Competitions for March 8 for a corporate party: cool, funny, unusual, drinking, music

International Women's Day is celebrated in a variety of formats. Regardless of whether a concert or a feast is planned, cool contests for March 8 for a corporate party will come in handy. Participate in funny competitions, demonstrate your own skills and abilities, and then get a prize for this - what could be better.

Funny contests on March 8 for a corporate party

When the team is close-knit, employees are friendly and close to each other, it is permissible to hold comic contests at a corporate party in honor of March 8. Gif.webpts for female members can also be fun and unusual. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive souvenirs.

It is enough to select an item from the list:

  • mugs;
  • pens;
  • notebooks;
  • chocolates;
  • handmade soap sets;
  • candlesticks;
  • piggy banks;
  • pressed towels;
  • diplomas, medals or diplomas.

Cool interactive game on March 8

Any interaction with colleagues aimed at establishing the truth or completing an assignment is the principle of interactive games. On International Women's Day, we recommend playing the prototype of the TV games "One Hundred to One" or "Field of Miracles". The Bukvogram game is also popular for corporate events. For an example and rules of conduct, see the video:

Competition "Miss corporate party"

Employees are divided into 2-4 teams. As a jury, it is permissible to ask the head and heads of departments to stay. Each group chooses one girl and tries to make her the first beauty. Members of the same team can share accessories, jewelry, shoes, cosmetics. For more effect, you can learn a couple of interesting movements.

Next, there is a defile. Applicants for the title of "Miss Corporate Party" take turns demonstrating their outfit and image as a whole. They walk from the hip, dance, read poems, sing. After completing the assignments, the jury confers and chooses the winner. The rest of the participants are recommended to assign other pleasant titles - miss charm, the main coquette of the office, the most groovy and cheerful colleague.

Repeat after me game

An employee who is engaged in dancing or fitness comes forward. The rest stand opposite him at arm's length from each other. The presenter shows the movements, the participants repeat. You should start with a simple one - touch your nose, stamp your foot, clap your hands. Gradually, the exercises become more difficult. The winner is the one who can correctly and quickly repeat even complex movements.

Fun drinking contests

Not a single corporate party is complete without a buffet table or a full-fledged feast. To prevent employees from getting bored, it is recommended to hold several funny contests between meals or toasts. The most popular game is Fanta. It is permissible to purchase a set ready-made or make it yourself. By the type of this fun, you can arrange table predictions. On the same size notes, you should write your wishes. And then invite everyone to pull out a piece of paper from the jar.

As a prediction can be:

  1. Soon you will meet true love.
  2. The lost will return unexpectedly.
  3. Hooray! Your figure will soon be perfect!
  4. The most cherished dream will come true!
  5. The incurable will be cured, the irreparable will be corrected.
  6. Money is never superfluous, salary increases are on the horizon.
  7. Forgive yourself, you will be forgiven.
  8. Choose a country - you will soon go on a journey.
  9. Who seeks will always find.

See other examples of cool tasks in the photo:

Music contests and games for corporate parties

Songs and dances on March 8 are the best addition to any corporate party.If they are also supplemented with cool contests for women, then the celebration of International Women's Day at work will be remembered for pleasant impressions and funny incidents for a long time.

Karaoke competition

To conduct a music competition, you will need a computer or laptop with the installed program, as well as a microphone. It is advisable to use the version of karaoke in which points are awarded for the performance of a particular song. Those wishing to participate in the competition must sing on any song, then a comparison of the points scored by the participants is made. The owner of the highest score becomes the winner and receives a prize.

Disco dancer

The competition will require several participants. First, you need to prepare several songs of different musical styles - tango, bocata, waltz, hip-hop. You can immediately make a cut from several pieces of music opposite in rhythm and genre, or include each track manually directly at the holiday.

Participants of the competition need to move beautifully to the songs, and also switch in a timely manner when changing the melody. The winner is chosen by voting among the employees.

Funny ditties

It is advisable to prepare 3-4 ditties for each participant. Employees need to perform the choruses in a fun and perky way. At the end of the competition, you can offer to come up with a text yourself. The woman who sings the best will win.

Examples of ditties in the photo:

Competitions for adults on March 8

In some work collectives, it is permissible to raise alcoholic and 18+ topics. It is also not worth going too far. Indeed, at corporate parties, bosses are often present, and subordination must be observed in any situation. But a small hint of intimate topics, simple tasks and games on March 8 for adults may be appropriate to use.

Alcohol contests

If, on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, a noisy feast is organized, then several alcohol competitions will come in handy:

  1. Taster. At the beginning of the feast, the participants of the competition are required to blindfold and offer various drinks in glasses - grape juice, Coca-Cola, beer, wine and others. Players must identify the contents solely by smell. The winner is the one who names all drinks correctly and faster than others.
  2. Intellectual quiz. The facilitator asks a few questions about alcohol. Whoever answers more than others won. Examples of questions - where did the tradition of clinking glasses come from, how Peter I fought against drunkenness, which country received the title of the beer state, what is sonoselicaphobia.
  3. Bartender. The presenter shows how to prepare a complex cocktail, and the participants must make a drink from memory.
  4. Pantomime. Several different cans of beer are put in a box or bag with names that can be shown with gestures. The players take turns choosing a can for themselves, and then they must depict the name of the beer so that colleagues can guess it.
  5. Do not spill game. The glass is passed in a circle between employees. Everyone should pour some of the contents of their own glass into it. Those who do not drink alcohol add water or juice. Whoever spills even a little should make a toast and drink the contents of the glass to the bottom.

Contests and games for older women

When there are elderly employees in the team, mobile contests will not work. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the corporate party participants, and also try to find funny, but not offensive and simple tasks. See below for several options for interesting contests.

Gossip competition

The presenter chooses the person to be talked about. A sheet of paper is folded like an accordion so that each edge has a width of about 2 cm. Then the sheet is passed in a circle and each one writes according to a proposal about the selected employee. Then the accordion is folded and passed to the next participant.When the last sentence is written, the sheet is unfolded and the resulting gossip is read.

The game "What's in front of me?"

The participants are blindfolded and plates with inedible items are placed in front of them. You need to guess what exactly is on the dish. You cannot peep and touch with your hands. Only cutlery is allowed.

"Ocean is shaking"

The game, known since childhood, will cheer you up and return you to your youth. Participants need to stand in a circle. When the presenter says: "The sea is worried once", it is required to depict various figures, poses, pantomimes. Then it reads: “One, two, three. Freeze the sea figure in place! " Everyone freezes and tries not to move.

You will have to endure, even if the position turns out to be uncomfortable. If the leader notices movement, then asks the participant to complete the intended figure completely. The winner is the participant who will be able not to move or will be the last to do it.

It is difficult to imagine a corporate party on March 8 without fun contests and feasts. Depending on the team, these can be funny, intelligent, mobile, interactive games and contests. The main thing is that the participants are satisfied, there are no offended or deprived of attention of colleagues.

Video: contests for March 8 for corporate events

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