Chinese New Year in 2022 will be celebrated according to the lunar calendar, according to which the date of this celebration is calculated. This is one of the main holidays in the Middle Kingdom, which stretches over several weeks. But it is celebrated not only in China, the whole world celebrates this date and uses the symbols of the Chinese calendar.
Chinese New Year 2022 Date - How to Determine
To determine when the New Year in China begins and ends in 2022, you need to use the Lunar Calendar. The first day of the celebration coincides with the second new moon after December 21 (winter solstice). The date changes every year, but this holiday always takes place from January 21 to February 21.
In 2022, the New Year in the Celestial Empire will be celebrated from February 1 to 15. Traditionally, these days many state enterprises, banks, educational institutions do not work. The whole country is enthusiastically celebrating the onset of a new stage.
Symbol of 2022
Each year, the characters change according to the Chinese calendar. 2021 is held under the auspices of the Metal Bull, and the next, 2022, will be held under the sign of the Water Tiger. In total, there are 60 symbols in the eastern calendar, which cyclically replace each other. According to the Chinese zodiac, this symbol brings good luck to all active and active people. According to popular beliefs, for people born under the sign of the Tiger, 2022 is the Year of Destiny, a time of dramatic changes and the fulfillment of desires.
How to prepare for the Chinese New Year
The Chinese begin to prepare for the celebration in advance. Their traditions were liked by many Europeans, and the neighboring countries also have people who follow the rules of preparation for the celebration, which originated in China in ancient times.
House cleaning
According to the oldest traditions that originated in the Middle Kingdom, before the onset of the holiday, it is worth doing a general cleaning in the house. Following the beliefs, it is important to get rid of everything unnecessary, broken, as this prevents new creative energy from entering the dwelling. In the Celestial Empire, they believe that this tradition helps to get rid of last year's failures and bring prosperity to the house.
Decoration of streets and houses
In ancient times, the Chinese believed that on the first day of the holiday, the monster Nian came to their villages, which ravaged houses, destroyed livestock, crops and other property. According to popular belief, this monster is afraid of red, which is why this shade dominates clothing and decor during the celebration. Almost all accessories are made in red, and the inscriptions are made with gold paint - it is believed that this helps to attract wealth and material well-being.
To protect themselves from the destructive visit of a monster named Nian, the Celestial Empire came up with a tradition to decorate streets and houses with special symbols:
- bright red lanterns;
- paired inscriptions;
- pictures with a wish for happiness;
- patterns in red.
Decorations are hung up in advance, knowing what date the celebration begins, so that everything is ready by that moment. Therefore, by the beginning of the celebration, city streets throughout the country are filled with a solemn atmosphere, become bright and beautiful.
How Chinese New Year 2022 is celebrated
The Chinese prepare for the celebration in advance and plan everything so that they can relax with loved ones for 15 days, attend festive events and go to visit. Festive traditions have been around for centuries, although they have changed slightly over time.
Festive table
It is customary in China to prepare a lot of food in advance. According to legend, in the early days, sharp objects should not be used, so as not to scare off happiness and good luck. On the eve of the first day, families gather at a festive table.
The menu of the festive meal must include the following dishes:
- fish (carp, catfish, crucian carp) - this product symbolizes wealth;
- chicken - it is believed that it brings good luck;
- dumplings are one of the traditional dishes in the Middle Kingdom, in the original it is called jiaozi;
- radish is one of the most popular winter vegetables;
- fruits - pomelo, tangerines and oranges;
- sweets such as tangyuan rice balls and cake.
Treats on the table are usually arranged according to a special principle. But the main thing is that all the main traditional dishes are present, which symbolize happiness, success and well-being.
Family reunification
The Chinese government has decided to make the days of New Year's celebration a weekend Therefore, the Chinese have a small vacation during the celebration. On weekends, everyone comes from different cities to their parents' homes, New Year in the Middle Kingdom is a family holiday.
Wherever a person is, even if he lives in another country, for the holidays everyone gathers in the parental home. Therefore, it is difficult to buy tickets on pre-holiday days, all transport is overloaded. When planning a trip to China for the celebration, you need to take this nuance into account, as well as book tickets in advance.
How to properly launch fireworks and firecrackers
Launching fireworks in China is a long tradition, and it is believed that the noise of explosions scares away evil spirits. First, small firecrackers laid out in a row are blown up to spend the old year, and then three large ones are set on fire - to meet the onset of a new one. Fireworks go off throughout New Year's Eve, but the country's main fireworks can be observed in the capital at exactly midnight. Also, local residents blow up firecrackers as a sign of hospitality when they welcome guests.
New Year gif.webpts
In China, for the New Year holidays, it is customary to give money in red Hongbao envelopes - this gif.webpt symbolizes the wish for prosperity and good luck. There is also a tradition of giving paired gif.webpts, for example, a set of two cups with the symbol of the year. Close relatives are given expensive gif.webpts, friends and acquaintances - symbolic gif.webpts.
Cultural activities
The dates of the beginning and the end of the holiday are celebrated especially brightly - solemn events, concerts, fireworks are held. When a particular event will take place, local residents will find out in advance from posters and announcements. Traditionally, the following cultural events are held in the Celestial Empire to celebrate the New Year:
- theatrical performances and performances are arranged, actors show historical events and various plays;
- the main prayer of the year is held in the Longhuasa temple, all devout Chinese people strive to attend this ceremony;
- on the first day, fireworks are launched and firecrackers explode, a grandiose festive fireworks are held in the capital;
- fairs are organized in the regions, visitors are offered exotic dishes and snacks, works of masters with images of the symbol of the year are sold;
- mass celebrations, concerts and other entertainment and entertainment events are held;
- on the last day of the celebration, burning lanterns are launched into the sky, making a wish - it is believed that it must certainly come true.
Chinese New Year in 2022 will be celebrated for 15 days - February 1-15. At this time, all those who honor Eastern traditions can join the celebration by going on a trip to the Middle Kingdom or by organizing a celebration at home.