. You shouldn't do that this year. You need to clearly focus on the task and complete it. This will ensure that you achieve high results in your business and business relationships.
If Gemini used to have long-term unfinished conflicts, then in 2022 it will be possible to effectively resolve them. This is the right time to sit down at the negotiating table and come to a compromise, eliminate misunderstandings, and fill in the gaps that have appeared.
Lonely Gemini will go through a difficult test. There will be many prospective partners on their way, but not all of them will bring happiness. Gemini, as a very freedom-loving person, will not appreciate strong and strong love with a reserve for the future. He is not yet ready for such a deep relationship. But finding a superficial connection for him will not be difficult.
Gemini is going to be especially windy this year, so real marriages are at risk too. It is important to avoid misunderstandings in the family.
For Cancers, 2022 will be truly successful. They need to be guided by the rule that they do not complain about life, because whims, whining and complaints eat up a lot of energy, which can be directed in a positive direction.
Cancer should be quiet but persistent. And here it is important not to anger the aggressive Tiger, but to be friends with him. Therefore, this zodiac representative should show composure and restraint.
During this period, Cancer is not recommended to change the scope of their activities, work and switch to other interests. Everywhere is worth applying diligence. And then the Tiger will have mercy and give you real luck.
If you are planning to start your own business in 2022, then you should rely only on yourself. You should not take large loans, debts, and also rely on someone else's strength, besides your own.
Cancer should not be a collective player, for this year the rule is “every man for himself”.
The tiger loves bright personalities, and therefore appreciates leadership.
Cancers should think about their family ties, carefully strengthen them, and also restore relationships that have been lost for some reason.
If Cancers want to change the course of their life and finally meet their destiny, then at this period it is fixable. The sign can get rid of loneliness if he himself is initiative and persistent.
a lion
Leo is a longtime friend and ally of the Tiger, so 2022 is a time of hopes, achievements and discoveries for him. Leo, as always, must be persistent, strong and focused on success.This sign will achieve everything that it wants, at the same time, it can try itself in new directions and areas.
However, Leo's life in 2022 will not be cloudless. He needs to show diligence, strive, work to the seventh sweat, build a reliable team of allies and strain, only after that you can count on a decent reward.
He needs to be careful about choosing his own team. Unfortunately, if you form it incorrectly, then it is fraught with various difficulties. It is worth delegating your strength and responsibility to your comrades-in-arms, however, Leo must do all the most important work on his own, taking into account his own temporary and physical capabilities.
This is a great time for young people to develop, but they need to show determination and fortitude.
If young people have a good idea, a great desire or aspiration, then they will definitely achieve a result. Young people in 2022 will be lucky in launching new startups, realizing in the professional sphere, as well as in creative activity.
Love relationships this year seem to be frozen. Leo is so immersed in his work affairs, achieving goals and results, even in relations with his parents, that he does not find time at all for his other half. Therefore, quarrels, lack of mutual understanding, and parting are not excluded here. In order to preserve dear relationships, as well as build strong new ones, you need to understand that Leo is far from the navel of the earth. In order for a loved one to feel good with you, you need to pay attention to him too.
This year will be quite difficult for Virgo. For a pedantic and punctual sign, it will not be easy to live in complete sense of the chaos that the Tiger will bring into his life.
Virgo needs to learn to be more dynamic, active and come to terms with the fact that not everything can be as she intended.
The pragmatism and responsibility of the sign can give a good start for the future. Virgos will stubbornly continue to pursue their goal in professional activities, despite barriers and obstacles.
Virgo needs to find like-minded people and together with them go to the task at hand.
However, if personal difficulties arise, then such problems need to be solved alone, since the Virgo will have to bear responsibility for the decisions made by other people on their own.
Despite the fact that the beginning of the year for Virgos will be quite aggressive, nevertheless, by the middle everything will more or less come to its usual course and calm down.
This is the time to take a breath, relax and make important decisions. Remember that Virgo needs not to fight with a predator, but to be friends.
Despite the fact that the year in business terms will be quite hectic, Virgo will have everything perfect in family relationships. At home, support, understanding and love will await her.
Libra finally needs to learn not to shift responsibility onto other people's shoulders, but to take it into their own hands.
Libras need to be clearly aware of their goals, separate them from the desires of other people.
In work, Libra should be as restrained as possible, but persistent. This will bring them moral satisfaction and material rewards.
Indecisive and cautious Libra must learn to make decisions quickly, change and adapt to circumstances.
It is worth enlisting influential friends or work partners, then things will definitely go uphill.
For the representatives of the sign, a rather stressful period is planned, but it will pass quite easily if the zodiac sign carefully thinks over its actions in advance, does not let everything go by itself as usual.
If Libra runs their own business, then they need to carefully build a strategy and think about possible developments in advance.
On the Libra love front, everything is rather ambiguous.New acquaintances appear, but they are all superficial, nothing deep.
In family relationships, problems and misunderstandings with their other half are also brewing. Libras need to show more romance and restraint, and then contact with a partner will be established.
You need to protect your reputation in the coming year 2022, as it will be questioned several times.
The representative of the water element in 2022 must adhere to his proven tactics. It is built on coldness, alienation from strangers, adherence to traditions, and conscientious work.
This year, Scorpio must also learn to take full responsibility for himself, since he will work exclusively for his own result.
At the same time, he will need support from the outside, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen family ties, relationships with friends and relatives.
A Scorpio, who usually acts aggressively, should loosen his grip a little to better interact with people.
He just needs to learn how to negotiate, be persistent, most importantly, to hear opponents.
Scorpio needs to learn to sometimes make concessions in small things in order to get more.
As for amorous affairs, representatives of the younger generation develop their personal lives beautifully, like fish in water. Scorpio is active, proactive, knows how to attract attention to himself, most importantly, he gets the right to choose a partner from many options.
If Scorpio is still alone, then he can correct the situation, since the issue will be resolved quickly enough and with a suitable candidate.
There will be no problems in the search, since Scorpio perfectly knows how to seduce and attract the attention of the opposite sex.
This fire sign of the zodiac can turn any business with benefit for itself, also regain the efforts spent and get a decent result.
In order to achieve such excellent performance, Sagittarius needs to try to take control of their emotions.
An overly impulsive zodiac sign zealously demands justice, trying to get to the search for truth. However, this year Sagittarius should pay attention to their own development, their professional activities.
This zodiac sign should not act assertively, but very carefully, develop their abilities and rely on their own strengths.
There will also be a possibility that Sagittarius can abruptly change their field of activity in a short time.
If Sagittarius is still lonely, then there comes a good time to meet your soul mate.
This zodiac sign actively behaves with representatives of the opposite sex, knows how to seduce, and becomes the center of attention.
When it comes to family matters, Sagittarius can get unexpectedly bored. He needs to discover new positive sides in his partner. Otherwise, everything can end in parting.
Sagittarius do not particularly hold on to the family, so they need a wise person next to them who is able to go through this test of family life.
The Capricorn zodiac sign has always been famous for its high efficiency and step-by-step solution of difficulties. For them there is no concept of "impossible", but the question is rather how much time and effort should be spent to solve important problems.
But despite such positive qualities of Capricorn, in 2022 they will have a hard time. They will have problems that will not be easy to cope with, and also, some issues will have to be solved far from in their favor.
Problems will begin in the first place at work. Business will sink, partners will cheat, and employees may neglect trust.
Therefore, in 2022, Capricorn should only assume the main responsibilities, primarily in order to control all processes.
Also, do not trust new partners and always leave the opportunity to change your mind.
It will be quite difficult to establish contact with the opposite sex. Largely because Capricorn will be especially absorbed in work and solving problems, and they simply will not care about their personal life.
However, new correct acquaintances with people who are close in spirit can give Capricorn a good rest. He will not only acquire a pair, but also a loyal ally.
Family Capricorns in this difficult time will need support and affection at home. They will be happy with a partner who will support him and not create additional problems. Family and home will become an island of comfort and relaxation for him.
2022 will be a positive year for Aquarius. The main thing is to go out to people, communicate, communicate more at work, and not close in your own shell.
Aquarius will have the opportunity to prove themselves in work, become a good partner or form a good team.
If Aquarius still has unfinished projects, they need to be urgently completed, because it is possible that they will find their success in 2022.
However, Aquarius should not think that in the year of the Tiger they will completely avoid negative influences. Far from it. These people should be wary of too annoying or toxic personalities who rapidly climb into life, work, or impose their communication.
Aquarius can easily acquire a soul mate, just open your eyes wider and take a fresh look at those around him.
He will see that in his circle there are many possible applicants for acquaintance, as well as for a long-term strong connection that grows into family relationships.
Family Aquarians will live like on a volcano. Every failure at work will carry over into the home. The partner will have to spend a lot of strength and energy to live with him such a difficult period.
Pisces this year are very contradictory, doubting people who delay until the end of making a decision.
This year it will not be possible to achieve great heights, but the main thing is still stability.
In order to prevent losses, and most importantly, to preserve their business, team and good income, Pisces needs to be able to maneuver, learn to quickly solve emerging problems.
2022 is an auspicious time for fire signs and predators. But for the representatives of the water signs of the zodiac, the time is quite hectic, so it is necessary to deal with safety issues both for yourself and your business.
But on the love front, Pisces is just the opposite. They are loved and supported. Pisces feel good in society, make new acquaintances easily, and also develop relationships.
Men of this zodiac sign should be wary of the ladies who are trying to solve their financial problems at their expense. There will be many hunters for the Pisces wallet, this applies to men and women. Therefore, it is necessary to very carefully choose the environment, choose in a couple a person who not only thinks the same way, but also is similar to Pisces in his material status.
Astro forecast for 2022 according to the signs of the zodiac prepares many surprises. Despite the fact that this year will be held under the auspices of a predator, nevertheless, he favors people who want to find themselves in a profession, love, want to act, and not sit idly by.