How to celebrate the New Year together with a friend? Unusual Ideas 2022

New Year has long been considered a family holiday, and it was necessary to celebrate it with relatives. But, like everything in this world, this tradition is gradually becoming obsolete. Now it is more popular to celebrate the New Year in companies where everyone is about the same age. Then the party turns out to be fun and comfortable. But don't be sad if your company consists of only one person - your best friend.

New Year's party at the club

An excellent option for meeting the New Year would be a visit to a nightclub or restaurant for two beauties. Only the beginning of the party may be for two, but the end of the night will give you a lot of interesting acquaintances. You can start preparing for such a celebration at home at one of you, doing makeup, hairstyles, choosing outfits together. Thus, the New Year's mood will rise above all indicators.

Crazy New Years Party Plan

An offer to celebrate the New Year on the roof of the house will be quite unexpected. Why not? A few minutes before the chimes, grab your glasses, pre-selected champagne and go up to the top floor, and from there - to the roof. Memories will be unique! A large part of the city will open in front of you, and the whole cascade of fireworks will be launched, it seems, as soon as for you. Just don't get close to the edge!

You can also celebrate the New Year with your friend in a car. Absolutely random route, one of you is the driver, the other is the navigator. However, here you will have to do without the traditional sparkling drink. And most importantly, do not forget the way home.

If you are not in the mood for travel, you can stay at home and have a pajama party. The past year was difficult, it's time to relax and not think about anything! Slice fruit, pour champagne … arrange New Year's fortune-telling. This option is perfect for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Together with a friend on festivities

There are always people who celebrate the arrival of the New Year on the street. Therefore, for girls, this is an option that will allow you to have fun. The disadvantages of this method is that you cannot walk outside for a long time in winter. It's good if cafes are open in your city on New Year's Eve (usually they have closed parties at this time), and there will be a place to warm up. And yet, going for a walk along the night streets, take with you a thermos with hot tea (for yourself) and a gas canister (from especially annoying drunk citizens).

New Year's tour

Traveling is always great! You can choose different directions. Basically, they are divided into several groups:

  • foreign excursion New Year's tours;
  • a trip to the highlands;
  • New Year's trips through the territory of the native country.

Any will do, the main thing is that the trip is a group. Then the meeting of the New Year will turn out, as it were, together, but at the same time in the company.

The first group of tours is mainly aimed at European countries. It is worth highlighting its advantages here:

  • the opportunity to see many historical and cultural sites in a few days;
  • a chance to taste the cuisine of a new country, as well as learn something new;
  • go to brand stores, take advantage of New Year's discounts (there you can buy a New Year's gif.webpt for your friend).

Celebrating the New Year in the mountains is an equally attractive option. Drinking champagne among the beautiful views of the mountain slopes and lighting sparklers will please you anyway. Why not? In the mountains, you can sing songs, and even just shout. Of course, yes, in New Year's dresses and stiletto heels you won't make much fun, but burying yourself knee-deep in snow is very cool!

Many travel agencies offer tours of their home country.This route is ideal for two friends. After all, this:

  • fun, as the whole bus travels;
  • useful, as you can get to know your country;
  • convenient, as it removes the need to prepare for the holiday night, cooking, serving the table, etc.

Guest option of the holiday

If the previous options for meeting the New Year do not suit you, then you can come up with something non-standard. For example, go on a tour of friends and acquaintances. After all, this is New Year's Eve, why not congratulate everyone personally? You can dress up as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, or two Snow Maidens to surprise your loved ones.

New Year is a wonderful holiday that sets the mood for the next twelve months. Therefore, you need to meet him cheerfully! There is no need to be upset if there is no big company, because often the best friend can replace many. So, celebrate together and have a merry holiday!

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