To work for pleasure and receive decent wages - perhaps this can be called the dream of an adult. Unfortunately, many are forced to do an unloved business just because the salary is pleasantly dragging out the pocket.
Others, on the contrary, plow for a penny, but are engaged in activities similar in spirit. Below you will find the professions in demand in 2022 and find out which specialists in which field are becoming more and more desirable employees.
Global trends in the labor market
The world does not stand still. And in our time, this phrase sounds rather like a threat. If before the appearance of something new people savored, discussed, and this happened gradually (just remember computers and mobile phones), now even young people sometimes do not have time to follow the innovations and current trends.
The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing reality - new professions appear, some skills become useless, while others come to the fore. The labor market will change decently by 2022, according to experts from the world economic forum. In their opinion, each industry will have its own growth drivers.
For example, the consumer industry will be significantly impacted by urbanization and the growth of the middle class, and the financial sector will change as the younger generation takes a different view of money.
Positive points:
- cloud technologies;
- widespread introduction of the Internet;
- artificial Intelligence.
Negative points:
- the expansion of cybercrime;
- changes in geopolitics;
- protectionism (global control by the state);
- rapidly aging society.
High technologies will soon appear in almost all spheres of human life. Robotization is another factor that will soon become our reality. If now the cars are used by 19%, then by 2022 their share of participation will increase to 28%. This means that the need for some specialists will simply disappear.
There is no need to panic - you need to rationally look into the eyes of the impending reality and take the right steps in order to remain a sought-after specialist in 10 years.
List of in-demand professions in 2022
Experts believe that in just a few years the labor market will split into 2 main camps:
- Top professions with high pay (managers, analysts, teachers, robotics and software developers, marketing specialists, social media managers).
- Ordinary workers with low wages (employees whose work has not yet been learned to do by machines).
Accountants, financial analysts, auditors, agents, brokers - these and other middle-class professionals will have to look for new jobs or retrain.
Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides claims that there are only a few areas in the world that will not be robots for a long time:
- education;
- healthcare;
- housekeeping;
- personal services;
- the property.
To become a sought-after specialist, you need to study the labor market and improve your skills in order to stay afloat in 5-10 years.
This is not to say that such a profession as a loader will disappear for its own need. Working specialties will be in demand for some time, until robots are fully introduced into human life. A qualified doctor and teacher will always find their place in the sun. Creative managers and salespeople will be able to occupy their niche - however, the principle of trading is changing noticeably already now.
In Russia there has always been, is and will be a demand for good doctors.The trouble is that the state cannot offer decent wages to healthcare professionals. Teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions are always held in high esteem, but here the same problem is the lack of prospects and a meager salary.
According to experts, specialists in the following professions will be in demand in 2022:
- cosmetologists;
- internet security engineers;
- IT doctors;
- territory architects;
- trainers of creative states;
- genetic counselors;
- builders of smart roads and houses;
- designers of children's and medical robots;
- intellectual property appraisers.
Skolkovo experts argue that in the coming years there will be a demand for builders and architects for the construction of buildings from energy-saving materials.
In Russia, as in other countries, there is a growing demand for postgraduate education. This means that there will be more trainers and coaches.
The best professions for girls and women
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will always be able to find themselves in the beauty industry. Medical specializations will also remain relevant vacancies of the future for them.
Among other professions of the future for women and girls, the following specialties can be noted:
- IT specialists. Now computerization is at the stage of intensive integration into all spheres of human life. Therefore, IT specialists of both sexes will remain in demand in the labor market.
- Marketers. Capitalism has not been abolished, and the economy is still based on the production and further sale of goods.
- Doctors. there is an acute shortage of qualified medical personnel. In the west, the situation is different - the average salary of doctors is 150-190 thousand dollars a year. Perhaps in the future, the federal authorities will revise the policy and do everything to prevent the outflow of personnel.
- Logisticians. Delivery of goods yesterday was a pleasant bonus, but today it is a vital necessity. A company that does not have its own shipping department will very soon be left behind the competition. Therefore, the demand for a good logistician will remain in the future.
- Chemists. At the junction of scientific chemistry and medicine, specialists in this field will come in handy, who will be able to work in two directions: the impact of petroleum products on the economy, pharmacological research.
Cosmetologists, teachers, interior and clothing designers - the range of women's professions is quite wide. The main thing is to find your calling. And you can make money for bread and butter by doing quite ordinary things. For example, manicure or eyelash extension - these professions can be mastered by a girl even after the 9th grade.
High-paying jobs for men in 2022
The times when women were engaged in housekeeping, and a man was assigned the role of breadwinner and breadwinner, have sunk into oblivion. Today, ladies can earn on an equal basis with their chosen ones. Accordingly, there are fewer and fewer prestigious professions on the labor market for a strong half of humanity.
However, they are:
- builders and engineers;
- drivers and logisticians;
- IT specialists;
- military;
- specialists in the field of nanotechnology;
- tourism and hospitality specialists;
- aircraft designers;
- surgeons and transplantology.
In the future, specialists will be in demand who, in addition to professional skills, will have certain personal qualities. Among the latter, ecological and systems thinking, the ability to think outside the box, inter-industry communication, multiculturalism, multilingualism and others can be noted.
Demanded blue-collar occupations
Until robotization has penetrated all spheres, there are hot vacancies on the labor market open to the ordinary working class:
- movers;
- plumbers;
- cleaners and janitors;
- drivers;
- workers in factories and factories;
- collectors, etc.
You need to understand that a responsible and executive employee will always find his employer.But these professions cannot be considered as the main income - the wages are too low.
List of medical professions
Doctors have always been, are and will be valuable personnel for any state. Those countries that have created favorable conditions for the work of these specialists today can boast of high achievements in the field of health.
There are many factors driving the demand for qualified doctors:
- The beauty industry and plastic surgery are gaining momentum.
- Intensive development of oncological diseases.
- The unstable situation with the spread of infections (COVID-19 in the shortest possible time showed the whole world how valuable the work of a health worker is).
- The emergence of new viruses and diseases.
Technology makes it possible to create artificial tissues and organs. Accordingly, we need specialists who can competently use innovative opportunities and implement them in life.
In-demand specialists in the IT industry
Global computerization is our reality. The demand for intelligent "IT specialists" of all stripes is only growing. The labor market will not be fed up with them soon. If we talk about specific specialists, then they can be divided into two groups:
- Software developers.
- Specialists in the field of enterprise optimization.
The latter are most often system administrators. The current situation on the labor market is such that skilled programmers and software developers will be in demand today and in the near future.
The talent shortages are especially felt in the areas of game production, mobile phone OS and web design.
Endangered professions
It is difficult to predict the “extinction” of a particular profession, but there are still trends. For more than one year, experts have been saying that the world needs the services of a librarian less and less. Sellers will also soon experience an acute shortage of vacancies - the very principle of trade is changing directly, and it is now possible to sell a product or service through the Internet.
Other endangered professions include:
- postman;
- watchman;
- elevator operator;
- stuntman.
The “feather sharks” - journalists, copywriters, proofreaders and editors - will be under the threat of extinction.
List of required professions in 2022-2025
To determine the profession of the future, it is important to understand what skills potential employers will need in the future.
For example, knowledge of a foreign language will cease to be a desirable parameter, but will become a prerequisite. The value of diplomas will also fall - the personal qualities of a potential employee will be considered more desirable.
In the future, managers and smart managers will be in demand who can coordinate a group of people and effectively distribute tasks. It is impossible not to mention another popular topic - blockchain. Technology is being introduced into our reality quite quickly - this is a very promising area that will actively develop in the coming years.
Speaking about promising and highly paid professions of the future, we can say that highly specialized personnel will be held in high esteem. Especially if a person is developing intensively and constantly improving his skills.