Everyone expects something magical, fabulously funny from New Year's Eve. In order for the holiday to pass at the proper level, you need to prepare for it in advance. This applies not only to the table, outfits, but also entertainment. Consider the best New Year's games of 2022, depending on the company, the theme of the evening.
Children's entertainment for the New Year
Every child looks forward to the arrival of the New Year with impatience and trepidation. Children prepare poems, transform into animals, fairy-tale heroes. So that the kids do not get bored, at a certain moment you can organize such games for them for the New Year 2022:
- "Sweetie". To carry it out, you should tie sweets to chairs on a string. Each participant must cut them off while blindfolded. The rest of the guests can verbally guide the child so that he can get as many sweets as possible.
- "Collecting snowballs". This relay game is suitable for a large number of children. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare two dense bags, at the bottom of which, cut holes for the legs. You also need to prepare a kind of lumps of snow from paper, foam rubber. The guys are divided into two teams. One of the players is awarded the title of snowball collector, put on a bag on his feet. The host throws snowballs on the floor. Then, to the incendiary music, the rest of the children should take snowballs, put them in a bag for a collector from their team. The winners are those with the most snowballs.
- "The hairdresser". This game will amuse children a lot. Its essence lies in the fact that adults sit on chairs. Their number should be equal to the number of children. Better if they are men. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must create an original hairstyle. In the arsenal, kids will have elastic bands, hairpins, invisibility, no scissors. The winner is the one with the most creative hairstyle.
- "New Year's Word". It is necessary to prepare cards with a letter in advance. Each child takes turns choosing one. Whichever letter falls, you need to come up with words related to the New Year theme. For example, "R" - Christmas, prank, joy; "S" - snow, snowman, icicle, candles, etc. The child who comes up with more words than the rest wins.
- "Chiming clock". For this entertainment, you need to be divided into two teams. Each is given inventory - clothespins, sticks, Christmas tree decorations, garlands. You need to decorate the Christmas tree with them. Only one of the team members is a coniferous tree. To the chimes (in the recording), you should dress up your “Christmas tree” as beautifully and funnily as possible.
Family table entertainment
Suitable for those who decide to get together with their family on New Year's Eve, games and entertainment for the New Year 2022:
- "Associations". One family member comes up with any word. Then the second person says what he associates with it. The third one comes up with an association for the second word. It's very funny to watch how one word becomes radically different when the circle is completed.
- "Colors". In this game, there should be a leader who sets the shades. He should say, "Touch the red." The rest of the family must find an item, clothes, dishes of the appropriate palette. The one who does not find anything is eliminated until there is a winner.
- Find with a fork. The essence of the entertainment lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded, given a fork in his hands. A certain object is placed on the table in front of him. Feeling it with a fork, and not with your hands, you need to name the object. You can ask leading questions: "Is it edible?", "Made of wood?", To which the answer should sound "yes" or "no". All who guessed it are the winners.
Entertainment program for adults
The New Year's celebration for adults is not only a delicious table, drinking alcoholic beverages, but also entertainment that should not be forgotten. In order not to be sad on such an important night, you can prepare funny contests for the New Year 2022:
- "Let's sing". The participants are divided into two teams. In turn, each "chorus" asks a question from the song. Opponents must also respond with a song line. The task can be complicated if we take into account only New Year's compositions.
- "Who am I?". All in all, this is a well-known children's game. But adults also take part in it with pleasure. The bottom line is that a card with a word is glued to each guest's forehead. It is better if it is associated with this person. For example: "Cutie", "Rock", "Sun", "Peretz", "Bulldozer", etc. The task of the participant is to find out his name with the help of leading questions.
- "Advertising". Two men are needed for the competition. The presenter asks them to choose one girl at a time, to say what exactly they like about her. The task of the participants is to advertise the part of the body that they have named. The most creative and resourceful PR man wins.
New Year's entertainment for fun companies
Young people of student age will love the following contests and games:
- "Ball with a surprise." It is necessary to prepare for this competition in advance. You should write various comic tasks on pieces of paper, roll up into a tube. Place each in a balloon, then inflate. The guests warmed up after a glass of champagne should take turns choosing balls, bursting, reading the assignment, be sure to complete it. This entertainment can be simplified - put all the notes in a bag. Each guest will draw a piece of paper from him.
- "Funny Figures". All guests are given a piece of paper with a pencil. They have to write any number on it. After that, the presenter says that it's time to get to know everyone better. He asks simple questions. For example: "How many times a day do you have lunch?", "How many children do you want?", "What is your age?" etc. The answer to the question will be the same figure that the guest wrote.
- "What will I do with the item?" You need to put various items in a small bag. For example, a balloon, lipstick, an apple, a hairbrush, etc. The facilitator pulls out objects one at a time so that no one can see them. The participant approaches the presenter, says what he will do with this object. The one with the most paradoxical answer wins.
- "New Year's mime". The guests are divided into two teams. The first one comes up with a word related to the New Year's theme (snowman, tangerine, champagne, Christmas tree, etc.), then voices it to one of the volunteers of the opposite team. His task becomes to show this word without sound. Whose team guesses more words, that one wins. You can make the competition more interesting and difficult by guessing not just words, but phrases.
New Year is a solemn holiday that both children and adults are looking forward to. In order not to be bored and sad on a magical night, you should take care of an entertainment program in the form of contests and themed games in advance. Then unrestrained fun will be provided for everyone.