Great Easter Lent 2024: from what date

Lent in 2024 runs from March 18 to May 4. The date changes every year, as the period is tied to the start of Easter. Lent is considered the strictest for Christians. This is an important event in the life of believers - a time of spiritual purification, preparation for Bright Sunday, and expression of repentance. Lasts 48 days, follows Maslenitsa and precedes the Resurrection of Christ.

What is Lent

This is the longest period of abstinence, during which Orthodox people completely refuse food of animal origin, fish, seafood (with the exception of a couple of days).From alcohol, you can only have a little wine for dinner at the end of each week. A raw food diet, hungry days, cooking without any oil is welcome. For children and sick people, there are relaxations in the diet. The start date for Lent in 2024 follows Forgiveness Sunday, which will be March 17th and end with Easter May 5th.

At this time, you should not only limit yourself to food, but also engage in spiritual development, clearing your mind of bad thoughts. During these 7 weeks, it is recommended to read the Bible and other books of a church nature, avoid temptations, quarrels, repent, do good deeds and take care of your loved ones. If you know exactly what date the Easter fast begins in 2024, you can prepare for it by eating light food and starting spiritual development in advance.

There is a version that the fast appeared in honor of the 40-day fast of Jesus, during which he was in the desert without food and water.There is another opinion about the origin of this period. Baptism of future clergy took place several times a year on major holidays, one of which was Easter. Previously, they had to intensively read prayers and fast, cleansing the body and soul. As a support, baptized Christians also observed similar conditions. Now the Church Charter obliges believers to fast for 48 days.


To find out what date Great Lent begins in 2024, you should take into account the beginning of Easter. The whole period is divided into several stages, which are designed to cleanse the body and soul of a person. It begins with Pure Monday, which opens the first 40 days - Fortecost, during which the believer prepares for a meeting with God. The period ends with Holy Week - a week that denotes the suffering of Jesus, the readiness to endure torment for all people and his resurrection.

Each holy week has its own name:

  1. Triumph of Orthodoxy (March 18 - 25).
  2. Week of St. Gregory Palamas (March 25 - April 1).
  3. Worshiping the Cross (April 1 - 8).
  4. Week of John of the Ladder (April 8 - 15).
  5. Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt (April 15 - 22).
  6. Flowering (April 22 - 29).
  7. Passionate (April 29 - May 4).

You can't strictly follow all the rules if there are he alth problems. Patience, help and good thoughts can replace food restrictions.


Fasting is not a diet, its purpose is not only to restrict food, but also to repent, cleanse the body, soul and mind. The first day of Easter Lent in 2024, regardless of which date it begins, traditionally passes without food, it is allowed to drink only water. Fish products can be consumed only 2 times for the entire period (closer to the end).On Saturdays and Sundays, it is advisable to exclude breakfast.

Permitted foods include: bread, water, hemp or oatmeal jelly, any raw and boiled vegetables, legumes and soups from them, mushrooms, fruits, nuts, dried fruits. On some days, you can add a small amount of linseed, sunflower or hemp oil.

Meal calendar:

  1. On Mondays and Wednesdays of each week, except for the first day, it is allowed to eat uncooked food without adding any oil. The same applies to Fridays from the 2nd to the 6th week.
  2. On Saturdays and Sundays throughout the entire period (except for the last 7 days), you can include baked fruits, boiled vegetables, cereals with a small amount of vegetable oil and a little wine in the diet. On the 6th week, it is allowed to put baked or fried fish, fish caviar on the table.
  3. On Tuesdays you should eat boiled food without any oil. The exception is the 2nd day of the first week, when only bread and water are allowed products. In the 7th - a raw food diet is welcomed, food without oil.
  4. On Thursdays, the diet should include boiled foods without adding oil.

Such nutrition is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. If possible, fast in a light form, paying special attention to your state of mind.

During the Easter fast, focus on doing a lot of good deeds. After all, his goal is to make the souls of people cleaner. The direct path to this is help, caring for loved ones, reading church literature, clearing the mind of negative thoughts. By adhering to these rules, you can meet Easter renewed.

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