New Year is not only a time of plans and hopes, but also a time to have a lot of fun. After all, even a big boss at a corporate party can turn into a good-natured uncle, and a strict teacher at a school disco can start dancing. This is the time when everyone wants to rest, relax and have fun. Let's not miss this chance! Send a friend, girlfriend or acquaintance a cool postcard for the New Year 2022, let them smile. Some of the postcards are so successful that they travel by phone every year. And if you get it back from a completely different person - do not be surprised: this is how humor works, because they want to share.
These cool postcards are completely free. To enlarge the option you like, click on the desired picture and you're done! Now you can send it to the addressee.
Some of the cards - only with inscriptions, and some - with funny poems, some with the symbol of the year - a cute Goby. Choose what you like best. And a Happy New Year!