According to astrologers, in order for the coming year to bring happiness, prosperity and good luck to the house, it is imperative to remember and adhere to some signs. Our ancestors believed in omens and believed that by adhering to some recommendations, they could get rid of everything bad and attract the best. You will learn further about what signs for the New Year 2022 are worth observing, how to spend the old year, what to wear, how to decorate the house and much more.
How to properly spend the outgoing year
2022 is the year of the Blue Water Tiger according to the Eastern calendar. In the East, blue is considered the most fickle color, so you need to be prepared for change and instability. It is necessary to spend 2021 the year of the Metal Bull correctly and, according to psychologists, the main action should not take place in the kitchen in the hustle and bustle of preparing holiday dishes.
Take some time and do the following practice: light the candles, turn on the garlands, make a cup of aromatic tea, and take a leaf and a pen. You will need time for solitude and introspection. Divide the sheet in half and write on the right all the good things that happened to you in 2021, and on the left everything bad. This will allow you to take a personal summary of the past year, remember the positive points and analyze the mistakes.
If there is something in life that you want to leave in the past forever (illness, resentment, bad habits) write them down on a separate sheet, then roll them up and burn them over a candle. Seeing off the Year of the Ox, be sure to thank him for everything that happened to you. This practice will help you realize what you have for today, what you value and what you want to take with you in 2022. You don't need to take bad emotions, resentment, disappointment and uncertainty with you, because the New Year will open up a lot of opportunities for you.
According to the signs, you need to see off the past year 12 days before New Year's Eve. During this time, you should try to get rid of everything unnecessary in the house, unnecessary trash, complete all the cases that have been put into a distant box for a long time. A week before the New Year, astrologers advise to work on karma. During this period, it is favorable to establish communication with people, resolve family conflicts, eliminate disagreements. Here are some guidelines:
- December 25 - an auspicious day to be alone with yourself and analyze what you have achieved in 2021 and clearly understand the goals and dreams you want to go to.
- December 26 - the day when it is favorable to do household chores. It's time to put things in order in the wardrobes that were out of reach, disassemble the wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary things.
- December 27th - a good time for communication. Spend this day with your family, arrange a meeting with friends and be open to new acquaintances.
- December 28th - go to your parents, grandparents.
- December 29th - a day of calmness and harmony, spend it the way you want: you can do nothing or go to the spa, if you want, you can go shopping and take a walk.
- December 30th - do what you have dreamed of for a long time.
- Dec. 31 - an important day for change and a favorable time for communication.
By observing these signs, you can be sure that the coming year of the Blue Tiger will be bright, positive and successful for you.
What signs for the New Year 2022 everyone needs to know
The most important sign for the New Year is "As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it!" Many people believe in this and not in vain, so one of the most important components of a successful celebration is your mood. If you are in a gloomy mood on such a bright holiday, quarrel with loved ones, hold a grudge against friends - you are unlikely to be able to achieve what you want next year. Therefore, think in advance where you will celebrate, with whom, and create a festive atmosphere for yourself.
Where is the best place to celebrate New Year's Eve?
According to the Eastern calendar, the Tiger is an aggressive animal, but by its nature it is a loner. Therefore, astrologers advise to celebrate the New Year at home or visiting with a small company of relatives or friends. It is better not to gather large and noisy companies, not to celebrate New Year's Eve in a restaurant or club.
What is better to wear?
Choose the right New Year's look. Astrologers recommend avoiding the "cat" print in clothes, it is better to postpone the tiger dress for another occasion, because the Tiger does not like masquerades and will definitely not take you for his own. What is better to wear? When choosing clothes, you should give preference to neutral shades - beige, sand, green, terracotta, and they are recommended to be diluted with gold accents. The color palette is quite rich, so everyone will find something for themselves. But the accessories are better to choose blue. New Year's signs for 2022 state that those who can create the right environment on New Year's Eve will expect good luck and success in the new year.
How to decorate your home?
The atmosphere in which you are is of particular importance. According to the signs, you should avoid flashy and bright colors in the decor (red, orange, neon), because the Tiger should be comfortable and calm in your atmosphere. The Christmas tree must be decorated with a Tiger figurine, it can be made in the form of a wooden toy, a glass ball with a pattern, from threads, etc. Colors for choosing New Year's decor from golden to ocher. It is especially good if the house has enough natural greenery: ferns, flowers, palms, the Tiger loves all this. It is better to choose a tablecloth and napkins in a classic white or gold color. Classic New Year colors: red and green can be used as decoration, but there should be a minimum amount of them. It is better to serve the table with plain white dishes with golden elements. Candles in gold tones will be appropriate on the festive table. Everything should be moderately restrained, concise and stylish.
What should be on the festive table?
The year 2022 is that rare case when meat is welcomed as the main dish on the festive table, because the main character is a predator. Therefore, the more meat dishes there are, the better. Try to diversify the table with dishes from rabbit, duck, beef, pork. There must be fresh fruits - tangerines, oranges, pineapple, persimmons, etc. The Tiger also loves greens, so be sure to make a couple of green salads.
What is the best gif.webpt?
According to the signs of meeting the New Year 2022, gif.webpts should not be for household purposes. The tiger is an emotional animal, therefore presents should be for the soul. These can be presentations, impressions and emotions: a joint photo session, tickets to a concert, a subscription to a sports club, a vacation ticket, etc. There are no clear recommendations here, and everyone has their own list of gif.webpts, the main task is to give friends and family positive, to please and surprise.
Now you know what signs you should adhere to so that in 2022 you will be lucky. To adhere to these signs or not is a private matter for everyone, but observing a few simple and clear rules, you can create not only a festive mood, but also increase the chances of spending the next 12 months in harmony and love. Signs of meeting the New Year will allow you to count on the favor of the Blue Water Tiger, to attract good luck and prosperity into your life.