The Bulls in 2022 will have many opportunities and chances to prove themselves from the best side. Whatever the Bull does, whether it be office work, creativity, helping others, all this will be appreciated and rewarded according to its merits. At the same time, idleness and hack-work will be strictly punished, therefore, the horoscope for the Ox for 2022 recommends for the lazy Bulls to be on the alert and not be substituted once again. Also, the year promises many interesting trips and adventures, from which the Bulls will bring a huge number of impressions that will last for many years.
The year is great for aesthetic procedures and plastic surgeries. Those Bulls who want to improve their appearance should stop listening to friends who have a habit of being wary of such things, and act based on their own desires.
All types of dental interventions are also recommended, including occlusion correction, teeth whitening, braces. Of course, despite the fact that the year is good for such things, you should not contact the first person on the Internet who offers a discount. A specialist must be chosen carefully and not save on such important procedures.
Love and relationships
Bulls in a relationship should be more attentive to their other half. If you do not listen to her stories and do not delve into the details of life, one day you may find that you are living with a stranger, or even one fine day you may return to an empty apartment. By listening to what the other half says, you can notice problems in the relationship in time and draw the necessary conclusions. And by ignoring these problems, you can lose your loved one forever.
Lonely Bulls will have no time for relationships, but this will not prevent them from finding a couple, or even more admirers. This will be possible due to the ability of this sign to be the most charming at a time when he is passionate about something or terribly busy.
In work, even the simplest and most familiar actions will be difficult. The equipment will break down at the most inopportune moment, and it will be repaired very slowly, colleagues will interfere with their slowness and meager mind, and clients, as if by selection, will remind patients of a mental hospital with their behavior. It will be very difficult to cope with all this, many Bulls will begin to think about dismissal of their own free will, and they will have all the reasons for that. Of course, you won't want to work in such conditions for the enemy, so it makes sense to look for a quieter place, besides, the search for a new job will be very successful.
Bulls do not particularly like to keep accounting and in any convenient situation they necessarily dump this boring occupation on their neighbor. According to the horoscope for 2022, the Ox will be able to master this business. You can start from shops, from where the Bulls often come out cheated, without noticing it. If you look closely, you will find that many shops are cheating with prices. Of course, with various little things, this may not be so depressing, but a lightweight Ox can be fooled with a large purchase, so in 2022 you will have to count a lot and carefully.
You should also pay close attention to the papers that you sign, especially when it comes to agreements with credit institutions.
For a man
Male Bulls have to prove many times that they deserve their place of work, their woman and, in general, their place in society. In general, the Bulls love competition, but this year there will be a lot of it, and on all fronts at once. You should not retreat when another competitor appears, even if he seems very strong, because in this matter the main thing is not to win, but to give a worthy rebuff.As the Ox horoscope for 2022 says, a man, having once protected his reputation, will become many times stronger in spirit, so stepping aside is not only stupid, but also harmful.
For woman
Bull women, who have long dreamed of a cozy family nest, husbands and children, will finally have the opportunity to get all this. You will meet a wonderful person who will immediately love you, and your relationship will develop very rapidly. Most likely, the meeting will take place at work or on a business trip, therefore, as the horoscope for the Ox for 2022 advises, a woman should always be fully armed and pay attention to the people around her.
Horoscope for Ox by zodiac signs
Ox - Aries
Aries will spin like squirrels in a wheel to realize themselves in the industry in which they have long dreamed of doing it. For the most part, these will be pleasant chores that will not take up a lot of energy, but, on the contrary, will give them. Any creative projects will be successful and will allow Aries to realize their full creative potential quickly and successfully.
Ox - Taurus
Taurus should devote more time to their self-development, since many of them are literally mired in everyday life, without noticing it themselves. It is not necessary to immediately run to enroll in courses or get another higher education, you can start with reading in the evenings, just ten to twenty pages a day will allow you to feel the movement of gears in your brain.
Ox - Gemini
Gemini should be calmer and more restrained, especially at work. Of course, colleagues have long been accustomed to Gemini's creative approaches to work, but this is not something to be proud of. Each new scandal brings you closer to losing your job, and one careless gossip can easily bring down your reputation. It is better to refuse gossip altogether, even in personal communication with friends.
Ox - Cancer
Cancers will have many adventures as well as various trips. On trips, this sign, as usual, will not like everything, but in general, these trips will leave good impressions and memories. However, in order not to spoil the impressions of your fellow travelers, sometimes it is still worth keeping quiet, at least in trifles. For example, insufficiently soft sand on the beach and high waves can be left without your boring comments.
Ox - Leo
The Lions have to work non-stop, and this will be a real test of strength. Moreover, the check will concern not only performance and endurance, but also relations with the second half and children. You will have to come up with many excuses and promises, and then also fulfill them, so as not to become enemy number one for those closest to you. This can upset many Leos and strengthen them in the opinion that their closest people are doing their best to make their life unbearable.
Ox - Virgo
Virgos will have fun every day. Many of them will become famous as the best holiday organizers in their team. Indeed, with excellent organizational skills and a desire for order, this sign can take on many responsibilities, and very different. In the future, this experience will be useful to them for personal purposes.
Ox - Libra
Libra will suddenly discover a passion for sports and tourism. Those Libra who have spent their entire lives lying on the couch and, at best, riding in the passenger seat to some five-star hotels, will start going on long hikes and sign up for the gym. This will literally shock those around you. There will be talk about a midlife crisis and a lover or mistress that has appeared on the side. But everything will turn out to be much more prosaic, just Libra will get tired of doing nothing, and they will begin to spend their free time in such an unusual way.
Ox - Scorpio
Scorpios will be more worried about their appearance, regardless of gender. A fashionable haircut every month, shopping and beauty salons will become a habit with them. This can start to annoy their partner, in which case it would be best to invite him to share your passion.If your partner is not yet too angry with you for your behavior, loves you and is not too jealous, then he will gladly support this idea and start taking care of his appearance with the same enthusiasm.
Ox - Sagittarius
For Sagittarius, this year will be associated with pleasant family events. Single Sagittarius get married or get married, childless will have a child, and those who dream of their own home will have the opportunity to purchase one. Many troubles will be connected with this, however, very pleasant. In the maelstrom of pleasant events and deeds, one should not forget about daily duties, there is a risk of gaining extra pounds and alienating friends.
Ox - Capricorn
Capricorns will get tired of pulling their whole family on their hump, and they will increasingly break down on them. Then, of course, they will feel guilty for the breakdown and will try to compensate for this harm, for which they will gnaw themselves in the future. Those Capricorns who have not yet acquired a family, but have already assumed the responsibilities of serving the second half, will become completely sick and they will break off this exhausting relationship, which they will never regret later.
Ox - Aquarius
Aquarius will always feel that they are being treated unfairly. At work, the bosses find fault, the other half grumble at home, and friends all the time irritably try to curtail communication. In this case, it is worth considering whether you are really doing everything right, not trying to make your life better and easier at someone else's expense. Admitting this to oneself will be very difficult, and sometimes painful, but it will be very useful for a correct assessment of the current state of affairs. After all, it cannot be that everyone around you suddenly hated you for no reason.
Ox - Pisces
Pisces will have successful real estate deals. Moreover, the most successful will be purchases, selling real estate in order to invest money in some kind of enterprise is not worth it, at least this year. You should also be more careful with investments in various startups, they may turn out to be unsuccessful.