As the horoscope for 2022 warns, Gemini - a woman can suffer from too strong self-confidence in her abilities. Because these ladies suddenly want to prove themselves brilliant in several areas of life at once, it may happen that they will not succeed in any one. Conversely, by focusing on one area, they can get much more than they expected.
It is important for Gemini women to pay attention to the state of their nervous system. This year she will be the most vulnerable, says the horoscope for 2022 to Gemini women. Therefore, if for no reason, tears appear out of nowhere, or, on the contrary, outbursts of unmotivated anger, then you need to stop and think if everything is in order.
Sleep and rest should be as close to recommended as possible. Strict diets are contraindicated, they drain the brain and hit the nervous system, after hunger strikes, especially long ones, the body recovers for a long time. You can take vitamins, but not constantly, but in courses a couple of times a year.
Career ambitions will capture the Gemini woman completely and overshadow her mind. She will react negatively to the words of family and friends that you will not earn all the money, or let them go deaf. She will be ready to spend the night, and even live at work, if necessary. The only people who can somehow reason with her are her children. And then, if they are sincere and convincing enough.
Colleagues and bosses will be happy with such active actions on the part of Gemini, but only as long as they do not interfere with their own career ambitions. As soon as they start to interfere, colleagues will immediately begin to put sticks in the wheels of the Gemini, not suspecting that they are very ready for this and how steam locomotives will demolish all obstacles in their path at full speed. Nobody and nothing will stop the Gemini woman, when she has already smelled prey and rushes to her at full steam
The horoscope for 2022 for Gemini women says that money will be the most important for the representatives of the sign this year. Since the cash flow will be entirely on the side of this sign, it may seem to Gemini that it is necessary to work around the clock, otherwise the flow will be interrupted. Therefore, they will do so until they collapse from fatigue, and even in this position they will try to resolve some issues of a working nature. It is important to remember that money will not go anywhere, it will still be and it will always be possible to earn it, but health and relationships with loved ones can easily be ruined by succumbing to the temptation to earn all the money in the world.
In personal relationships, a Gemini woman will be cold as ice and detached. To melt her heart, a man will have to try. Not every man can stand this, some will consider it a senseless running around and give up trying to succeed. Gemini should immediately forget about such men and not try to return them, since these are not their men.
Family Gemini will live in relative tranquility and peace. They've worked hard enough on the relationship, and now the relationship will work for them. It is important to discuss all important decisions regarding the future not only with friends and parents, but also with your spouse and children, if they are already adults.
Single women - Gemini will put personal life almost tenth in the order of priorities and, of course, according to the law of meanness, just at this time a line of beautiful men will line up for their hearts. At least one or two will have to be given a chance, partly because of their persistence, partly because of the carefully hidden, but still taking place, need for love.