For Gemini men, the year will be generally good, and in some places even successful. It is important to remember that this year's motto should be “treat others the way you want them to treat you”. As the horoscope for 2022 recommends, Gemini - a man should not mess with anyone, wait for undeserved favors in his address and then wonder how it happened that no one wants to pick up the phone when the hard times come.
The first half of the year promises to be successful for Gemini workers in education and medicine. Business people should be more attentive in the summer and avoid mistakes in the preparation of official documents. In the fall, when everyone has a hot time, Gemini will have a little lull, which can be used for personal purposes or spend more time with the family.
According to the horoscope for 2022, Gemini men should avoid strength training in the summer and fall months of 2022. There is a very high chance of injury. Also, you do not need to walk in light clothes and join the walrus club, but light, gentle hardening will not hurt. The main thing is to start it gradually and small.
It is important to protect the digestive system and be attentive to any ailments in this area. It makes sense to undergo preventive examinations of the gastrointestinal tract if there are any suspicions about their normal functioning.
Someone of the colleagues clearly wants to remove the Gemini from their familiar place and ruin their relationship with their superiors. It is worth less gossiping even with those who have known for a long time and with whom Gemini work hand in hand every day. The horoscope for Gemini - men for 2022 warns: a knife in the back will fly from the one from whom you least expect. It is also dangerous to build joint intrigues against one of the colleagues, it can turn out to be an ingenious trap, into which the instigator himself will fall.
Zeal and increased enthusiasm will surely bear fruit, and Gemini men will be noticed and celebrated. It is not necessary to stay up at work until the night, it is enough just to work with soul and as responsibly as possible.
You won't have to count on easy money this year. Every penny will be obtained only with the help of labor. Moreover, any adventures that promise mountains of gold can only leave the wallet empty and will not bring any super profits, only disappointment, so it is better not to meddle in them at all. But the money invested in training will pay off with a high probability, if not immediately, but it will certainly pay off. It is important to choose the right field of study and invest in the course in which you want to develop for a long time, and not in the one where everyone goes and which is actively advertised.
A frivolous attitude towards spending will surely come back to haunt and very quickly. There will be quarrels in the family and discord may arise. Any large purchases must first be discussed with your spouse, or at least warn her in advance, and not be confronted with a fait accompli.
Single men can face strange attitudes from women towards themselves. The twins are used to being charming to everyone and immediately slaying the ladies on the spot, but in 2022, charm alone will not be enough. Women will increasingly see right through men, so old tactics will no longer work. Perhaps this will be a signal for Gemini that it is time to settle down and become interested in relationships in order to build a family and have children. In any case, you should stop and think about what you can change in yourself.
Family Gemini will want to add variety to their lives, and it is better to do this without involving third parties. Any intrigues on the side are contraindicated.