When will the blood moon be in 2024 - next date

Astrological adepts and amateur astronomers have already marked the date on the calendar in advance when in 2024 it will be possible to observe the blood moon. People are trying to find out from what points on Earth they can see this interesting astronomical phenomenon. It is still given a special sinister meaning - it is associated with natural disasters, epidemics and disasters caused by human carelessness.

Why does the disk of the Earth's satellite turn red

Colors in optics are a qualitative subjective characteristic of electromagnetic radiation, which are perceived by human eyes. Red and orange have the longest waves, blue and green have the shortest.

During a lunar eclipse, the earth is between the sun and the moon - all three celestial bodies of the solar system form a line. The shadow of the earth obscures the moon.

But the satellite of the earth rarely disappears completely. In most cases, part of the sunlight reaches it, bending around the obscuring planet tangentially, and crossing a thick layer of air - the atmosphere. Shortwave colors are scattered, while longwave colors, reds and oranges, are reflected by the moon's disk, which takes on an eerie crimson hue.

The disk of the earth's satellite turns red only when the eclipse coincides with the full moon. But this phenomenon can also take place on a new moon.

Lunar eclipses in 2024

Residents of the Far East could see a rare astronomical event on May 21, 2021, and the population of the USA, Canada and South America - from May 15 to 16, 2022

The date of the next blood moon is 09/07/2025, and no total lunar eclipses are expected in 2024. Astronomical predictions for partials:

Date, monthCharacteristicWhere you can see
24 - 25 MarchPartialIn the Far East, from all parts of the Americas, in Africa
17 - 18 SeptemberPartialEurope, Africa, Canada, USA, South America, and - in the early morning, briefly - in the UK. It is expected that after falling into the shadow of the Earth, the lunar disk will acquire a pinkish or brownish hue. Color intensity will depend on meteorological conditions

In 2024, another interesting astronomical event is expected, which occurs every 2.7 years. On August 9, at the full moon, the earth's satellite will be completely illuminated by the sun and will acquire a greenish-blue color.

The influence of the "blood" moon on people

In ancient times, it was believed that the disk of the planet turns red from the invasion of evil forces - it is stained with blood. The Chinese thought that wounds were inflicted by the sharp teeth of a dragon, the Incas - a jaguar, the Germans - a huge werewolf. And in Africa, it was believed that the crimson is a consequence of the battle of the planets. But no matter how the astronomical phenomenon was explained, the beginning of wars and various troubles were associated with it. Children were even forbidden to look up at the crimson moon, so as not to attract misfortune.

The reason for the appearance of superstitions were coincidences. In 1136 BC, on January 29, a bloody battle began in China between the Zhou and Shang dynasties, and on August 27, 413 AD. e. the Greeks were defeated near Syracuse.

Therefore, even now people do not expect anything good from total eclipses with a reddened lunar disk. For those who are especially sensitive:

  • mood swings;
  • high blood pressure;
  • panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • hearing and visual impairments;
  • increased aggressiveness.

However, everything can be explained by the full moon. Even the ambulance doctors noticed that during this phase, the number of ambulance calls due to the development of strokes and heart attacks increases.

Women are most affected by lunar energy.

Astrologers believe that people who dream of fame and popularity should mark in advance on the calendar when the next blood moon will be in 2024, etc. At this time, creativity is enhanced and it is easier to reveal your talent. Also, the period is ideal for those who have not yet decided to change their lives.

Do's and Don'ts on Bloody Eclipses

Astrologers warn that it's undesirable:

  1. Threaten, plan revenge - a boomerang will fly in.
  2. Be on the road, especially if you're driving yourself. And if the astronomical event coincided with a business trip or a trip, you need to be extra careful.
  3. Lending money, taking loans, paying off loans. Within 2 days before the eclipse and one after, it is better to limit yourself to buying food and detergents. Things purchased on this day will either quickly deteriorate or not bring joy.
  4. Apply to government agencies and enter into relationships with members of the judiciary.
  5. Sign up and do elective surgeries, treat teeth.
  6. Change relationship status. To get married, arrange engagements, make proposals, send matchmakers, visit the registry office and get married. Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid a divorce.
  7. Start he alth treatments, go on a diet, quit smoking. Breakdown is inevitable.

In anticipation of eclipses, it is advisable to clean the house, get rid of unnecessary things, and take time for introspection. During this period, it is easier to reconsider the social circle, to alienate people who only pretend to be friends.You also need to do something charitable - to do charity work, but not just to give alms, but to provide targeted assistance. It's good to sign up for refresher courses, start reading a new book, spend more time outdoors. And this is also the best time to make peace with enemies and ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended.

But if you do not believe in bad omens and omens, nothing terrible will happen on the days of the blood moon. And residents will be able to admire the rare astronomical phenomenon through an online stream.

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