Poems for New Year's Eve in elementary school (grade 1,2,3,4, 7,8,9,10 years)

It's time to prepare for New Year's parties in schools. Not only teachers and parents are trained, but, of course, children. They rehearse performance numbers, learn songs and poems for Santa Claus.

So that Santa Claus has something to listen to and your child a story to tell, we wrote merry New Year's poems. They are designed for primary school children (grades 1, 2, 3 and 4), age 7-10 years. We hope that both the child and Santa Claus will like them and will make the school matinee truly festive!

And here are the poems for other ages:

  • funny poems about the New Year;
  • poems for a matinee for kids 2-3 years old;
  • poems for the New Year for children 4-5 years old;
  • for a matinee for children 6-7 years old.
Sorry for the curious nose
But I have a question for you.
And not one, but many of them,
Will you answer, Santa Claus, to them?

Tell me where is your home?
Who lives with you in it?
Have you lived there all the time?
Well, did you go to school?

When did Santa Claus become?
What food do you like?
And how old are you?
Have you traveled all over the world?

How many languages do you know?
Do you see many dreams?
Did you bring me a present?
And this is my main question!

School matinee is in full swing.
Santa Claus is on fire.
He gives gif.webpts to everyone
Because the New Year.Miracles bring joy
And gif.webpts are just sweetness.I have prepared a lesson for tomorrow.
I cut out snowflakes and learned a rhyme,
I will go to bed with a clear conscience today,
And I will wait for Grandfather Frost tomorrow!New Year's arbitrariness,
Will visit many schools.
Our school will also
Santa Claus, it seems.

Well, of course it will.
Prepare rather urgently
Your rhyme to Santa Claus,
Or holiday prose.

We have a holiday today,
Both me and you are a participant.
And the magic was given free rein
Therefore, in our school.

Hogwarts, Harry Potter too,
He will not be able to surprise.
Own (from a fairy tale all persons),
They will arrange rides for us!

In the morning I went out into the yard,
Fascinating space.
For fun and fun
So that there is no idleness.

Looked around, looked closely,
Has caught fire with a new business.
I'm making a snowman here
There is a second, double.

The bunny and the bear are nearby
And all the animals, in a detachment.
A lot of things to do, I'll go look
Those who will help.

For a very important meeting
Shrugged on her shoulders.
I am the crucial moment.
A very festive present.

I put it in a bowl of snow,
I quickly kneaded the dough.
Making snow pancakes
For the Santa Claus country.

Alas, my invention
Melted in an instant.
The gif.webpt turned into juice
I'd rather tell you a rhyme.
As all children always do,
On New Year's Eve all over the planet.

I will draw a matinee
I will dance next to the tree.
I'll draw oranges
Tinsel and serpentines.

Many Christmas tree decorations
And flashlights, firecrackers.
And the Snow Maiden in a snowflake,
It will also be in the picture.

Santa Claus with a bag,
The picture is mine.
When the picture comes to life
Then the matinee will come!

I can't sit still,
Something's about to happen.
Something kind, simple,
In festive green needles.

A branch of a Christmas tree in the window,
Knocks on our path.
And send you on a good journey,
To step into the New Year.

I'm sitting under the tree
And I find gif.webpts.
From dad and mom, behold,
A present for me for the New Year!

And only Santa Claus,
Until the gif.webpt is brought!
He will give it to him personally,
Oh. I hear door knocks.

The front door is already creaking
And he stands on the threshold.
I knew. I believed. He will come.
After all, this is a wonderful New Year.

I swung the ball on the tree
And he winked at me with a light.
And so the second, fourth, third,
It shines with bright flowers.

I lit garlands on it,
Thousands of lights are shining.
The ice will melt in the hearts of people.
That Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

I looked under the tree
I didn't find what I wanted.
I looked in the closet, on the shelf,
Maybe the wolves ate it.

I looked under the bed
And he went on to search.
I know my gif.webpt
They brought it home already.

Everywhere I was looking for him,
And a little tired.
I did not fulfill the whim,
I'm waiting for a festive surprise!

The cat pulled its back,
I brushed the ball off the Christmas tree.
And let's roll it
Sweep everything along the way.

Mom almost laid the table
I almost dropped it.
Even a brave vacuum cleaner
He didn’t stick his nose to the cat.

Murka on four legs,
Suddenly landed on my dad.
Completed without hesitation
Dad's cat's job.

The ball is hanging on the tree again.
The cat sleeps on the top shelf.
The whole house is on the ears.
In the New Year, everything is tumbling.

We began to decorate the tree
Our cat is right there.
We laughed at first
This festive debut.

He killed us a little,
And it took a lot of energy.
Because we are our cat,
They put me on the window.

Distracted her a little
New Year is just around the corner.
A lot of things lie ahead
Santa Claus is on his way.

Santa Claus as a special agent.
New Year's President.
In the New Year of miracles, the keeper,
And the patron saint of coziness.

On New Year's Eve comes to the house,
He's with a gif.webpt bag.
You need to believe with all your soul
And he will come home to you.

He will come to the tree too,
Will roll you an attraction.
Prepare a poem for him
You will receive a present again.

I went out into the street, and there is ice,
He calls me to land in the snow.
But I do not agree, I will bypass it,
I'd rather go for a ride on the hill.

And after that I'll go decorate the tree,
And celebrate the New Year with dad and mom.

A kind look and a beard,
Its attribute is always.
And also a big bag,
And my gif.webpt is in the bag.

It's not New Year's without him,
Therefore, it will always come.
Everyone is waiting for him.
In the New Year will come to everyone!

I'll get dressed, warm up
Wait for friends on the street.
Napoleonic plans
Today they beckon us for a walk.
Sleds, sleds and skates,
Will give you bright days.

Frost and sun, wonderful day!
It will be very interesting for us!
Throw snowballs

To meet the winds on the hill.
Get very wet and get tired
Go home and sleep soundly.

Who cuts snowflakes
Someone decorates the tree.
Someone hangs garlands
But we are all one team.

We also have one goal,
And beautiful and tasty.
Because on New Years,
A delicious dinner awaits.
There are also many miracles awaiting
A huge weight of sweets.

I believe that Santa Claus,
There really is.
There is a huge demand for it,
The whole week.

How does he manage
Visit the planet?
And a million gif.webpts
Carry through the light.

Therefore, we recognize in him
Pope il neighbor
But we keep that secret
Do not reveal that grandfather!

We say to Santa Claus
All the same, we believe in you, we honor.
We are waiting for every New Year,
In the meantime, childhood lives in us!

I sit quietly to myself
Our cat Vaska sleeps on the sidelines,
Mom sets dinner
Dad picks up the tree.

Then I hear knocking on the door
Believe it or not.
In a red coat, with a beard,
Santa Claus has come home!

Happy New Year,
He gives me a gif.webpt.
I answered him a rhyme.
Oh, I see, like … a neighbor.

I certainly believe in a miracle,
But everything must be done in moderation.
I did not give a look,
Uncle Grisha what he learned.

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