Competitions for February 23 for men: in the office at a corporate party

You can congratulate male colleagues in different ways: arrange a festive tea party, solemnly present gif.webpts, organize a fun party. The holiday will not be complete without funny and exciting contests that will cheer up men on February 23 and give them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

Also on the subject: Gif.webpts for colleagues on February 23

The most popular contests for men at corporate parties

Regardless of where the festive event will be held: in the office, restaurant, cottage, in nature - it is advisable to diversify it with fun contests and games. In a relaxed atmosphere, colleagues will be able to relax, have plenty of frolic and show what they are capable of.

Defuse the bomb

The participants are divided into two teams. Each group is given darts and a large bundle of balloons. The presenter explains that these are bombs that urgently need to be defused. Each participant must run up to the balls and try to hit them with a dart. The task of the players is to burst as many balls as possible. The winner is the team that will defuse more bombs in the allotted time.

Prepare prizes for the winners and consolation gif.webpts for the losing team. Depending on the budget, this could be stationery, computer accessories, chocolate figurines, etc.

Bank deposit

Men are invited to participate, and then everyone is offered to choose a woman for themselves. Ladies are blindfolded, while employees hide bills on their clothes (in pockets, behind the lapels of a jacket, under a shirt, in boots). At the command "start" women must find all the "deposits" and "withdraw" them. Whoever completes the task in the allotted time receives a prize.

Who will get together faster

The military says that the soldier must be able to pull himself together while the match is burning. Baskets are placed in front of the participants of the next competition, in which there are tunics, vests, garrison caps, caps, peakless caps, trousers, etc. items. Within the allotted time, players must put on all the things from the basket, and the jury, at the end of the competition, awards them in the following nominations: "The fastest warrior", "The most extravagant soldier", etc.

War films

Games and contests for February 23rd may involve war songs and films. Write the titles of the films on a piece of paper:

  • Only old men go into battle;
  • And the dawns here are quiet;
  • Battle of Sevastopol;
  • T-34;
  • 28 Panfilovites;
  • Road to Berlin;
  • Battle of local importance;
  • I see the goal;
  • Special forces team;
  • The shadow of the enemy;
  • Battle for Moscow;
  • Liberation: arc of fire;
  • I will remember;
  • The crew of the combat vehicle.

Cut each title sheet so that it is in two halves. The task of the participants of the competition is to correctly connect the parts of the note to get the whole title of the film.

To make the competition interesting, it is better to hold it between teams.

Guess the subject

Players are given warm mittens containing various items for men (lighter, cigarette lighter, folding knife, cufflinks). It is necessary to determine by touch what is in the mitten. The participant who guesses it receives the contents of the mitten as a gif.webpt.

Distribution of awards

You can organize an Oscar-style party for your colleagues. The main attributes of the holiday:

  • Red carpet;
  • beautiful outfits (girls will happily dress up in luxurious dresses);
  • glasses of champagne;
  • solemn music;
  • figurines.

Come up with nominations based on the specifics of your organization's work.Every man should get a statuette for his merits. What you can reward colleagues for:

  • bold decisions;
  • resourcefulness and purposefulness;
  • tasty coffee;
  • charming smile;
  • good mood;
  • creativity and creativity;
  • reliable shoulder.

You can think of funny nominations for employees:

  • for the fastest ride (courier is awarded);
  • a spy headache (nomination for a system administrator);
  • best commander-in-chief (director is awarded);
  • fighter of the invisible front (accountant);
  • military press secretary (marketer).


Papers with assignments are put in plastic cups. To make the competition intriguing, print out a dummy of banknotes, and write on them what the players need to do. The man is given a toy pistol, and his task is to get into a glass with a bill. He thinks that he will receive money as a reward, but instead a task awaits him. If the participant copes with the phantom, he takes the prize.

What tasks can be:

  • say a congratulatory toast;
  • sing a war song;
  • ride on one leg from one wall to the other;
  • push up 10 times;
  • draw a self-portrait.

Will in a fist

A simple competition that, nevertheless, is popular at corporate events. All those who wish are given leaflets with the inscription: "Will". Participants must crush the sheet with one hand and squeeze it in a fist. Whoever completes the task faster is declared the winner.

Young Combatant Course

In the morning, all the men gather in the conference room. The presenter gives the command: "Line up, align yourself, at attention!" This is followed by congratulations, presentation of personalized medals and gif.webpts. Each employee receives a certificate of honor for some personal achievement:

  • for punctuality (no tardiness for work);
  • for diplomacy (clients are always happy with your work);
  • for the most delicious coffee (in the morning women are waiting for you to appear in the office with delicious coffee and donuts);
  • for good health (never had a sick leave);
  • for accurate work (not a single revised report).

Then the men are treated to barley, and after that everyone participates in the shooting (you can hang darts and hold a competition for the most well-aimed soldier). Instead of darts, you can put empty urns, where men will have to get from a distance with balls of paper. The congratulatory part ends with a tea party with a cake.

Cool contests

If a relaxed, friendly atmosphere reigns in the team, comic contests can be added to the corporate event on the occasion of February 23rd. Colleagues will be able to have fun from the heart and get a boost of good mood.

Charming pilots

Several participants are selected (preferably, cheerful and liberated). Players need to transform into pilots. They must win over the female audience by any means possible and convince the lady to "climb" aboard for onward flight. Each pilot approaches an employee and begins to tell why his plane is better than the competition. Whoever picks up the most passengers receives an asterisk from the leading.

After the passengers are seated in their chairs, the pilots must compliment the three body parts of each woman on board. For example, what slender legs you have, what a charming smile, shining eyes.

Of course, frivolity is not welcomed among colleagues, so compliments must be spoken within the bounds of decency.

The star in this competition goes to the pilot who came up with the most original compliments.

Then the plane starts flying. All the passengers line up behind the pilot, holding each other's backs to make a "little train". They should "fly" throughout the office without touching obstacles (tables, chairs, cabinets, hangers).

At the end of the competition, the host counts the stars and announces the winner. The rest of the "pilots" receive incentive prizes for the title "The most charming pilot", "The most resourceful", etc.

Beer competition

As you know, one of the most favorite men's drinks is beer.Those wishing to participate in the beer competition are selected. They bring out a sack containing cans and bottles of beer of different sorts and brands. Participants and spectators must not see the name of the drinks! The player takes a can / bottle out of the bag, but does not show the audience. His task is to show the name of the drink with the help of gestures and facial expressions. If the audience is guessing, the beer goes to the player.

The more complex the name of the drink, the more fun the competition will be. What kind of beer can you take:

  • Garage;
  • Velkopopovitsky goat;
  • Old Miller;
  • Cheerful;
  • Siberian crown;
  • Zhigulevskoe;
  • Stella Artois;
  • Fat man;
  • Volzhanin.

The most beautiful woman

Men are divided into two teams. Each group of players is given balloons of different shapes, as well as colored markers, scotch tape and items of women's wardrobe (scarves, boas, beads, scarves). To the accompaniment of cheerful music, in five minutes the teams must form an “ideal” woman from balls, decorate her and draw a face with markers. Usually men get funny figures, and the competition turns into unrestrained fun.

After the ladies of the two teams are ready, colleagues choose the most beautiful woman with applause. The participants are given prizes, but the losing team is not released. The intrigue lies in the fact that the players are brought out glasses of alcohol, and the presenter announces: "We all know that there are no ugly women, there is little whiskey." The losing team must drink whiskey (or any other alcoholic beverage).

Alcohol game

Glasses with alcohol are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. The players start walking around the table to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to have time to run up to the table and drink a glass. Anyone who did not manage to do this is eliminated from the game and takes one pile. The winner of the competition receives a bottle of alcohol.

Feast contests

After active games and entertainment on Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can offer men calm drinking contests.

Funny stories

Colleagues take turns telling funny stories from their army life. Those who have not served may recall some funny story that happened at work. Before a man begins the story, he must write “true” or “false” on a piece of paper and hide it in his pocket so that others do not see the inscription. The task of those present at the table is to guess whether this story really happened, or whether the participant invented it.

Best Artist

Colleagues are given sheets of paper, markers or pencils. In the allotted time, they must depict military equipment or weapons. Then an exhibition of works is arranged, and the jury (the female half of the audience) chooses the most beautiful picture and awards the best artist.

greeting card

Those sitting at the table should compose a congratulatory text. On a large piece of paper, the first participant writes any word, for example, "congratulations". A colleague nearby should write the next word with the letter "M", for example, "men". Then the word in "N", etc. When all those present have finished their words, the presenter reads out the text that has turned out. As a result, a funny congratulation comes out, over which all colleagues will laugh heartily.

Music contests

At corporate events, music games and contests are always popular.

Guess the melody

Participants are selected who, from the first notes, must guess which song is playing. By February 23, it is better to select compositions on a military theme, for example:

  • Katyusha;
  • Blue scarf;
  • Three tankers;
  • Esaul;
  • Dark night;
  • Gentlemen officers;
  • We will not stand behind the price;
  • The song of the front-line driver;
  • Our tenth airborne battalion;
  • Eh, roads.

Incendiary dances

Couples are invited to participate in the competition. The man and woman stand with their backs to each other and cling to their elbows. Then the music plays, and the couples need to try to dance the dance. The task becomes more difficult if you carry out several dance stages: first they dance the waltz, then the tango, then the bachata.The winners are chosen based on the results of audience voting.

Competition with chairs

Everyone knows the popular children's game, when the kids run around the chairs to the music, and when the music ended, they had to have time to take a free one. Anyone who does not get a chair is eliminated from the game and takes one chair. By February 23, you can come up with an interpretation of the competition for men. Colleagues wishing to participate stand in a circle. Music sounds, and women start walking around them (there should be one more of them than men). The music turns off, and the employees need to have time to occupy the gentlemen (hug, stand next to, take the hand). The loser leaves, taking one participant with her. As compensation, the man who leaves the game receives kisses from all the women.

Competition of creative works for February 23

Men in their hearts always remain little boys who gladly made military equipment or cars from scrap materials. Announce a competition for the best craft in advance so that employees have time to prepare. Usually dads help children make a product for kindergarten or school. Now children will also be able to participate in creating crafts for the competition at their father's work. You can make anything: a tank from matchboxes, a plane made of cardboard, a cannon from beer cans, a postcard. Then all the crafts are exhibited for the jury's evaluation, and the winner receives a commemorative gif.webpt.

Funny, intellectual and sports contests will make corporate events more fun, unite the team even more and give men an opportunity to show what they are capable of. You can choose entertainment suitable for any format of a festive event.

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