The horoscope for Pisces for 2022 promises new meetings for women that will make their hearts stop with a premonition of happiness. To plunge into a hasty romance would be extremely imprudent. The tiger, although water, is capable of driving you to madness with its charisma and magnetism.
Love and relationships
Venus and Mars have a strong influence on Pisces women. Venus enhances charm and ease, while Mars adds passion. Mercury, as a faithful helper in making acquaintances, smooths out the difficulties in communication. You seem to look younger and just hover above the ground. Do not lose ground under your feet so as not to fall. Let illusions remain illusions, but you need to reason sensibly.
Since the beginning of the year, Jupiter and Neptune have been protecting Pisces from fatal mistakes, but with the onset of August, both planets are in retrograde motion. This means that Pisces cannot count on them. During this period, the risk of destroying a fragile relationship with some unsaid word or an overly emotional reaction to an oversight in behavior increases. Until the end of autumn, various troubles strive to declare themselves. The inherent sensitivity of Pisces at this time can play a cruel joke with them.
In the first months of the year of the Tiger, established family relationships under the influence of Venus change to more ardent ones, as if they are getting a second wind. Mars and Mercury renew the attractiveness of the spouses for each other. By the end of the year, emotionality will decrease, giving way to some aggressiveness.
The end of the year is favorable for childbirth, after which unnecessary tension in the relationship is relieved. However, this promises the emergence of problems of a completely different kind. Let loved ones help, otherwise the fatigue will affect the child.
Relations with children in the family are uneven throughout the year. If the first half is more or less calm, then the second half will require patience and tact on both sides. The most difficult in terms of finding a common language are the second half of May and the last two decades of September.
Elderly relatives will need attention in early summer. Set an example for children in caring for loved ones.
As the horoscope for 2022 recommends, Pisces women should maintain positions in the service. Moving up the career ladder will require assertiveness that they have nowhere to take. Your trump card is calmness and consistency. They are in a clear deficit this year and they will appreciate it.
Climbing the career ladder for women - Pisces is not as important as family and relationships with your beloved man. This is for the best, because 2022 is not the most favorable year for them in this regard. Making important landmark decisions, issuing ultimatums and working with staff are not their strong point.
On the other hand, Pisces will keep their job, despite the reorganization, financial turmoil. The financial situation, although it will not improve, will remain stable.
An emotional state is at risk this year. It can lead to minor health problems, but not fatal. The guarantee of well-being is a philosophical attitude towards reality, a sense of humor in society.
Stormy relationships with the opposite sex can be a reason for seeking medical attention. This option is possible if you do not control feelings in the midst of spring. Summer vacation is more for recuperation than a short vacation romance.
In autumn, the body especially needs rest. A restless year, changes in the service and conflicts in the family make themselves felt. After all, you do not like change at all. Allow yourself to relax on a long autumn evening with your favorite movie, knitting, indulge yourself.