This type of applied art gets its name from the Latin word applicatio ("attachment"). Children especially like to do applique work. But this is her only fun and interesting activity for kids. For example, the application in the form of a Bull will help the child not only improve the skills of using scissors, but also introduce them closer to the animal, which will become the symbol and patron of the New Year 2021.
Types of applications:
- From paper
- On an old disk
- Felt and fabric
Symbol of the year made of paper
This is the most popular type of applique among children. You don't need complex tools or expensive materials to work, and minimal skills in working with scissors and glue will help you create real masterpieces out of paper.
To make a flat Bull out of paper, you will need the following tools and materials:
- Cardboard and colored paper. Cardboard is used as a base to which the details of the picture will be glued. As for colored paper, you can use any that you can find (one-sided, two-sided for origami, corrugated, wrapping, velvet and others). Different colors and textures help develop tactile sensations in children. The main thing is that the color scheme of the selected material is suitable for the craft.
- Stationery scissors. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. For children from 6 years old, all-metal scissors with rubberized handles and a product length of 16 cm are suitable. For younger young craftsmen and craftswomen, tools up to 12 cm long are suitable. Blades must be sharp.
- Stationery glue. Both the usual PVA and glue stick are suitable here. But it is imperative to emphasize that for a neat application it is important not to overdo it with glue, but to apply it only along the contour or pointwise.
If in the family someone is seriously involved in paperwork, for example, scrapbooking, then you can use curly hole punches to cut out small decorative elements.
There are different types of applications. Depending on the composition, there are:
- subject, which consists of one separate image (for example, a house, tree, bird);
- plot, which reflects some action or event (for example, a bull grazes on a lawn, a butterfly sat on a flower).
Depending on the technique of execution, the application is:
- according to the template, when individual parts are cut out and glued to the base; the template can be simple or complex;
- volumetric from pieces, when the image is created by gluing small pieces of colored paper to the base; it helps to get volume and texture;
- mixed using both techniques.
Thus, in kindergarten or school, you can make a bull using one of the above templates or draw a silhouette of an animal based on the silhouette and glue it with small pieces of paper. Older children will be able to make a plot applique from a bull according to a pattern and, for example, a voluminous lawn from pieces of green paper.
Using the technique of application by pattern, you can also make a beautiful wall panel or other crafts in the form of a Bull from a DVD disc.
Bull applique made of fabric and felt
If someone thinks that applique is an activity exclusively for children, then he is simply not familiar with the work of the Australian textile artist Annemieke Mein (Annemieke Mein).
Her paintings depicting flora and fauna fascinate with realism and arouse admiration, but it is impossible to repeat them without appropriate knowledge. It is much easier to make a symbol of the year according to one of the templates presented, and then decorate a phone or tablet case with it, or close a small defect on children's clothes (a stain, a hole).
To create felt and fabric appliques, you will need the following tools and materials:
- felt and fabric of appropriate colors;
- sewing threads and floss;
- scissors for textiles;
- adhesive tape;
- needle or sewing machine.
Sequence of work:
- First you need to select a sketch and decide on the shape and size of the applique;
- Then pick up materials for work and cut out the details.
- Place parts of the picture on the background and sew them on. For convenience, you can pre-glue everything with an adhesive tape.
- The finished work must be ironed from the wrong side.
When creating an image from fabric, it is imperative to process the edges of the parts with a overcast seam so that they do not crumble, with felt there is no such need.
And here we have collected voluminous felt gobies.
The applique in the form of a Bull can be not only a decoration for clothes or accessories, but also a picture. To do this, it can be sewn on or glued to a base made of the same fabric or felt, and then framed.