Poems for New Year's party in kindergarten for children 2-3 years old

Girls and boys, as well as their parents, do you want to learn funny rhymes, don't you? After all, Grandfather Frost needs to tell a rhyme or sing a song. Otherwise, where would the old man get the strength to drag the bag with gif.webpts?

So that parents and teachers do not bother searching, we have prepared a large set of poems for a children's matinee for children 2-3 years old. It is still difficult for kids to memorize large volumes, so our poems are short. In kindergarten, children can tell them in turn (regardless of the scenario). And on home New Year, your kid can learn as many poems as he wants and please his loved ones.

And here are the poems for other ages:

  • funny poems about the New Year;
  • rhymes for a matinee in elementary school;
  • for the preparatory group of a kindergarten (6-7 years old).
  • for a matinee for children 4-5 years old;
The Christmas tree is burning with lights
He really wants to join us,
Round dances,
Let the New Year come in soon!I want Santa Claus
He brought sweets to every house,
To make children happy
In the New Year all over the planet.I'm sitting on a chair
I look at the tree.
Soon, soon New Year,
Will come straight to our house.All the kids dressed up
Bunnies, chanterelles, bears,
Round dance around the tree,
They drive everyone on New Year's Eve.Hello Dedushka Moroz,
You must be frozen.
Have some tea with us
We will delight with verses
So that you don't get bored
He met the New Year with us.Balls, crackers,
Bright toys.
It's cramped for them on the tree
We are interested.I taught a rhyme all day
I forgot him anyway.
The main thing is that the New Year,
Will come to visit us soon!Batman, Spiderman,
We will be shown a cool trick.
But it will seriously please
Only Santa Claus!Santa Claus does not sleep
He is in a hurry to visit us for the New Year
We will stand together in a circle,
And we'll tell you all the rhyme.The balls are hanging on the tree
And a present on the shelf
Mom and Dad bought me
They forgot to hide it in time.
I have not watched the gif.webpt,
Although I really wanted to.I'm sitting under the tree
I count all the needles.
Lost, started again
I count them again.

I'm already waiting, what time is it
Santa Claus this time.
One, two, three, four, five,
I went to look for him.

Santa Claus now,
Claps her hands.
So, the verse this time too,
Was very good.That I really want
I won't say anything to Santa Claus.
May it be for this New Year,
Any gif.webpt will bring.
Because I have a simple motto
I'm looking forward to a surprise for the New Year!I'm lying, learning a rhyme,
And I stare at the ceiling.
At home the Christmas tree is burning
The snow is spinning in the street.
They help me
These holidays.What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Lots of sweets on the tree
And a present on my shelf.I paint a Christmas tree with balls
And Santa Claus is with us.
And I draw a good New Year,
And the gif.webpt that awaits under the tree!New Year is knocking on the window
This is not pretend.
We need to open the door for him,
To let the miracle into the house.Santa Claus came
To our New Year's table.
He has a big bag
There is my gif.webpt.We went shopping
There are beautiful showcases.
Mom and Dad bought everything
The New Year's table was set.Bears, bunnies, snowflakes,
Cakes and tangerines.
Kind Santa Claus,
This is the New Year!I'll tell you a poem
Then I'll sing, then I'll dance!
You are Santa Claus, you are here
Hang candies on the Christmas tree.Jump and jump, jump and jump,
There is a jump around the tree.
I'll do it this time
We have a matinee now.I look at the clock all day
And I walk around the room.
Santa Claus must come
And bring a gif.webpt.During the day I caught snowflakes
To invite you home.
I spent a lot of energy
In a fighting attempt.
Snowflakes fall on the snow
And they stay for the night.I'm running down the street!
I'm lying in the snow!
I'm going downhill with the breeze
Together with the snowman!
I fell on the ice
On my happy New Year!I'm driving fun to,
Fly from the hill into the snowdrifts.
Dust off, laugh
And climb the hill again!Early early in the morning,
We make a snowman.
Let's go to the tree in the evening,
Let's read the poem!I see in the ball on the tree
Reflection of a needle!
Not one, but many of them,
All those green ones.Educators for us,
They are holding a matinee now.
Thank you very much,
Param pampam, param pampam!The city just doesn't know
New Year has come to play.
Bright toys
Beautiful firecrackers.The sun plays all day
Also celebrates the New Year.
You need to help the sun
I'll play all day.I - on the sled, sled - down the hill,
I have only delight!
Moved out, the sleighs are standing,
They themselves do not want to go uphill!
I had to raise myself
Well, five more times.Ellie, Goodwin and Totoshka
In a hut on chicken legs.
We decided to celebrate the New Year,
Here's a miraculous coup.Mom bakes a cupcake in the morning
Waiting for us in kindergarten
Matinee and Santa Claus,
And gif.webpts for the locomotive.Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Now everyone has spoken.
Just try not to come
Well, Santa Claus, just wait!Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf,
Hare, wolf, fox, giraffe.
Masha, there are three bears,
Aybolit, heroes,
They are also waiting for Santa Claus,
The songs are already singing.Dunno, Umka kolobok,
They opened the grandfather's bag,
But Santa Claus did not scold them,
And he gave everyone a gif.webpt.
Still not good
Open the bag without asking!We walk in the store
The basket is already full.
New Year, so New Year,
A lot of goodies are waiting for us!Our tree is the highest
She has beautiful fur.
Outfits, wow, goose bumps.
Let Yudashkin himself envy!We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is one.
I will draw at once
An orange vase.

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