How is New Year celebrated in Italy? Beautiful traditions and customs in pictures

Ah, Italy … A sunny land of exquisite wine and olive oil, which attracts tourists with its rich architectural heritage. Italy is beautiful not only in summer. In winter, this country also attracts tourists. Going to Italy to celebrate the New Year is a decision, by implementing which, you can guarantee the presence of vivid memories and a range of positive emotions.

Italian holiday atmosphere

From Catholic Christmas to Epiphany, which falls on January 6th, a festive atmosphere soars in every Italian city.

On the city squares, richly decorated New Year trees are installed, next to which there is a small glass house - an exposition telling about the visit of the Magi to Jesus Christ.

It is customary to organize flower beds under the trees. Even Venetian lions dress up in Christmas hats and sport cotton beards.

Shop and restaurant windows are adorned with fir wreaths, glittering garlands and red ribbons. Residents of houses are trying to keep up with the owners of shops and restaurants, who compete, whose balcony is decorated more beautifully.

And no one will forget to leave coins and lighted New Year's candles on the windowsill - at random.

New Year's affairs

Before the New Year's feast (St. Sylvester's dinner), every Italian has a lot of things to do. First of all, do not forget to throw out old things: furniture and other interior items, old clothes. True, household items no longer fly out of the windows with a bang. Such an original attraction has long been banned. Old and unnecessary things are simply displayed in front of the house.

Also, by tradition, it is necessary to break a certain number of dishes before midnight. This tradition allows people to get rid of all the negative emotions that have accumulated over the year.

New Year's feast

Now is the time to sit down at the table. On New Year's Eve in every Italian family, tables are bursting with generous treats. It is no secret that Italians are excellent cooks, so their generous and nourishing New Year's table symbolizes prosperity and wealth.

The family sits down at the table early, at 9 o'clock in the evening. The feast continues until the New Year itself, which Italians will go to meet with relatives and friends in restaurants or on the square of their own city.

The most traditional dish that will be present on the table is the lentil dish.

In total, there can be up to 13 different dishes on the festive table, as well as nuts and grapes and fish caviar. With the onset of the New Year, a plentiful hearty dish - pork legs - is sure to be served on the table. In some regions of Italy, an excellent foamy drink is added to pork legs - beer.

The grapes on the festive table play a special role. Everyone at the New Year's table is given 12 grapes, which are eaten one at a time with each beat of the clock. After the twelfth blow, the lights in the house are turned off and the whole family goes to the New Year's festivities.

Lush celebration

The celebration in the city squares is not complete without colorful fireworks and firecrackers.

The festive food continues in the squares, and the strollers are offered traditional pies: pannetone, ricarelli, torrone and Italian wine.

In the squares, residents of the city dance and accompany the dance with loud claps, which are driven away by evil spirits.

Walkers do their best to be the first to say hello to the oldest resident of the city, then happiness is guaranteed for the whole year. Residents of the city give each other a symbolic olive branch with a glass of clean water.

The arrival of January 1 is celebrated with Mass in the Vatican, in St. Peter's Basilica. On January 1, Italy celebrates World Peace Day.

Italian Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve, Babbo Natale (an analogue of Santa Claus) comes to every kid in Italy with gif.webpts. This kind grandfather in a red jacket comes to the children on a snow sleigh pulled by reindeer. However, the privilege of giving gif.webpts to children belongs to Fairy Befana. Befana is extremely unsympathetic, her hooked nose and protruding teeth do not dispose to acquaintance. But the children are looking forward to her, hanging red and green stockings from the mantelpiece.

Carnivals are held on and after New Year's Eve. Carnivals start on December 26 and last for several days. Every day, theatrical performances with carnival masks and characters from your favorite fairy tales are held on the streets of cities.

New Year reveals all the New Year's beauty of Italy, the generosity of this people. To spend the New Year in Italy is to take a magical journey into a beautiful …




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