Folk omens of February 2022: a complete list by day

February - ends the wicked winter. This month falls one of the most fun and mischievous holidays - Maslenitsa. Preparations for the sowing season are still beginning. To do everything right, to get a big harvest later, it is recommended to use folk knowledge and wisdom, carefully and painstakingly collected by many generations of our ancestors.

Here is the list will take for the month of February 2022 by dates:

  1. Macarius. If it drips from the roof, then it will be early spring. The same will predict a clear sunny day. Even on the first day of the month, the weather is determined for its entire duration.
  2. Efim. If it is cloudy, the blizzards will return. And if it is clear - the spring will be red, early and warm.
  3. Maxim. If the month comes on this day, it means that the barns will burst with the harvest, and if the sky is empty, then the bins will be empty.
  4. Timofey the semi-winter. If there is a strong frost, but moisture flows through the windows, a thaw will soon be. If frosty drawings grow on the glass from the bottom up, then there will be a long cold. And when the drawings go down - thaw.
  5. Agophonist. On this day, an audit of grain reserves was carried out, the condition of the barns was checked.
  6. Aksinya. This day was considered a spring indicator. If a blizzard is sweeping, the grass will not be ugly; when it rains, the spring will be rich.
  7. Gregory. This day showed what the next winter will be like. What is the weather in the morning - this will be in December. And in the afternoon it will show the weather for the second half.
  8. Fedor. The clear weather of this day speaks of the wealth of forest gif.webpts. To give birth to a berry, they drank raspberry or strawberry tea. They also cooked cabbage soup. The larger and more satisfying the broth, the warmer the winter will be.
  9. John Chrysostom. If the snowdrifts are covered with rounded ridges, then wait for the harvest.
  10. Efim. On this day, it is customary to treat and placate the brownie. A special treat was being prepared for him. And if the hostess was lazy, then the brownie scoffed at the yard cattle.
  11. Ignat. If the bitter frosts have returned again, then there will be great heat in the summer.
  12. When you notice a hare in the garden, spring will not come soon. And the frost on the trees, the warmth will come to know. When the red moon floated to the sky in the evening, expect strong winds. It was forbidden to spin on this day.
  13. Nikita Novgorodsky. It was recommended to look into the stove. If the wood sizzles and does not flare up, be warm. When they blaze red, there will still be cold and frost
  14. Trifon. Stars in the sky - spring will come late. On this day, the girls of the mice talked so that they would not misbehave and spoil the new crop. Other girls turned to Saint Tryphon, praying for a worthy and rich groom.
  15. Presentation of the Lord. If it's already warmer, then spring is on the doorstep. It's cold, wait for spring for a long time.
  16. Simeon. On this day, they began to prepare for spring, the house was examined, plans were made.
  17. Nikola Studenny. Again, the cold comes by signs.
  18. Agafya Korovyatnitsa. Livestock talked about diseases.
  19. Vuvol Calf. February cows are calving on this day. Frosts on this day foreshadow a fast spring and dry summer.
  20. Luke. Each hostess cooked pies with onions or dumplings. If the wind blew out at noon, expect an excellent harvest.
  21. Zachary. Preparing for rural work. So that the sickle does not become dull and does not break, they sprinkled it with holy water.
  22. Typical day.
  23. Prokhor. If it's cold, then March will be warm.
  24. Vlasyev day. It was considered a holiday. A rich treat was prepared: pies, pancakes, loaves. They all carried to the Church, lit up.
  25. Meletius. The seeds were carried in the cold so that they would gain strength.
  26. Martinian. If the streams run, then the summer will fall wet.
  27. Karill Pointer. If it is clear, then there will still be severe frosts.
  28. Onisim Zimobor. If long icicles appear, the spring will be long. If the water began to rise, the haymaking will be rich.

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