Displaying the beauty of the surrounding world is one of the most important tasks of creativity, since it brings up the beauty of the soul. The ability to notice the grace of lines, liveliness and richness of color combinations in natural phenomena makes a person more attentive, harmonizes the personality. Therefore, it is so important that the first steps in this direction were taken in childhood.
Who did not pay attention to the red-breasted bird, which stands out in contrast against the background of a snow-covered branch? It is like a small living flame flashing among the whiteness!
Bullfinch! One of the favorite characters of children's drawings and winter crafts! The plumage of this bird seems to have been created to emphasize the beauty of the landscape, to become a bright accent of a picture, postcard, and crafts.
Teachers and young artists turn to this image from year to year, replenishing the piggy bank of ideas for crafts with a bullfinch, made with their own hands.

Flat appliques with a vivid plot
A flock of bullfinches, perched on a branch or nestled in the snow, is compared to anything:
- With berries,
- With apples
- With bright caramels.
Comparisons contribute to the development of associative thinking. Drawing and applied art help to consolidate associations.
So, for mastering the basics of working with colored paper and glue, the application fits perfectly. It covers all stages of training: from the skill of applying glue to self-modeling of flat and convex parts.
And on the example of children's crafts "Bullfinch" you can personally observe the stages of development of mastery.
Minimum detail - maximum effect
Toddlers starting work should be provided with handouts. Do not make it difficult for them and yourself. For the application "Bullfinches on a branch" or "Bullfinches at the trough", prepare the following details:
- Half of a dense landscape sheet with a branch drawn on it with a marker (3 - 4 branches from the main one).
- If an application with a feeder is supposed, then you do not need to draw a branch, but an additional detail is required - a brown rectangle-feeder.
- Red circles with a diameter of 5 - 6 cm (2 - 3 for each job)
- Black detail - head, back, tail. It can be made from an adjusted semicircle with a diameter of 8 - 9 cm: narrow the tail, round the head.
- Gray wing - 1 per craft.
In the process of work, children can themselves "plant bullfinches on branches", that is, compose a sheet according to the example proposed by the teacher. To do this, before you start working with glue, you need to put red circles on the sheet and see "on which branches it will be more convenient for the birds." Then, alternately removing the parts, apply glue to them and glue them in the selected position.
The bird's backs also need to be tried on first: children should see that the part should be glued slightly overlapping the previous one. The same steps are performed before gluing the winglet.
Having finished working with glue, you can supplement the applique with several drawn details: bird eyes, stripes on the wing, rowan berries on a branch, snowflakes circling in the air. This can be done with paint or pencils. And in fact, and in another case, the craft will turn out to be very expressive!

Add volume
The gradual complication of the Bullfinch paper craft can occur both by specifying the shapes of the parts that make up the bird's body and increasing their number, and by using volumetric parts in the work. This can be the breast, wing and tail.
Chest with a wheel!
To add volume to this part of the craft, red or burgundy napkins are ideal. They need to be glued after the back has been glued to the base. There are two ways to form a convex breast from napkins:
- Gluing loose balls made from pieces of it tightly to each other on the base.
- Making it on the principle of a carnation flower. To do this, you need to cut out 6 - 8 circles (the diameter is determined in accordance with the size of the image).
- The first one is glued to the base so that its edges are free and overlap the back part.
- On top of it, the rest are sequentially glued, applying glue only to the center of the circle.
- When the glue dries, peel off the top layer and crush it towards the center. Then each next layer is sequentially crushed, pressing it against the previous one.
The wing in such a craft is left flat, glued, slightly pulling it up, as if a bird is flying, or only in the shoulder area, leaving the end to lie freely over the convex breast.

Wings and tails
Winter crafts "Bullfinches" will be surprisingly expressive and if the wings and tail are made voluminous. In this case, the detail "head" will be a black semi-oval, and the body will be a large red oval.
In addition, you will need small details - a beak (yellow or brown triangle) and an eye (a black circle inside a white one).
To make a voluminous tail and wing, you need black paper. A rectangle and an isosceles triangle are cut out of it. The dimensions of the parts must be consistent with the dimensions of the image.
- Fold the rectangle like an accordion, orienting the folds along its short side.
- From one end, apply glue between the folds and press - glue a kind of fan.
- Fold the triangle with an accordion, orienting the folds along the base.
- Fold the accordion in half so that the base is inside the fold.
- Expand, apply glue to half of the base strip and glue to the second half.
- When the glue is dry, spread the wing and tail.
Gluing the ponytail to the base, apply glue on the fold lines, lubricate the point of their connection with it. While pressing the part against the sheet, do not press too hard, so as not to damage the structure of the accordion. Hide the narrow tip of the tail under the lower edge of the body and glue to it.
The wing connects to the figure in the same way. Its position will indicate whether the bird sits on a branch, flies or is about to flutter.
Options, options, options
Numerous photos of crafts with bullfinches amaze with their diversity and creativity. Can all this be done out of paper? But how! If you want - make a mosaic from scraps of colored paper, pasting them, filling in the areas separated by the outline of the drawing.
Or lay out this image in small spools of paper. In addition, you can use the bulk technique by preparing finely chopped colored pieces or a semblance of confetti made with a hole punch in advance (involve children in this work - they will be happy!).
In this case, glue is applied to the substrate, and then sprinkled with a prepared material of the appropriate color. After the glue dries, the excess is shaken off.
- If you want - make the craft "Bullfinches on a branch" using the "quilling" technique. Her beauty and filigree will make the audience stand still for a long time, admiring and admiring. Or maybe you prefer origami or volumetric models made according to papercraft schemes?
No less cute voluminous crafts are obtained from paper cylinders and strips. Red and black cylinders of different sizes are glued together so that a head and body are obtained, supplemented with flat or voluminous wings, a tail, a beak and eyes.
And from the strips, rings are formed, which then connect two spheres. The details are connected with glue or a stapler, black wings and a tail are glued to the body.
You can list for a long time! But if you come up with your own version, perhaps by combining techniques, adding new elements, the piggy bank of ideas will become even richer.And this cannot but rejoice.

We knit, we sew, we cut
Appliques, semi-volume and volumetric crafts can be very effective when made from fabric, felt, cotton pads or threads. Toddlers can glue the details onto the base to create a panel.
Older guys will be happy to make pom-poms, which can become either part of an applique or a volumetric pendant toy. In some crafts, the pom-pom ring can act as a base.
In this case, he needs to give the appearance of a bird with a rounded breast, in the center of which a round hole is cut. Gray yarn is wound on the base, passing through the hole and covering the back of the bullfinch. The same is done with white yarn.
And they wrap the breast with red threads. When finished, cut them along the outer edge. The bundle located in the ring is intercepted with a thread and pulled together. To prevent the pom-poms from slipping out of the ring, they can be fixed with glue, after which the ends of the threads need to be tousled a little by fluffing the pom-poms.
Another option for creating crafts from threads "Bullfinch" is based on sequential tying of bundles:
- Black is placed on top of the red, tied up, folded back the first half of the black and connected to the second
- Tied in a tight bun
- A bundle of gray yarn is put under the knot connecting the red and black threads.
- The free end of the red yarn is picked up by the gray
- The ends of the red threads are added to the bunch of black ones and tied
- Gray threads from the sides lead back and connect with the rest
- A beak can be made by gluing the sharp tip of a walnut to a toothpick or skewer and sticking it in at the junction of the red and black threads.
In addition, the figurine of a bullfinch can be knitted or crocheted, sewn from felt. The felt toy can be left flat or filled with padding polyester.

In any case, such a product can become a favorite toy, a pendant in a crib or stroller, a key ring.
The cheerful bullfinch will delight the eye, recalling creative successes and encouraging to strive for new achievements.
How to blind to surprise
Any preschooler knows how to make a “bullfinch” craft from plasticine: a red oval is a body, a black ball with a pinch-beak is a head, wings are in the form of flattened ovals and a tail is a flattened sausage. And here's how to make it unusual, non-standard!
Try a cardboard mosaic. To do this, you need to fill the areas bounded by the contour of the prepared drawing with plasticine pieces.
In this case, the pieces can be flat, with deliberately careless edges of the cliff, rolled into small balls or sausages, twisted in a spiral. Yes, this is a laborious job that requires time and perseverance. However, the resulting picture will be really amazing.
Interesting effects can be achieved by laying out the image with plasticine on the glass. Layers, strokes and blends can be used to achieve amazing depth. And if you use both sides of the glass, you can get something amazing!
You can sculpt bullfinches not only from plasticine, but also from clay and salt dough. After drying and firing or baking, such figures need to be painted. Compositions with their participation will become a real interior decoration, worthy participants in an exhibition or competition.
More beautiful and different bullfinches
The winter theme is not complete without the image of a bullfinch. This small bright bird, one might say, has become a symbol of resilience and optimism. Therefore, crafts with her are so popular.

Bullfinches persistently awaken the imagination of artists, give all new ideas for portraying their persona.
All new materials are used:
- Caps,
- Plastic bottles and cups,
- Disposable plates,
- Natural materials,
- Vegetables and fruits,
- Cotton pads and cotton swabs,
- Pasta and hemp twine.
Anything that can turn a craft into an original creation goes into action! But this is the basis of creativity!