Soviet postcards "Happy New Year!": Download free postcards of the USSR

The current young generation only from the stories of their parents knows about an entire era in our country, the Soviet Union. People relate differently to this period of life. But then there was always a special simplicity, warmth in everything.

Even New Year's cards showed a certain naivety, hope for the best. The New Year in itself evokes an expectation of a miracle, a belief in magic in everyone. And in Soviet times, this state was exaggerated.

Traditional Soviet postcards

The classic postcards of the time often depicted forest animals. Sincere faces of bears and hares, who give each other cards and New Year's gif.webpts; squirrels astonished by an unexpected surprise. All this was touching, and made the congratulations even more tender.

The main characters of the winter plots in the pictures are good-natured Santa Claus decorating a Christmas tree in the forest or riding on a troika of playful horses in the Russian style; funny kids playing by the Christmas tree. In Soviet times, there was no such variety in postcards as it is now. But each of them was filled with a special energy of kindness and love.

In many families, there was a common occupation - to copy New Year's cards and color them with the whole family.

Soviet postcards in retro style

In an earlier period, postcards were filled not only with funny animals, but were also more of a political and propaganda nature.

You could often find images of the railway, miners, astronauts during the period of space exploration. The New Year's cards celebrated the laborious professions that were popular at that time in the Soviet past.

And, of course, the Kremlin and the city of Moscow were an obligatory New Year's attribute of many Soviet postcards.

Samples with New Year's toys on shaggy twigs occupied a significant place in retro postcards. Modern youth can find such glass decorations more often in pictures, because in stores they have long been replaced with plastic. We have a collection of photos of Soviet New Year's toys.

How to give postcards

The development of the Internet has greatly increased the number of ways to give postcards. The traditional way and the best is still the personal delivery of a postcard with New Year's greetings.

You can also send it by mail. First, select the postcard you like on the site, download it for free, and then print it on a color printer and send it to the desired address.

Of the modern ways of congratulating, there are other options: send a postcard to e-mail, to any messenger, a message on a social network or SMS to your phone. If you are looking for New Year's Soviet postcards in excellent quality, then choose on this page and download absolutely free.

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