There are a huge number of traditions and signs, thanks to which you can attract good luck at work, harmony in relationships with a loved one or in the family, and also strengthen your own health. Signs for the New Year 2021-2022 will help you learn about the upcoming changes in life.
The coming year will be under the auspices of the Blue Water Tiger - a wayward and obstinate animal with which you need to make good friends. To make this time successful and prosperous, you should know how to celebrate the Year of the Tiger according to folk customs and signs.
How to attract money and good luck in the New Year
A money sign can help to find financial well-being in the coming year - to celebrate New Year's Eve with full pockets in a literal or symbolic sense. You can put a large bill in your pocket (new, without gaps) or top up your bank account.
If, before the holiday, there were significant expenses on the table, gif.webpts or outfits, and all the savings were wasted, this is a bad omen. It promises monetary losses, debt and financial instability.
An independent patron appreciates those who seek to solve all the accumulated problems and distribute debts on the eve of the holiday. Otherwise, it will not be possible to answer all monetary obligations over the next 12 months.
A talisman - a tiger figurine - will help to attract good luck. It is desirable that it be made of semi-precious metal, crystal or glass. You can purchase a talisman for interior decoration (piggy bank, table lamp) or always carry it with you (brooch, pendant).
On the eve of the holiday, it is necessary to remove all the talismans of the patron saint of the outgoing year in order to exclude a conflict of interest and not give this zodiac sign a reason for jealousy.
Signs of how to celebrate the New Year 2022
The tiger is a proud and obstinate animal. He is smart, quick-witted, loves order, perfection, regularity in everything and does not tolerate fuss. It is a predator by nature, it personifies energy. Under his leadership, the time will be unpredictable, energetic and eventful. Its heavy temper is a little softened and pacified by water.
Before you celebrate the New Year of the Tiger 2022, you should remember in advance about the signs and thoroughly prepare. On the eve of the holiday, it is worth putting things in order in the house, throwing out all unnecessary things.
How to celebrate the New Year of the Tiger 2022
Choosing an outfit for a festive night, you should abandon the "cat" print. The tiger does not like competition and may be angry with someone who seeks to repeat its natural unique coloring.
Preference should be given to neutral colors (golden, beige, sand) and all shades of green (from light green to olive). When choosing accessories, you should pay attention to any shades of the water element.
When choosing the style of the outfit, there are no restrictions, so you can safely experiment. Among the trends for the festive night of 2022 stand out:
- romantic dresses on one shoulder;
- lightweight, flowing and not weighty fabrics;
- extraordinary finishing (fringe, basque, volumetric pattern);
- floral, abstract print;
- asymmetrical cut;
- multi-tiered models.
On a festive night, clothes should help you feel confident and relaxed in order to please yourself.
Signs for financial success
On New Year's Eve, you should pay attention to the following signs related to financial well-being:
- In order for the money to "flow" into the house, you need to put any coin at the threshold under the rug or under the tablecloth.
- Prosperity in the family will be provided by a “generous” and rich table, preferably round.
- If during the holiday the left hand was combed, then you need to squeeze it in a fist and put it in your pocket, after which you can unclench your fingers - this is a symbol of large cash receipts in the coming year.
- In order not to face financial collapse, you can not lend money on the eve of the holiday.
- Before you sit down at the table, you need to "appease the brownie" - leave a glass of champagne and a plate with something tasty in the kitchen.
On New Year's Eve, it is important to get rid of broken, cracked or dirty things, as they contain negative energy. This guarantees good luck and prosperity in the coming time.
You can make a talisman to attract finance. To do this, put a pre-washed coin into a glass of champagne. Under the chimes, the whole glass of the drink should be drunk, and then the coin should be put into the wallet.
Signs for the New Year of the Tiger for health
It is believed that getting ready to celebrate the New Year, it is worth taking a relaxing bath. This is useful not only for mental relaxation, but also acts as an effective sign that preserves health for a long time. Water will wash away all the negativity of the past and help you enter the new year without health problems.
The distribution of all debts and the fulfillment of obligations before the holiday will help to restore your own energy field and improve your well-being. You cannot be sad and cry on a holiday, as this state will persist for a long time.
Getting sick before the New Year's holiday is the worst omen, indicating a difficult year, when all chronic diseases will worsen and many new misfortunes will appear.
Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs in order to meet the New Year in good health.
Signs of love and marriage
Folk wisdom says that those who are lonely should meet the festive night with any symbol that embodies this feeling - love. It can be a valentine card, a heart cut out of paper, a wish written on paper, or a picture of a couple in love. You should put the symbol in your pocket and press it to yourself under the chimes, mentally repeating your desire.
Those who want to meet love or keep this feeling for many years should use the following tips:
- during the holiday, keeping a cinnamon stick in your pocket is a symbol of romantic relationships;
- on New Year's Eve, you need to let any man (but not a relative) hold the red ribbon, then put it under the pillow, and in the morning tie it on your hand and wear it without removing it - when it is torn or lost, then love will enter life;
- an unmarried girl, in order to attract the groom, needs to wash the floors in the house after sunset, and pour the water onto the street with the words “Where the water flows, my loneliness will go there”;
- lovers or married couples at the festive table should not sit separately from each other, and during the chiming clock you need to hold hands - this will help strengthen relations next year and avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.
It is considered an unfavorable omen to celebrate the New Year's holiday alone. Otherwise, the whole next year you can be lonely - not to meet your soul mate or to part with your loved one.
Signs for the New Year 2022 to get pregnant
Couples who dream of having a child should jointly decorate the Christmas tree with round balls. The man should serve toys, and the woman should hang them on the tree.
To get pregnant, you need to buy a baby bottle, booties or a pacifier on the eve of the holiday and put them under the Christmas tree - this will help "attract" the child to the family.
It is considered a good omen to celebrate the New Year in the company of a pregnant woman, or even better, to try any product taken from her hands.
It is believed that the harbingers of an imminent pregnancy are gif.webpts from pearls or agate. Therefore, you can make such a present to a couple who have long dreamed of replenishing the family.
What cannot be served and eaten in the Year of the Tiger
Absolutely any dishes can be prepared for the New Year's table. Fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, fish, herbs, pastries and beautifully decorated desserts must be present on the table.
Since the tiger is a predator, meat is essential. The more meat dishes there are, the happier the patron of the year will be.
This can be chicken, pork, turkey, rabbit, or beef. The tiger loves any meat dish. In response, he will contribute to the prosperity and "satiety" of the next year.
It is important not to forget about decorating dishes. For this, fresh parsley, dill, green onions are suitable - all these shades will whet the appetite. The only exception is bushmeat, as the tiger doesn't like to share its prey.
Food left over after the New Year's feast cannot be thrown away. All leftovers should be fed to pets.
What to give in the year of the Blue Water Tiger
The choice of a gif.webpt should be given special attention. The patron saint of the year can be upset by hastily bought trinkets that do not carry any sense. To please your loved ones, gif.webpts for the soul should be presented on New Year's Eve:
- perfumery or gif.webpt certificates to cosmetic stores;
- beautiful underwear or bedding;
- books;
- paintings;
- accessories for hobbies, fishing, hunting;
- small souvenirs with the symbol of the year.
Figures of other representatives of the feline can offend the Tiger and scare off good luck in the coming year. Dislikes the owner of the year and items associated with addictions. Therefore, you should not give smoking accessories, wine glasses, glasses.
Decorating the Christmas tree and room for the New Year, signs
A tree is considered a symbol of any New Year. In order for the family to have happiness and prosperity in the coming year, it is necessary to abundantly decorate the tree with bright toys. The fluffier and more beautiful the fir tree in the house, the richer and more successful the year will be.
There is a sign according to which a tree should be decorated not only with ordinary New Year's toys, but also with banknotes, sweets and tiger figurines. This will help to attract wealth, good luck, "generous" table to the house.
When decorating a room, it is recommended to avoid cluttering of inappropriate decor elements and mismatched colors. New Year's interior should be laconic, stylish and festive.
The tiger likes to bask on the grass under the sun. Therefore, when decorating the interior, you can add natural greenery (ferns, miniature palms).
Cover the sofas with soft blankets and decorate with decorative pillows. In the New Year's decoration of the house, it is worth choosing rich, but at the same time restrained tones (brown, terracotta, beige, pomegranate or gold). An excellent option would be azure, blue, turquoise and silver shades.
When setting the table on New Year's Eve, preference should be given to golden and white colors as a base, and with the help of red and green shades, you can place accents. White color symbolizes goodness, prosperity and a new page in life, which will come in the near future.
Seven lighted candles placed on the table in a circle will become a talisman protecting the house from evil spirits. They will protect the family hearth in the new year.
Signs for January 1
Folk omens and rituals relate not only to the preparation and conduct of the holiday, but also to the first day of the new year. In order for the next 12 months to maintain happiness, peace and well-being in the family, you should know what signs provide them:
- In the morning after a feast (before lunch), you should not clean the house, sweep, throw away garbage and leftovers from the festive table. With your desire for cleanliness, you can quickly provoke waste and losses.
- Any product purchased on January 1 with a good discount predicts a happy and monetary year.
- When washing your face in the morning, rub your palms with small coins.
- Just waking up and not getting out of bed, you need to kiss your soul mate - this will become a symbol of mutual love for the next year.
- If you go out into the street, the first person you meet will be a man - this is a good omen for love and relationships. A woman you meet indicates a health problem.
- You should also look at the first animal encountered on the morning of January 1. If a cat - a bright relationship with a representative of the opposite sex is expected in the new year, a dog indicates true friends, a black bird - betrayal or treason, a white bird - a date.
In such a variety of folk signs, it is recommended to choose several rituals that can be performed on a festive night. And, perhaps, the patron saint of the upcoming 2022, the Tiger, will fulfill a cherished desire, give prosperity, luck or love.